
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

The Heavens Helping Hand

Fang Mei fought the demon for some time indeed her chakra control and merging capability had improved greatly. on top of that, her cultivation was now so high, but she had some remaining energy within her system which had yet to be fully refined from Sora pills, so through this battle, she managed not to only have a breakthrough but to also improve her energy control and merging capability, while also refining her strength

But she was not matched for so many demons attacking her, Sora had to help her from time to time, of course, she didn't notice him when he did so. This allowed Fang Mei to put her full attention on the battle before her.

Once the battle was over, Fang Mei couldn't help but laugh feeling the power she could now lash out with. With a shocking power level of over 2 million, she was capable of fighting against the average level 9 gold-rank experts. Sure Sora was still stronger than her with a power level far above a billion, but she was still powerful in her own right.

As for the injuries she suffered? she had quick recovery capability which Sora guessed had to do with her physique or the fact she too cultivated the 3 heads 6 arms Diagram. maybe it was both, so her injuries healed after a few seconds and she was good as known. what left Sora speechless was the fact her comprehension of the 3 heads and 6 arms diagram was at the 3rd like his, which made him wonder when she could comprehend stuff so well.

"Alright let's go find something to do," Sora said lazily, making Fang Mei who was happy with her current strength displeased slightly that her celebration had to be cut short. but Seeing Sora about to leave, she quickly checked the bodies of the demons and after getting some useful stuff, she caught up to Sora, but she quickly noticed the prince running after them, not wanting to be left behind.

"... prince, you should know a thing or two about this place. point out where all the interesting stuff is at. treasures, forbidden grounds, or whatever." Sora said calmly stunning the prince for a moment, but he quickly nodded and went on to take Sora to where he wanted to go after giving Sora a short list of the most valuable stuff.

Sora of course wanted to hit the most valuable one, which was located in the main base of the demon race. it was called a heaven and earth crystal, gaining this crystal could allow one to comprehend this world's laws even before reaching the young soul realm or having a soul power level of 1 billion.

to make this crystal even more valuable, it was birthed under two heavens, the demon realms heaven and the 4 regions heavens. meaning with that crystal, Sora could not only comprehend the 4 regions' laws but even the demon realm laws.

Sora wanted to get his hands on that crystal, and he didn't care that he was within the main base of the demon realm. they couldn't take it out of the demon realm thanks to the fact the crystal can only remain within this space or else it would be pulled back by this space after some time.

"When will the main force come so we can defeat this trash? don't they know the more we give them, the more time we give to those of the other 4 regions to come to land them a hand?" A demon with one large horn on his forehead asked while looking far away toward the human camp

other demons nodded in agreement, they wanted to conquer this lower realm as soon as they could, the longer they took the more time they are giving their enemy to grow.

"the commander is working on a plan, once the signal is given, we are to set off for what," a huge demon with dark red skin said calmly, stunning the demon who looked towards him, wanting him to explain more. the demon hesitated for a moment before going on to speak, but the barrier surrounding this camp exploded, as a huge black ball came falling towards the ground.


The Huge ball hit the ground with a huge explosion, swallowing the whole camp and killing countless... like that a demon camp was destroyed.

"what about the storage rings?" Fang Mei cried seeing this, meanwhile, the prince was shaking in horror seeing Sora's power, how could such power be allowed to be within this space by the heaven and earth?

of course that was because Sora's cultivation wasn't high. but this was not too overwhelming.

"Let's go, the resources here are not as good as those within the main camp," Sora said calmly, so they headed to the next camp which was stronger than the one Sora destroyed, but Sora could easily show a power level of a billion, so there was no trouble.

there was a total of 5 camps before Sora reached the main camp, at which point, Sora didn't destroy the whole camp. instead, adjusting his strength to be 10 billion, he walked into the camp... well, to him he was walking, but to the outside world, he was pretty much teleporting.

everyone he passed, Sora saw that the world was frozen. Sora trapped the pressure point of every demon he passed by while also collecting their storage ring. Sora was relaxed, it was like he was walking through a park, instead, time was frozen and he was stealing and tapping stuff.

With his spiritual senses out, Sora was capable of finding where every demon was at, and every treasure was at. to him it was more like 10 hours that passed, yet no demon was capable of even blinking within such a time.

'as cool as this is, I pretty much traveled 10 hours into the future while aging those 10 hours.' Sora thought as he arrived before Fang Mei and the prince who also seemed to be frozen. Sora sat down, next to them, and a moment later time returned to normal.

Boom Boom Boom

Countless explosions went off within the camp, leaving both Fang Mei and The prince shocked and confused as to what just happened. Those explosions were simple, Sora hit the pressure point of every demon, causing them to explode.

Sora waved his hand, creating a barrier, the next moment a huge force slammed into the barrier, this was from Sora's speed. everywhere Sora had passed exploded into flames, and followed him back here, but there was a clear lag to such a thing.

'I need a movement technique.' Sora thought with a slight frown seeing the damage his speed had caused, speed like this was cool and all. but if this force would have caught up to him while he was going at full speed, it could have even damaged him, or set him on fire.

the thing about the technique is that they allow one to move at top speed without the need to worry about their speed causing any damage to the world around them, while also enhancing one movement speed.

"w-what happened?" Fang Mei asked in shock, Sora just smiled at her and didn't bother to explain. From his storage ring, countless amount of rings appeared, shocking both Fang Mei and the prince.

"they are almost useless to me, I will take these two," Sora said calmly while keeping two storage rings and giving the rest to Fang Mei. Fang Mei quickly went through them and her eye twitched seeing how much rare and valuable stuff was within them, yet they were all useless to Sora.

they quickly left and found a place to cultivate, they sat down and began to cultivate while Fang Mei threw the trash she didn't want to the prince, he happily thank him. Another man's trash is another man's treasure.

Sora on the other hand had the heaven and earth crystal. for the following few months, he went on to use this crystal to comprehend the law. but he quickly understood why one needs to reach the young soul realm or have a soul power level of a billion.

this is because the law is something no normal mortal could comprehend, the amount of knowledge alone is enough to cause one mind to explode. when one reaches the Young Soul, their soul takes the form of a young baby, that quality change allows them to be able to withstand and comprehend the laws but not too many.

A soul with a power level of 1 billion was strong enough to also withstand the power of the laws.

looking into the laws of heaven and earth was pretty much looking into the working of the world. one can gain many secrets and knowledge through this, such gains Sora got his hands on was how the laws were ranked through mastery.

low success was the first stage of the laws, it was split into 3 levels,

level 1 gave one a power level of 50,000

level 2 gave one a power level of 100,000

level 3 gave one a power level of 200,000

Mid-success was the second stage, it was also split into 3 levels

level 4 gave one a power level of 500 thousand

level 5 gave one a power level of 2 million

level 6 gave one a power level of 100 million

high success was the 3rd stage, it was also split into 3 levels.

level 7 gave one a power level of 500 million

level 8 gave a power level of 5 billion

level 9 gave a power level of 50 billion

There seemed to be more, but that was all that Sora could see for now. all laws gave the same amount of power, but the power given can drop if faced off against someone with a law that counters them,

another way a law can give one a smaller amount of power is if one miss understood the law, which would force them to try and find what they miss understood. but miss understanding a law could also give one greater strength than others.

Sora's mind was unique and was capable of withstanding 1 law, so after searching for some time among the many laws he could comprehend, he picked the law of destruction, he would one day become a god, and he might as well get a head start.

While Sora was comprehending the law of destruction, the human race was in chaos, the sudden destruction of the demon race, but there was no name of the ranking board, confusing many as to what could have happened.

if there was a new name that had appeared, it would have been reasonable to guess that that person did all of this, but since there was no name on the ranking board, it meant that the person responsible for all of this was not from their realm

the news reached all over the 4 realms, and even the monsters above the gold rank caught news of what happened, forcing them to look into heaven's secrets to see what was going on, and once they did they enraged the heavens. Storm clouds gathered above a few of such experts, and the heavens lashed down upon them with all their might, killing a few, and seriously injuring others.

"interesting, to the heavens would go to such great lengths to protect you. maybe it sees you as the future and hopes to avoid it being swallowed. you protect it, and it shall do the same for you." An old man said with a slight smile while looking towards the heavens, the heavens allowed him to see within its secrets, as he was not a traitor of the realm like the others.

"it seems this realm has hope... but you shouldn't have acted so soon, the demon race would not take this lightly." He said with a deep sigh, it seemed like he would have to stretch his old muscles once more.

within the demon realm, a huge demon face was held while trying to look into heaven's secrets. unlike those of the 4 regions, he could see everything. that space Sora was within was from 2 heavens, so although the humans couldn't, their heavens allowed them to get an image of Sora, but it was not clear as the heavens from the 4 regions were shielding Sora, so they could only make out a few details.

"Someone with the quality to be a realm ruler has been born... find him and kill him. Since he is capable of entering that space, he is not within the 4th stage of cultivation just yet, but let's assume he is at the peak of the 3rd cultivation within all 4 systems, and has a power level of 500 million." the demon said coldly, shocking all who heard his words. was that not overestimating that human too much?

but many of the old demons understood what this demon was saying, in the past the demon lord, the ruler of this demon realm also had a power level of 1 billion while at the peak of the 3rd realm of cultivation within all of the systems. when he went all out, he was capable of showing such a shocking level of power, allowing him to overpower those realms above his own. but that was countless yes ago, not the demon lord had many children with some showing more power than him back then.

"I will contract the demon lord, I'm sure he would be more than interested to hear that we have stumbled upon our first world with such a talent." the demon said before using the law of space to teleport far away, where he went to go seek the demon lord...

"you think you can run?" an expert yelled in rage while running after Giga Chad, who was carrying a little girl in his hands, and fleeing. the expert was not the only one running after him, as countless other experts were running after him.

Gigi Chad at level 1 Sea Qi, Level 6 Iron rank, and level 10 Soul refinement was capable of outrunning experts all at the Core formations realm, a show of his strength and capability. he was sure he could fight them one on one, but he would be outnumbered and needed to protect his little sister

"big brother, leave me behind. you need to run." She said weakly, to which Giga Chad ignored her. his eyes narrowed seeing a forest up ahead, he should be able to lose them within that forest, hopefully, there were many powerful beasts within, and that would be perfect.

So, Giga Chad jumped, entering the white forest, as soon as his foot touched the ground, copies of himself shot from his body, flying all over the forest. this forced the experts to try and destroy the forest with one quick move, but they quickly found this trees here were extremely hard, so they had no choice but to split up and follow the many clones,

'what happened here?' Giga thought in shock seeing bodies laid all over the ground not too far away. the smell from these bodies was strong, but he quickly noticed a few storage rings on some of these dead bodies.

'that's a storage ring? wait, is this the white tiger forest? so this is where Sora fought...' He thought as his eyes burned with determination, Sora was someone he aimed to suppress, everyone knew of Sora and his actions. but he was more than sure that he would be able to not only catch up to Sora's freakish level of power but even overshadow it.

why was he so sure? but this is going to be his 3rd life, with knowledge of 3 lifetimes, he was more than sure he could become something big. sure this life was strange as he is within a different system than his old one, but still, he was someone who started from a small world called Earth, died, and was reborn into a cultivation world, he only died when all the experts attack him when he was about to breakthrough, and reach a realm never seen before. luckily, he was sure something like that might happen, so he was ready for his death.

using the power from his failed breakthrough before his death, he unleashed a powerful technique that allowed him to be reborn once more. and starting from within his mother's stomach, he was awake and was building himself the perfect body, which caused his mother to be sick, but he made up for the trouble he caused her 100 times over by being the most loving child she could have until her death

in all 2 lives before this one, he was someone without any family, so he grew super close to his mother and sister. and grew to hate his father who suddenly disappeared one day, without a word, in this life, his family became his bottom line. if someone so much as dared to speak ill of his mother, they grew to regret it greatly.

and since his sister is the only thing he had left, he had to make sure she was okay. but his sister was beautiful, too beautiful that she caught the attention of some young master, leading him to 'accidentally' kill the young master, and 'accidentally' kill a few more people, leading to this trouble.

he would admit, he overreacted. but he was super protective of his sister, and with some young master trying to get all close to her and lay his hands on his sister, how could he take that? plus, his sister has been sick for the past few days and he has been panicking none stop to find a cure for her. this was the last thing he needed right now,