
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH5: Awakening

The apartment complex started shaking, the mutant deer had forced itself into the building and was causing havoc on the first floor. The one thing that worried me the most however is its size. It has gotten bigger, the last time I saw it the beast was two meters but now it is over 4 meters in height. The shape of its mouth has also gotten bigger, it is similar to the form of a crocodile. Maybe because it was too big, it walked out of the apartment complex. It walked away from the building and went across the road and turned around. It looked up at us, I could see its mouth curve up into a smile. The beast then lowered its head and then charged into the side of the building, the force of the impact caused the building to start shaking.

Ratsel: "That thing is trying to collapse the building we have to find a way out now."

"We have to somehow get to John's car"

As we were talking we noticed that John had not spoken in a while. As we turn around we notice that John had collapsed on the floor. Ratsel quickly approaches him and checks his condition.

Ratsel: "I think John fainted. His heart is beating at a really fast rate similar to what happened when we passed out."

"We have to get to the car, ill carry John can you get the bags."

Ratsel and I both went towards the stars, we couldn't take the elevator because it led directly to the front lobby. I was able to easily carry John, for some reason I can feel myself getting stronger. It looks like Ratsel also felt the same, she was easily able to carry the bags. As we descended the stairs we encountered a problem, the only way to the parking garage was through the front lobby. The entire front wall was broken, if we crossed the lobby the mutant deer would spot us.

"Ratsel, I will try to distract the deer can you get John to the car."

Ratsel: "Don't worry about John, I can take care of him. I don't think you should be a decoy that thing can kill you easily."

Even though Ratsel said that I felt confident, almost as if everything would be okay. I believed that if I fought this beast I would be able to understand some of the changes happening to me.

"Ratsel doesn't worry, ill take care of myself. Hand me your backpacks."

I quickly take the backpack and run towards the parking garage entrance. I toss the backpacks into the garage and run out of the building, the only things I am carrying is the Rifle and the pistol. At this point, the mutant deer already noticed me. It lowered its horns and began charging at me.

This is going to be really hard to dodge, I can't retreat back into the complex because Ratsel should be moving John to the car right about now; I can't jump left or right because it will just change directions and ram into me with those horns. I quickly dash right where a bench is and get on top of it to anticipate the oncoming tackle, my only option is to jump over it.

I toss my rifle to the side, its weight would only make it harder to jump. The distance between us only 3 meters, it already tilted its head and changed directions when it saw me dash right. I calm my self and wait for the right moment. When it is 1 meter away from I jump up. Noticing my action it tries to lift its head but it is too late, I have already gone over its horns. I end up falling on its back, but then end up falling to the ground due to its momentum. The mutant deer is unable to stop its charge and ends up slamming into the right-wing of the apartment. The force from the impact causes the right side of the building to collapse onto it. Half of its body ends up being buried in the debris. I quickly get up and approach the back of the mutant deer, take out the pistol and grab one of its legs with my hand. I point the pistol at its thigh and start unloading the rounds of the pistol in the same spot. The beast lets out a ghastly shriek, I hope I managed to disable one its legs at least this way it won't be able to charge against me again.

The beast slowly stops screaming and also moving. I keep shooting the pistol but then notice that I have already gone through all the rounds. I drop the pistol and end up taking a deep breath, it's over I think. However, I was too careless I feel an enormous impact on my chest. I was kicked in the chest by its remaining back leg, I was sent flying. I fall to the ground 2 meters away and start coughing, I am confused a kick with such force should have killed me but I am barely injured, I try to get up. But it was too late, it the moment I was sent flying the mutant deer must have gotten out of the debris. It did not give me any chance of getting up, it stumbled its way to me and placed its front leg on my chest. It started to place the weight of its body on my chest. I started screaming, I am in pain; however, my chest did not cave in. As I was in pain screaming I notice an arrow fly swiftly and lodge itself into the deer's eye. Once again it starts letting out a ghastly wail, I look over and notice John standing on top of his car with a hunting bow in his hand. The mutant deer still kept its leg on me and in rage it immediately brought down its jaw attempting to bite my throat. I use both my hands to grab its nose and lower jaw. I got a clear view of its face as it tried to bite me, its teeth were incredibly sharp and its remaining eye was completely red out of rage.

This might be it for me, I thought. I was slowly losing the strength in my arms and the jaw was getting closer and closer to my throat. In the midst of my end, I closed my eyes, but it was not dark I can see an orb of fire, it was glowing like the sun. I opened my eyes and noticed something different from my hands, they were on fire.

The fire did not burn my hands, rather it felt warm and gentle. The mutant deer started wailing, its lower jaw and nose were scorched from the fire in my hands. I forced myself up and instinctively lifted both my hands. The fire on both my hands started to fuse together and started to take shape. What appeared in my hands is a spear, it is golden in color, the tip of the spear splits into two and forms a circle, there is a sharp blade at the top as well as two blades on the left and right side of spear.

I use both my hands to aim the spear at the mutant deer's neck and charge in. The moment the spear comes in contact with the neck a fire ignites at the tip. The spear easily penetrates through the neck. I then stumble back pulling out the spear in the process, the beast is finally dead. I see the eye become dull and colorless, finally, it's over I survived.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The spear is a bit similar to something that another character has but I won't say anything. If you figured it out great.

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