
A dream or A reality?

The world contain two agencys 'Yankai' and 'Yokai'. Yankai fight for the welfare of people and protect them but... Yokai on the other hand tend to cause caos and trouble, causing Havoc in the society. The leader of Yokai is a heartless women, who seeks pleasure in violence and suffering. A very few people get power and its there desition to be a 'Good' or 'Evil'. Some Yokai get there normal body but some losses all humanity and because mindless monsters. All who join the yokai get corrupted. The leader is above all of them and her evil is unmatched. She's known as "the queen of devils". But Yankai, work for good and there leader is a kind lady. tho appears to look mean, she's very kind. That why she earns the name "the Angel" or "The Staff of God". She treats all As members equally. Her wisdom is beyond comprehension. She work dag and night endless to bring the city to peace. Now for a tale and as quiet reality, Rumour has it that The powerful clan Tanzaki has neverever lost there position, as the 'The Strongest clan ever since the 16th centuary. They alway won wars which made the other clans afraid. The Tanzaki clan had. the largest land in all of japan, But soon in the 19th centuary. A law came out that 'all clans who has land should hand it over te gevernment, From now on none should rule over any places.. It ment that from that time on the kingly must end. All the clans agreed but that didn't stop Tanzaki chan to stop being the strongest. In the curent days "tanzaki' I one of the only clans that exisite.. But they never lost anything, It was as if they had infinit money. There was a rumour that said that one of the members or much known as the leader of that time... God knows how, he summond a Genie who granted his wish of never ending power and money...But all good thing last long The same leader was attacked the day after and fell into a coma but he saw something a purple figure stares at him till the day he woke up. No one knows what he saw but the moment he woke up he kept screaming "WERE CURSED!" over and over again....Since that day they were considered CURSED but soon a local and very trusted priest went to him and broke the news for him about this curse....

Rimuuu · Horror
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1 Chs


Unmei was born in a family full of misfortune. There family has been suffering from this for over a decade and no one knows the real reason for such a curse. A few days after Unmei was born his parents died in an accident. That's why his relatives named him 'Unmei' which mean "unfortunate" or "unlucky". He was raised by his grand parents till they died of old age. But by then he was 16. So he managed on his own.

Unmei was born in a very rich and prestigious clan in Japan. they never went out of power and it was as if they had unlimited money. Anyone who tried to steal there riches for them all died.

Most people wondered why they were so cursed no one realized that there was a curse running through them. Every generation a child is selected by the curse. Most parents pray that there child is not its victim but some just have kids praying that there child is the next victim. Because the child with the curse is the owner of all the family's inheritance.

This curse bring sorrow and suffering but grant you immense power called 'Yankai'. Few people of this world are granted with yankai its a magical power that channels through the humans that help them to fight monstrous creatures. its includes photographic reflexes, summoning, super(human) strength, time travel/time bending, immortality, wall crawling, possession, hypnosis, healing, reanimation, astral projection, siren song, combustion inducement, super speed. And the person with curse has all of them and is considered the strongest Yankai ever.

Unmei was now 16 and today was the day for the curse to select its next victim. All the family member, there personal servants and guards and the grand priest were assembled there, all the children were made to stand in a straight line in order from oldest to youngest. one by one the children must come forward and place there hand on the purple globe in the center of the table. The child that does not get electrocuted will be the next victim. One by one they all passed till there were three more left unmei was the second last since he was the second youngest. His cousin went forward and placed his hands on the globe, his parents watched him with anticipation. They never cared for there own son they just wanted all the money. unmei and him were very close. his names was Daichi. unmei also watched him with anticipation. daichi raised his hand and placed his hand on the globe..... ZAP!.... Daichi was not the selected one... his parents looked at him with anger and disappointment in there eyes. Daichi looked at his parents and started sobbing. He always knew that the reason for his existence was this only and now that he had failed he was afraid of what his parents might do. unmei knew about this and hugged his brother who's sobbing. One of the guards came and took Daichi. It was Unmei's turn now he stood there in front of the globe, he slowly raise his arm and shut his eyes closed..... he placed his hands on the globe.... no one spoke a thing it was pin drop silent.... no zapping no electrocution....

"he's the chosen on!"

the priest shouted and the others clapped there hands. Daichi went to unmei and hugged him. The priest walked up to me and gave me his hand and I held it....

"take him to the room....its time."

I was very confused.


Unmei asked him. He looked at me and smiled. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said

"The curse is going to enter you body and its very dangerous for people to be near, so your ancestors made a room a little far from the town for the selected person to stay till the entering is complete..."

Unmei was speechless and stayed quiet.

"Will he be alright? when will he be back?"

daichi asked.

"it depends... but the, maximum is a week.... but the process is quiet painful... but I'm sure he'll be alright."

the priest said as lead me outside outside the room. He took Unmei out an told him that every thing has been arraigned from food, water, clothes. Everything he need to survive for the next 1 week.

Unmei was brought to the house... It was very old and abandoned.. But it was very modern and clean on the inside...

"Am I going to stay here... alone?" 

"No, young master.... there will be an entity here to help you with chores and help manage the pain..."

"An.... entity, is it hostile??"

"No! No! It harmless.... she has been taking care of the chosen one since the beginning, And she was made for this sole purpose. "


Unmei was introduced to the 'entity' the entity was a preety body, he looked straight at unmei and smiled...And placed his hand on his head.

"you must be the next chosen one i'm glad i could help, if you need anything please call me..

"okay....but what your name?"


"nice to meet you Daisuke san...."

"you too young one."

Daisuke lead me into the house and showed me around...The house was preety small but very comfortable...He showed me my room and went to cook food for him...

'According to the priest the pain should start soon...'  he thought 

he looked at his palm and it was shaking Am I scared? he thought as he layed on the bed and looked up.. he closed his eyes trying to drift to sleep..

but soon A sharp pain appeared on his chest it felt like it was burning he placed his hand on his chest... He was breathing heavy and loud. He noticed a purple fog coming out of his mouth.....

'What is this? its getting hard breath'

He tried to call out for Daisuke but not a single voice came through.... it was as if he lost his voice but soon.... He started to dose off and fell fast asleep...

Daisuke opened the door to see Unmei laying on the bed sleeping or so he thought but the moment he was not asleep he was in a trance.... Daisuke went quiet and looked around the room there wwas a dark purple fog everywhere...


I'm not the best in stary writing but i hope you like it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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