
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

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The first fight at camp

A bunch of people surrounded Percy and Clarisse as they walked in a circle. "You got a big mouth for a newcomer," Clarisse would tell Percy would smile. Then, with that Smile, Clarisse would charge at Percy as he would turn to the left, making Clarisse side by as Percy lifted his leg, ready to knee her in the stomach. Still, she caught the knee, surprising Percy as she would grab on the knee and start spinning Percy around. Percy using the spinning movement from Clarisse would kick her in the head as she would go flying as Percy would do a flip landing, dusting himself off. "Beginners luck," Clarisse would say, getting up. "Then I must be very lucky," Percy would shrug, making Clarisse charge again. Percy would get in a stance like a UFC stance. People didn't call him beater for no reason. Clarisse would get closer as Percy would throw his jab. Still, Clarisse saw this coming as she would move her head to the right, but her Percy missed. Still, to him, Clarisse fell into his trap as Percy would turn his left hand that was a fist would grab onto her neck bring her in. As Clarisse got closer, he would knee her in the stomach with entire forces of her movement and his own. She would spill out saliva as Percy would push her back. "Are we done?" Percy said, dusting his shoulder.

Everyone would be shocked that Percy dealt with Clarisse that easily. Percy would look at everyone and walk away. "Where are you going?" Annabeth would ask Percy. Turning around, he would tell her, "Training," Percy said. He didn't know why he picked a fight. Maybe Percy just wanted to punch someone or knee in his case. Percy would be in the training ground with DarkHollow in his hand. He would swing the sword hitting the dummy left and right till he heard footsteps behind him. "Annabeth," as she would stand there, making Percy turn around, "How did you know how to fight like that" Annabeth would ask as Percy would smile. "You learn to fight when you have nothign to do." making a sweat drop from Annabeth's head, "Really?" "Ya," Percy would say, continuing to swing his sword, "You want to be part of my team in capture the flag?"Annabeth would ask as Percy would turn. "Sure, how can I decline a friend." Percy would reply, making Annabeth smile. "Who do you think your god is?" Annabeth said, "I don't know, but whoever it is, he or she is a dick" Percy would say, "Why is that?" Annabeth knew the answer but wanting to know his. "Well, for one, they left, another they put my mom threw hell, another some parent they are," Percy would say, stabbing the ground with his sword. "You who is your god," Percy would look at Annabeth "Athena," she would say. "Thats why Clarisse called you Wise girl," Percy said, making Annabeth nod. "Well, what is your opinion on her" Percy would ask as Annabeth would explain that she has met her mother before on a field trip, and she wants to make her proud. "Understandable," Percy would say as he and Annabeth would walk away.