
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

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Within the Red Bear capital, Sora, Fang Mei, and the prince arrived. they had stayed within the otherworldly battlefield for some time, and this was their first time out after leaving. after these actions there, Sora didn't bother to stay as he did his job, now it was time for the other humans to step up.

on the other hand, he wanted to get ready before heading to the northern region, the strongest region. it was so powerful its size alone was greater than all the other 3 regions put together, the power that part held was something hard for those of the lower regions to comprehend,

"Young master, how about I help you two relax? I can show you two around and ensure you leave this region without any regrets." The prince said with a funding smile, Sora shrugged slightly at his words. he didn't mind spending a month doing completely nothing, but enjoying life. relaxing was what he needed after comprehending the law of destruction

"Really? Let's go shopping." Fang Mei jumped at the chance to have a good time, the thought of buying all the goods this region held made her happy, but she had to first sell all the gods she had to make tunes of money. which the prince should be able to do.

"..." Fang Mei bright eyes suddenly died down as she threw a cold look towards Sora, she still remembered the countless storage rings in the white tiger forest, but Sora only took the ones he was interested in, and rushed her to leave so she couldn't collect the rest.

Sora had no money sense, the guy was the type who would pray to god that you give him a reason to rob you naked. So why would he care much about making money when he can just take what he needs?

Not wanting to see Sora's face, Fang Mei asked the prince to have someone take her to go sell her goods, to which the prince nodded as if he was trying to get her away from them. So, the prince back to the castle where the emperor personally greeted them upon seeing Sora was there. Sora might scare the emperor, he was not willing to be the next emperor to lose his head.

Sora didn't care much about the emperor and just wanted to enjoy life with the few days he was swallowing himself to enjoy it. he never really had the chance to enjoy life after leaving the village, so this would be a first.

So the prince went on to show Sora around, showing Sora the best restaurants. at first, Sora had no interest in food, but after taking a bite of the food. his mortal hunger awakened with strength like none other,

"... what is this?" Sora asked while looking at the food placed before him which looked like fine art. the prince smiled seeing Sora's shocked look, he expected as much. Sora was someone who never got the chance to eat food cooked by an expert, once he truly eat such fine food his eyes shall open.

this food was enough to make a mortal orgasm to death, a cultivator's taste buds were something a mortal couldn't compare to. this was even more so for body cultivators, normally they have sharp senses which would make normal food feel... lifeless.

"This is the best food the lower regions have to offer. As the kingdom faces the demon realm, worries here have the best food and many other things to treat their worldly needs and remind them just what they are fighting for. after all, the normal warrior would stay within the otherworldly battlefield for many years, with even some staying up to hundreds of years within." the prince said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly while enjoying his meal, stunning the prince as the table before Sora seem to have all its food pop out of existence,

"more," Sora said, the hunger of a Saiyan was something such a small amount of food could easily fill. so more food was brought, the old trays were taken away, and more tables were brought over to fill all the food Sora wanted to eat. the many experts within the restaurant who were watching this scene were speechless and horrified, but of course, they had to record such a scene... this was the legendary Sora after all.

after eating food that was enough for over 50 men, Sora sat back while rubbing his stomach, which hit the spot. but Sora was not an ungrateful person,

"Here, I took this off some demons," Sora said as he threw a storage ring at the waitress who was covered in sweat, today she had the work out of a lifetime, running back and forth with all types of food more than 100 times,

"This is too much." The waitress's hands felt heavy the moment she saw what was within the storage ring, it was filled with all types of treasures. useless to Sora, but to others they were a treasure.

"take it as a tip... I will have the prince check up on you guys to make sure your buys didn't do anything dirty. if he did I will kill him for you guys." Sora said with a smile, he was in a good mood and saw just how much work he put this poor little thing through, so he was going to reward her the right way.

"t-thank you," she said with a bow, to which Sora waved it off and went on with his day, and left with the prince who was secretly sighing in relief that he didn't pay as he didn't have enough with how much Sora paid. one should know that this was the best place to eat within the lower regions, everything here was pricey.

If Fang Mei knew that Sora wasted so much money on such a place, she would have died on the spot. just because you're in a good mood doesn't mean giving away so much money. if this was earth, Sora's bill would have been just a few hundred a thousand, but with the tip, it shot up to over 10 million, that was more than 10 times what he had to pay.

Anyways, the prince took Sora shopping, but Sora was not interested in clothing since he had a boi suit on. but he did buy some clothing to wear over the bio-suit, after which the prince went on to show Sora the rest this world had to offer he was missing out on...

meanwhile, Fang Mei let out a mad laugh as she looked at her gains, so many spirit stones were given to her. so much so that the trading shop had to send her away as they didn't have enough for what she had, in the end, she had visited every place within the city, and was now the richest person in the region.

You might think she was in danger of showing off such power, but she could show a power level of 8 million, making her a powerhouse within the lower regions. plus she had the weapons she got from the demon realm which could enhance her strength, she was among the strongest people within the lower regions, and had nothing to fear.

After looking at the many storage rings on her finger, each filled with countless treasures, she was about to head off to look for Sora when she felt something. frowning slightly she looked up and saw someone she didn't expect of seeing.

"Sister." She called out softly, her eyes narrowing. Fang Yan floated in the air looking at her little sister. She knew she felt Fang Mei's physique so she stepped out to find her, and here Fang Mei was, laughing like a fool.

"what are you doing here?" Fang Mei asked through gritted teeth, Fang Yan just looked at her for some time, her eyes narrowing by the second.

"You want to fight? you had a head start, but I did more than simply catch up," Fang Mei said with an arrogant smile as flames exploded off her body. Fang Yan was shocked to see the power of such flames and Fang Mei cultivation which was at level 3 Core formations and level 5 silver rank.

but how? It had barely been a few months since they last met, Fang Mei went from the first stage of cultivation up to the 3rd. meanwhile, she was only at level 1 core formations, level 10 Iron rank, and level 8 Nasecent soul,

It was hard to believe that she who had a head start on cultivation was now falling behind and was greatly overpowered by her little sister. just what great things could she have stumbled upon, how could her power be so high, energy control be so refined, and be capable of merging it so smoothly?

"you looked down upon me all your life, you never expected you would be surpassed by those who you looked down upon." Fang Mei mocked making Fang Yan's face darken slightly, but in the end, she calmed down and shook her head.

"that does matter... I have been waiting for you. our mother is waiting for us in the northern regions, we can be together once more and our family can be whole." She said softly, stunning Fang Mei who sneered.

"what family? I have been ignored all my life growing up, be it my mother, father, or even you. none of you ever treated me like family. more like an unwanted guess. I will not go back with you, just tell them I died or something," She said with a sneer, making Fang Yan frown slightly.

"I promised Mother I will bring the whole family together. if you have a problem with the family, then speak up and don't run, it fixes nothing and only causes more trouble." Fang Yan said with a frown,

"it looks like you have to force me to return." Fang Mei said while waving at Fang Yan to come at her. Fang Yan was enraged slightly, in her eyes this little sister was rebelling. even if the family was treating you wrongly, the answer is never to rebel or run away, put in some work to fix it before trying and running away

"You right, I will have to do it by force..." Fang Mei said softly before looking toward the faraway distances,

"This is Uncle. our mother little brother," she said as the air suddenly grew heavy, Fang Mei froze as she saw a handsome young man walking over from afar, although he seemed slow, he was moving so fast he arrived before in a heartbeat.

"It seems like we have some family trouble. but Fang Yan is right, we should speak about this matter. blood is thicker than water, we should try and work out our troubles," He said with a smile, but Fang Mei was not having any of it. most likely they were interested in her because she had some talent now, would they have cared so much about her if she had never awakened her physique?

even so, she rather stays with Sora and follows him on his journey. there were so many regions to explore, and before heading to the northern regions they wanted to stop at the 2 other regions,

"sigh... what is the best choice here." the handsome young man stretched his head, not knowing what to do. he wanted to take Fang Yan back, but he couldn't force her to come with her, or else it would only increase her hatred towards the family.

In the end, force seemed to be the best choice, she was not going to listen to anything he had to stay. and he could allow someone so talented from their family to just walk around in the outside world, so he reached out forming a QI hand which grabbed Fang Mei, who tried to resist but found that she couldn't

"I'm sorry, if you want to hate anyone hate me." He said softly, but he suddenly froze as he felt some arm suddenly hold onto his outstretched hand. his heart skipped a beat as he didn't feel when this person made a move, it was like he suddenly appeared next to him.

"Sorry, but can you please let go of her... she is a find of mine," Sora said with a smile, with one hand holding onto the young man's hand, and another within his pocket, Sora looked super relaxed. but this only increased the pressure the young man felt,

"You're Sora? this is a matter of the Fang Caln, you have no business here." A young man's aid softly while trying to move his arm, but Sora increased his grip to the point he almost felt his arm about to shatter from the force.

"Then I would have to be nosey... you see I'm a person who values quality over quantity. I don't need a lot of friends, just 1 true friend is enough." Sora said softly, annoying Fang Mei slightly hearing Sora calling her a friend. she didn't know why, but that bugged her a lot, meanwhile, Fang Yan was questioning reality.

how could Sora be so powerful, it made no sense for him to be able to face their uncle. their uncle had a power level of 2 billion, yet what was this? how could both of them suddenly be so much more powerful than herself, she was unwilling to accept this deep down

"you're willing to enrage the whole Fang Clan?" The young man asked, giving Sora a warning to back off.

"do you clan want to enrage me... I think that's the better question. because I will happily welcome their anger. I grow through battle," Sora said with a smile, making a chill run through the young man's spin as he remembered just who he was trying to warn.

Sora let him go, and the young man pulled his head back, allowing Fang Mei to move once more.

"..." The young man rubbed the part Sora was holding, due to the force it was in extreme pain at the moment. He sighed deeply while looking at Fang Mei and back at Sora, the clan would not let Fang Mei roam freely, once stronger experts make a move, they would truly enrage Sora. at which point... who knows, this freak known as Sora would have his eyes set upon them. would they be the ones he was falling out, or would they be many along the path of destruction? Sighing, he took Fang Yan away and disappeared.

"you alright?" Sora asked calmly, to which Fang Mei nodded slightly. before she suddenly turned and left, heading towards the cultivation chamber where experts had pretty much infused with Qi to help sleep up cultivation. She felt weak, something that no one liked feeling.

Sora didn't stop her and simply looked at the fly which had been watching them this whole time. he turned to look far away at a tower, where a blonde-haired woman had her hair formed into a cycle which she was looking through,

"oh shit..." She said as she quickly grabbed her image reserves which gathered the image captured by the flies, and other stuff, and tried to run. but as soon as she turned, she saw Sora standing there, lazily looking at a fly pinched in between his fingers.

"so... is it safe to say someone sent you and I should kill you or what," Sora asked with a lazy smile, the woman grew nervous as she quickly shook her head, fear written all over her face.

"no, I'm your biggest fan. I have been recording all your fights and posting on the cultivator's web, allowing the world to see," she said quickly stunning Sora slightly.

"oh... well, then you have been doing a poor job at it. you missed my battle within the otherworldly battlefield. or when I was getting that inheritance. you missed out on some of my best moments." Sora said in disappointment, stunning the blonde-haired woman for a moment... she was confused not knowing what to say or do