
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

Zer0AiWhatifs · Others
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Father is listening

Percy would be sitting at a table alone as he scanned the area. "Just like school," Percy would think as he notices everyone had their table. Annabeth was with her friends, and there was a jock table with the nerds all the same. "Percy" as he would look up to see Luke "Oh, Hey" as Luke sat down next to hit. "What do you think so far?" he would ask. "Not Bad," Percy would say as his cup filled up with diet coke. "Gross," Percy would think, drinking the soda as Luke would get up. "Where are you going?" Percy would say as he would see Luke and everyone else walking to the fire. "We are giving the gods food," Luke would say as Percy would get up, walking with luke to the fire, as he would watch people throw their food into it. "Whoever you are, father, you're a dick," Percy would think, throwing the barbecue Percy picked up into the fire. When he threw it in, he felt his body feel warm yet cold. "So you are listening' Percy would think as he would walk back to his table and continue eating.

The next Day Percy would be sitting with the others as Luke talked about methods on how to disarm your opponent. "Now, it is essential you learn something like this. Someone used this Technik against me before making me lose" Everyone would be shocked as Luke was the best at sword combat. "Now I need a volunteer" Luke would look around as his eyes would land on Percy. "Percy," making him look up, "Yes" Do you mind being a volunteer." "No, I don't," as he would get up, dusting the dirt off his pants and walking into the ring. Picking up a sword, Percy would get in a stance. "The winner is who has their sword," Luke would say as he would charge forward. Percy and Luke would be met in the middle of the ring, their sword against one another, pushing to see who will back off first."You got strength, Percy," Luke would say, pushing forward, making Percy side back a bit, "I can say the same," as Percy would push as well, making them stay still. Finally, Percy would decide to back off swing his sword as when Percymoved back, Luke lost footing moving forward with his footing messed up, Percy would swing down. Still, Luke would see the sword go up and down using his own to block it. Now Luke is on his knee holding Percy's sword back. "Smart," Luke would say as he punches Percy in the gut as Percy would side stabbing his sword in the ground to stop him even more. Then, looking up, he would remove his sword from the ground and block another attack from Luke. The fight would go on for 5 mins. Everyone is shocked that it's taking this long. "Give up, Percy," Luke would say as Percy would block a barrage of attacks. "In your dreams," as Percy would jump back to gain distance. Percy was taking deep breaths as he would look to see Luke doing the same. Taking a deep breath, he would hold his breath, calming his muscles as he would rush in again. Even faster, Luke would block another attack from Percy as they would go on for three more attacks till Percy saw an opening. He would slide his sword through the hole of the abode and swing his sword up, bring Luke's sword as well. With it, Luke's sword would stab into the ground, leaving him unarmed and Percys sword pointed at his neck.

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