
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


He woke up the next day, the time was 6 am . He regretted not sleeping earlier , the head felt heavy and his body felt weak as well. He had to face this for testing one of his effect. Was it worth it ?

Definitely not , He got carried away yesterday . His heart told him to follow this strange adventure . He simply followed it. The effect' s power were just as same as the description.

Well anyways putting his whining aside he got ready for this fateful day. He didn't actually prepare himself for the most anticipated dungeon break. He actually prepared for something else.

Dungeon breaks according to the manual were of two types.

First the dungeons themselves .Nobody knew when it would strike and when it would go. As long as the opposite kingdom were constantly supplying energy it will stand firm and the demons will hold fort inside.

The second was unique. The demons in this case would be transported to their world as usual but not inside structures called dungeons. They would be invading. They would attack and hold down habitats in foreign land. When a high ranking demon did this it could be devastating. This could happen many times.

Reason being the fight between the kingdoms must always go on no matter what.

Like dungeons themselves ,these can happen anytime , the adventurers or the people had to be careful all the time. Everyone no matter what should change their ways in the future.

No reports of people above the age 13 not getting a system were reported , so the chances had to be astronomically low.

The dungeons and the invasion their world would be facing would happen at the same time. He had to be careful.

His parents surprisingly were becoming more supportive. They said that what he did was his own choice but they told him to be careful. He felt a tinge of sadness in their voices . Their feelings betrayed their words. It was clear as day and night.

They held him in their arms . This was so unreal. The situation ,the phenomenon , everything was so unreal. He never thought his parents were this caring. He was always afraid of them thinking they would do something bad if he didn't meet their expectations.

He must begin to start judging carefully from here onwards. He felt bad for judging his parents like that.

He went to his room and started meditating for 30 minutes . The time was now 9 pm. He opened the curtains off his windows. Ambiguous feelings started to strike him . His room was in a suite on top of the 20th floor apartment .He could see the people. They were flocking on the streets , some even had Armours and stuff .

The governments of the world didn't necessary take any steps. Only the big financial groups started taking some steps. If this turned out to be hoax millions of dollars would be in loss.

"How many people are going to die in this catastrophe? " He thought.

His plan today was not to dive in the dungeons but was rather to face the invading forces.

He calmly did his warm ups . His body stopped feeling sore. He opened up his system ,his fatigue was gone but now he had sleep drowsiness for like 1 hour as penalty. He pressed the plus button. It seemed his accuracy was reduced by 1 point. His stats read :


[AGE] [16]


[HP] [100]








[SPEED] [2]

[CHI] [360]

[LIFE FORCE ] [10]





Great . The time slowly arrived . There was no rush as long as the invading forces didn't attack his house ,he would move out only near 5 pm. he hoped that the talented individuals would hold back the demons so he could get time.


He saw it . It was there . Magnificent structures about the size of buildings started descending . They descended down as time passed . They looked like a subway opening except the entrance was pitch black and It had a gauge on its top. It showed the energy.

Each gauge was split up into 6 divisions. one being the least and 6 being the most.

It also had another gauge under it . It showed the breaking point . It was but split into 3 divisions . When it reached third division due to it not being cleared frequently ,it would break and demons further enhanced by the dungeon' destruction would start poring out.

Using his increased senses he saw the dungeons descending in his state were mostly of 0.5 to 2 energy, but they were not of the concern right now as they will not break anytime soon.

The real concern was the next disaster that were to come. The invading forces.

Wraps were being opened up. Demons came out of it en masse that he couldn't assess.

He felt his chi around his body. He chose it today . The 30 minutes he spent were used in cultivating chi. He could have used his effect to cultivate in like 2 minutes but he wanted to feel the usual way of absorbing energy and also increase his chi capacity.

1 unit of mana took 2 seconds while one unit of chi took 5 seconds to absorb.

Everyone started at 100 units as maximum capacity he had increased it to 360 units. he wanted to master swordsmanship , martial arts and hermit arts . For that chi was the most suitable energy.

He was not a Fan of magic even though his ability closed matched magic.

He couldn't further cultivate as he was feeling quite heavy . Absorbing energies needed very high concentration which could be increased by intelligence . Thats why people in only one day couldn't cultivate that much energy.

Data about the maximum absorbed energy he saw in the forum was a person who had chosen mana and had 1000 units.

On the other hand to use his effects he didn't need mana or chi. Except for one . Thats why his effects were op.

Then by using his increased eyesight , he saw demons of all sizes coming from those warps Demons that walked , flew ,crawled everything and surprisingly humans were part of that too.

Wait what?. Humans? Elves, dwarfs and human- like species were there as well.

"Aren't like demons.. monsters as shown in novels?. Wait no. The system never mentioned the demons as monsters which included the usual likes of orcs , orges, goblins , etc." He thought .

The human like species he saw looked similar. Some looked mutated like hulk but the others looked like normal humans.

The system had given them the ability to sense other's auras. Both enemy and ally. The demons naturally had a demonic aura .

He bet the people down under were shaking in their boots. They were going to kill humans!!!

5 minutes had passed. All he heard was explosive sounds outside. On my desk he had his phone playing news on full volume, they were recording everything live. It was grotesque.

A lot of people were dying like flies . The demons were totalling dominating. This really looked like an apocalypse . Smoke was already coming out of buildings. Flying demons flew like helicopters here and there.

His apartment was located on the town's edge. No monsters were spawned here luckily.

But as each minute went by he could feel them approaching close.

His parents came rushing . He opened the door. They didn't say anything , but their faces hinted their life would not remain the same. Humans had went to their previous state. The goal now for humans was not to live their lives but to "survive".

His window was quite big in length so all 3 of them just stared looking outside and the moment he stepped aside to take a good look at his phone , the window shattered.

He turned around quickly. His parents were overall safe with just few scratches falling to the floor. The source of this ruination he saw , was a disgusting humungous monster.