
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

A Bug

"..." Fang Mei's pupils shrank upon stepping outside the forest just to find bodies laying all over the place. among them, Sora who was within the new and improved True Saiyan state sat,

"how long have I been in there?" She asked in shock, Sora who was sitting with legs crossed slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

"just 3 months," Sora said calmly before sitting up, Fang Mei was stunned hearing how long she was within the tower before she noticed something on Sora. Sora had scars on his body, but they were hidden by his clothing, but the ones that couldn't be hidden well were the 3 scars on his face

"They wouldn't heal... anyways, shall we get going?" Sora asked with a smile, Fang Mei looked around at the countless dead bodies, not knowing what to say. what could have taken place in the past 3 south

well, it was simple, experts from the southern regions and even the east region caught wind of what happened and came over. there was a lot, with even those with power levels at over a billion, but through all that chaos and battle, Sora managed to brake through to level 3 Core formations, level 3 Infant Soul, and level 7 Silver rank.

Currently, Sora had reached a power level of 12 billion without the need for things such as the Kaio Ken, or anything. just within this True Saiyan state and his newly improved energy control and merging capability allowed him to be so powerful.

His energy control brought him a 15 times boost to his strength, his merging capability brought a 12 times increase to his strength, and with the master true Saiyan state, that was a 1,000 times increase.

that was a total of 180,000 boosts to his strength, and that's not adding the Kaio Ken which he had mastered to the point he could use Kaio Ken times 8 without trouble, or the lotus which he currently had 2 of, and 1 more currently forming. He had wind, water, and earth was forming,

Going all out and using those powers, Sora could show a power level of 500 billion fists, but his body couldn't handle such power. his body would begin to break down from the inside out, the longest he is capable of holding that power of 1 second, a second more, and he would explode and die on the spot.

But to Sora, that one second would be like hours, but the backlash he would suffer was something Sora didn't want to imagine. in these past 3 months, Sora only broke through 2 levels which shows just how careful he had been. there were many powerful experts, even more coming each time Sora kill the last. it reached a point where no more experts came out of worry about Sora's strength

anyone with a power level of over 10 billion is considered powerful within this lower realm, but even within all 4 regions, such power was considered great. plus, Sora could simply jump into the white tiger forest and they couldn't follow as their cultivation would drop, leaving them helpless.

"Did you collect all of the treasures from them?" Fang Mei asked seeing a few storage rings on a few experts.

"I went through them with my spiritual sense, nothing caught my eye," Sora said lazily as walked off, Fang Mei quickly caught up to him and was speechless by Sora's height. but she quickly released he had transformed or something.

Fang Mei within this time had made a great improvement to her cultivation, unlike Sora whose cultivation was fast because of that Zenkai boosts, her cultivation was fast because of her cultivation talent. With these 3 months, she had managed to reach level 10 QI Sea, Level 1 Silver rank. Sure her combat level dropped, but that was only because her energy control and merging capability had dropped, but she could quickly reach her former level of mastery within a few weeks or a month.

So, they headed off toward the Kingdom Of Red Bear. it was one of the stronger kingdoms within the Western region. it was also one of the few kingdoms which didn't move to try and attack Sora with the other kingdoms, this was because all of its attention was on the front line with its battle with the demon race.

The white tiger forest and the Red bear kingdom were far, more than 10,000 Km, but thanks to Nimbus's speed which had reached a new height thanks to absorbing white and air-based pills, its strength and speed had reached a point where it could rival those at level 9 gold rank. which was slow for Sora, but this was for travel and not combat so he didn't care much. he was sure that even with the energy and time, the Nimbus's speed would grow and grow.

So, they arrived at the kingdom within only a few minutes, this kingdom was built closest to the island, and to go to the island, Sora needed to pass through there or else he could get in trouble.

But Sora's arrival at the kingdom, everyone quickly recognized him, how could they not know who Sora was? He was trending all over the world, everyone knew who he was. That battle with the many experts from many parts of the region which shook the western region caused the world to know him even if it didn't want to.

"Do you not know how to be low-key?" Fang Mei said feeling uneasy with all the attention they were getting. Sora sighed helplessly being famous is something he could care little about,

walking off, they quickly arrived at where they could get the rights to enter the otherworldly battlefield, once they gained that, Sora and Fang Mei left. the island was far, the map didn't do it jutsu. also, the island was not small like seen on the map, it was huge and could cold millions of people without trouble.

but when nearing the island, a demonic QI filled the area, suppressing and causing Fang Mei and Sora's power levels to drop slightly. but it was only by a small amount, they barely noticed, but this still shocked them. this Qi was not targeting anyone or anything, it was just its passive might suppressing them.

then once they enter the otherworldly battlefield, how big of a suppression would they feel? this suppression was simply the demon realm aura leaking into their realm. although their realm suppressed that power, it was weaker than the demon realm,

Landing on the island, they noticed many camps laid all over the place. Sora instantly noticed a powerful formation was laid here, Sora could easily guess what the formations would before, just in case this region lost, that formations were to buy this region time for experts from other regions to come to lend a helping hand.

in the middle of this island, there was a huge temple that had stairs leading to a portal that lead to the demon realm. Sora and Fang Mei didn't care to waste time here so they went on head to the portal right away, and entered after showing some proof that they were approved to enter.

Upon entering, they quickly felt some the weight of the world pressing down on them. this caused their power level to drop by half. This stunned Sora as the level of power dropped seemed to be half for everyone, Sora guessed this should be the rule which make up this space.

they were not within the human realm or even the demon realm. this battlefield was in a space in between the two worlds, acting like a bridge for the other race to enter their world. there were 4 such spaces, but the 4 spaces had a limit to cultivation, anyone, too powerful would suffer the wrath of the world, and if that doesn't kill them. the world would self destruct killing itself and taking them out with it

Sora and Fang Mei had stepped out of the portal to arrive at a camp. the camp was of course of the human race, this was one of the many camps built within this battlefield. up ahead, Sora could sense other cities which acted like layers of defense against the demon realm,

the camp they were at was considered peaceful, they had never been attacking for countless years thanks to the many layers of defense they had.

Sora didn't come here for peace, so he left and headed up to the most chaotic camp with Fang Mei following at his side. Along the way, they ran into many ranks 1 to rank 2 herbs which caught Sora off guard with how rich this world was.

Sora ignored all of them of course, but Fang Mei seeing a chance to make good money went on to pick every herb they came across, which annoyed Sora as it was slowing them down.

it took some time, but they soon arrived at a map that was surrounded by heavy walls. entering the map, Sora quickly found someone to ask around. with Sora's height, scars, and aura, there were a little few who would try and act cocky before him.

So, through the person he stepped, Sora got a lot of information. this camp was the first layer of defense against the demon realm race, but there were many defenses in the past which forced them to fall back, and at times they had a few wins which allowed them to reclaim lost land.

Demonic Qi was considered stronger than normal Qi they had, because of this, when one fights a demon their energy would be greatly suppressed, making them weaker than demons of the same level. although at times they had some wins, that was always because of some help from the other regions.

There was also a ranking board created personally by heaven and earth from their realm, depending on the strength of the demon, one would get points which they could use to get pretty much anything under the heaven and earth. this was created by the will of the heavens to motivate all leaving being to protect their realm.

There were a few other things to take note of, but after knowing everything, Sora set off with Fang Mei to see if they were lucky enough to find some treasure. but after searching for some time, they were not lucky enough to find anything worth wild, so while Sora was planning on heading back to the camp, he stepped as he felt a demonic aura.

looking far away, Sora had a confused look as this demonic aura seemed to be mixed with a human aura, confused he went on to head over.

"Yo!!" A handsome young man with long blonde hair was horrified while looking at his dead guards, he slowly looked up at the middle-aged man who was his protector, guardian, and teacher since he was a kid, covered with Demonic Qi

"Sorry prince, but I can reach greater heights on the side of the demons. the 4 region realm is down for." the middle-aged man said with a shake of his head, horrifying the handsome young man as he saw demons slowly surrounding them.

the demon race was unique, they came in all sizes, shapes, and colors. some were red with demonic wings behind them, and others were more human-like although they were still scary looking

"I will not kill you... as the prince of the Red Bear kingdom, you hold a special title. you can join the demon race and help them take down this lower region from the inside, or die... painfully" The middle-aged man makes the young man almost shit himself.

Without a second thought, he fell to his knees, as a spoiled prince the last thing he needed was to suffer any form of pain. plus he agrees with the middle-aged man, all they were doing in this battle was slowing down their defeat, with people like the middle-aged man betraying their world for the sake of power, they would soon be defeated.

"How cowardly, isn't your family well known for its hatred towards the demons?" A mocking voice sounded stunning the demons who quickly turned to see who was speaking, but as soon as they turned their head, their head exploded as powerful spiritual senses entered their head, causing their head to explode.

horrified, the middle-aged man looked at Sora who was slowly walking towards them, his eyes locked onto him.

"My apologies, I'm new to this playing hero thing... but should I also kill you for betraying your world?" Sora asked with a cold smile while looking at the prince who had hope filling his eyes seeing someone was going to save him, but that hope disappeared at Sora's words as he realized what he was about to do was seen.

"... you're sir Sora. please understand I was not going to betray my home, I was going to become a double-edged blade." the prince said in horror, but when he felt killing intent slowly filling the air, his horror grew. he looked at Fang Mei who wanted to kill him, disdain and disgust filling her world.

"How shameful, were you adopted or something? anyways, get yourself up and come over here, I will not kill you if you know what's good for you." Sora said with a gentle smile, the prince seeing that gentle smile almost wet himself, but he quickly crawled over to Sora's side while trying to stand up, but his legs were too weak.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man moved to capture him, he needed a shield as he guessed he was no match for Sora. but once he took the first step, his hair instantly took white as a killing hint slammed into him. he went through countless illusions of all types of ways he could die if he were to take another step, such killing intent made him turn from a middle-aged man into an old man before everyone's eyes.

"I forgot I wasn't in base form," Sora said softly, even though his killing intent is the strength by 1,000 times when he is in the True Saiyan state. since he got used to this form, he sometimes forget if he was in base form or not.

"... why don't you just kill him?" Fang Mei asked after snapping out of her shock at the sight she just saw. Sora looked at her weirdly for a moment,

"you don't want to know the information he got? What if he knows of other humans who betrayed this realm?" Sora said calmly stunning Fang Mei who only snorted coldly to hide her embarrassment seeing the way Sora was looking at her.

Sora using his spiritual sense took hold of the old man's soul and pulled it out of the body and before him. after which, Sora went on to go ahead and read the old man's memories, it took only a second before Sora got everything he needed to know.

"He is just a dumb pawn," Sora said as he destroyed the soul, before looking around them as demons were surrounding them.

"Well, you want to have a go at it?" Sora asked calmly, Fang Mei looked around her, her eyes burning with fighting spirit. maybe it was because of Sora, but she too wanted to fight and improve her strength so quickly like Sora.

"then go ahead," Sora said calmly, Fang Mei nodded before she jumped towards a demon, and with that move, the other demons moved. Sora fell backward with the prince, avoiding them and leaving them all to Fang Mei. These demons only had a power level of around 100,000 or so, and with their numbers, Fang Mei would face enough pressure for her to quickly improve.

"..." The prince didn't dare to speak when not spoken to, this was Sora. he didn't stay on the battlefield at all times, and spent most time outside, so he knew who Sora was, and he knew how ruthless this person was. he was not foolish enough to think his background might make Sora kind toward him. but after some time, he couldn't help but speak

"w-why did you save me?" he asked in a shaky voice, Sora who was watching Fang Mei didn't even bother to look at him.

"I can kill you right now if it would put you at ease. I saved you because I pity you. when you see a bug needing help, you have 3 things you can do. one you can help it, two that you can step on it, and a third that you can ignore it. in the end, no matter what you do such actions shall have no big impact on you, unless you're some kid." Sora said calmly stunning Fang Mei for some time before he just sat down, not knowing what to say or feel.