
A Different kind of life in bleach

A man dies and after his plans goes of course, he soon finds himself in the world he knew. A world where he wishes to live and change what happened to the body he was in, along with other things along his path. Watch as he tries to become more then what he was in his old life, and better then the person he was in this life. Tags *actin *drama *strongtostrong *sliceoflife *romance (sorry but idk who yet and it’s not who you think it is. Maybe she could be one idk) Please enjoy. I own nothing.

KnowPain1 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 07

|Mc Pov|

'His spiritual pressure is nothing to speak of, but his want for battle is evident in his look. I wonder if i can change that..' i thought, fully turning to the young zaraki, his sword out to his side as i pulled mine. Seeing him look at the bodies for a second as he smiled hard and rushed at me.

Moving in, my speed greater then his as we passed each other, turning around to look at one another as my sleeve was cut and some blood ran down. He smirked only to cough a little, bringing his hand up to his face as he coughed more. Pulling it away as he saw the blood, looking down at his side that had a stab wound as he started to bleed more.

'That's more like it, I don't even know when he cut me.. maybe I can actually fight this guy!' Laughing on the outside, he looked at my face that was smiling. Then down to my sword as he saw the blood drip from the tip of the blade, watching as I flung it to the side along with the other blood that filled this place.

Saying nothing more we moved, swords clashing, he brought his blade down with force. Sliding in low as I let his sword strike, slide across my blade I held over head. I could see the look of pure joy as he tried to reorient is Blade, sparks flew as our swords met. I didn't move as fast as I would like but I gripped his hand holding his hilt. Pulling towards me as I thrust my blade, he bent his head back to avoid the blade as he flicked his sword out, only for it to meet mine as he looked up. Getting kicked in the chest as he rolled back a little, lifting his head as his eyes went wide, seeing I was already in front of him. My smile inhuman as he felt my sword enter his heart.


"What's with that look? You haven't lost yet.. why do you.. look like that?" Clapping my hands as his eyes refocused, looking over to me who was still at the place I had kicked him from.

'What is this feeling? I swore I was dead. When, when was the last time.. I felt like this.' Zaraki thought, gripping his chest as he didn't understand, he thought he was dead he couldn't even follow the speed. Gripping his chest he smiled and stood. For once his spiritual pressure started to climb but in a burst like way, like him and his spiritual pressure were going back and forth.

"That's more like it, want to keep going?" I spoke, the moon casting a shadow on my face as I looked in his eyes, letting a little amount of spiritual pressure out.

'That's it, that feeling.. when was the last time I felt that? Am I.. really am I scared? My legs and body don't want to move, I can't even raise my sword but this is the feeling, that feeling that only comes from battle.' Zaraki thought, his eyes looking at me as a massive snake looked like it appeared at my back, it wrapped around his body and neck as it tried to suffocate him.

'Calm down, Shinso.. there is no need to go all out..' I looked at Zaraki his spiritual pressure flickering, making me disappointed as i walked forward.

'Move!' Zaraki yelled in his mind as his excitement grew, the snake disappeared as he moved his leg. Rushing at me as I tilted my head to the side, putting my sword up as i let his blade fall on it and slide down. Feeling it fall beside my arm as I moved it a little.

Moving in as he pulled his blade to block, I thrust forward and fainted as he swung out, the swing pushing my sword back as he thrust forward to. Only for our blades tips to meet, turning my blade, i let it snake around his sword. Our swords let off a hum as we thrusted at each other's face as he smiled more and more. Seeing his blade cut my cheek as he pulled his face back, my blade sliding down his forehead to his eyes and down his cheek.

'More, more, show me more! Don't stop fighting.. come on!' Zaraki thought as he ignored his eye and thrust out and down. Moving to the side as I pulled my blade back.

His sword hitting the ground as i stepped on it and cut near his neck. Turning his blade over as he swung it up, placing my hand down with no real meaning. I held his blade as I felt him pull, no cry, no pain, and not even worried about it. Watching blood run down his sword and feeling a cut open up on my hand.

'That felt? Strange? Still at least he is putting meaning in to his sword now.' Moving to block each of his sword strikes, I let a few slip as they cut me a few times. Until a piercing feeling entered my side, I let the blade go in as I stabbed my blade out near his heart. Only to watch his smile turn in to something different, he didn't want to push it all the way threw my side as he stopped himself.

'Apprehension? Really..' thinking as I sighed in my mind.

Shaking my head I grabbed his sword, pulling it more and more in to my flesh as I looked at his face. He looked at his scars and then mine, his heart beat harder as he saw the amount of blood coming as I forced the sword in, until his hilt and hand were covered in blood.

"What's with that look? Didn't you want to fight till the death? Then why did you.. why did you hesitate.." speaking i tilted my head, looking at his face. The smile still on mine as I put my arms out to the side and moved my body back. Feeling the sword come out as it didn't hit any where vital.

'Why did you not block, don't give up on me now.. I want to keep fighting, I want to feel your sword cut my flesh like earlier.' Zaraki thought, having a strange feeling well up in his heart as he felt the blood fall from his chest and side. Rushing in as he swung his blade, this time with meaning but different as he was cut more and more by our Exchange of swords.

"That is disappointing.. for all the fights I've been in, I had thought you would make me feel something, anything to satisfy my blade, yet in the end you amount to this much.." speaking lies as I watched Zaraki breathing hard, blood everywhere as I ignored the little cuts and stab wound at my side. He had already started to lessen and lessen the spiritual pressure he let out.

His eyes looked at me with a strange face, not understanding my words as I walked forward, my smile starting to disappear as i grew closer. Flash stepping his eyes searched everywhere, trying to catch sight of me. Until he looked back, his eyes looking at the back of my head, seeing I didn't even want to make eye contact with him, spitting up blood as the inner part of his legs and back near his spine were cut, falling down on his back as he looked up to the sky.

"Stopping yourself from fighting at your fullest.. to keep the fight going is useless. That applies to those who have greater power, when you are fighting you put everything on the line.. everything, all your power, all your skill, and most of all your life. You cut them down so that feeling of the actual battle rushes through you, until you meet another stronger then you.. fighting like this not only disrespects the wants of both parties.. for a fight that could end either of them.. it is.. and you are, boring." Turning back, I drove my sword down near his head. Seeing his eyes look up to my smile as the words echoed in his ears.

'Boring? So you were.. the same as me? You wanted a fight to the death.. and look at me. Putting everything on the line, is that why you did not block my strikes, to see everything I could do.. boring? I..never thought I'd hear that word.. used to describe me..' Zaraki thought as he passed out, pulling his eyes from me to the sky as he shook his head a little.

"Clashing swords, is life and death. You will learn this one day." I said, seeing him still grip his sword. I leaned over, pulling him up as I threw him over my shoulder and flash stepped away.