
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


There were at least 300 people in the waiting area of the dungeon called "The abundance cave"

Due to its popularity , people from nearby towns flocked to it. Thus the high amount of people.

Also it seemed that all of them were going to dive in different sessions. What was the use when you all dived in the same session , manage to clear it but don't get enough rewards?

It was evident by the ongoing session. Currently all 3 easy sessions were occupied. It seemed that 150 and 100 and 100 people in dived in the first , second and third session respectively.

Karthikeyan and Yerilia decided to not join any party. They were going to hunt alone. Well wasn't it dangerous?

Well they were monsters , so they could do it. Besides it was not their first time diving dungeons.

It might be just less than a month since the apocalypse started but in reality Karthikeyan and Yerilia had spend more than a year in dungeons.

They were quite confident and knew the dangers about dungeons. Besides 1.5 dungeons were not very dangerous. 

Of course if they needed help inside the dungeon they would just group up with the nearby party and then fight.

Soon magic circles spawned and people with heavy bruises and a lost look on face exited. It was the people who dived in the first session. They had lost probably 20 people as evident by the number that displayed on the screen on top of the wall. 

The screen was the dungeon's asset . It showed how many people entered and the amount of people that had survived at the end. It didn't show the real time counting.

It took a good 5 minutes for the people from the first easy session to exit.

"Let's go" a voice resounded thereafter.

Everyone looked at him unconsciously.

He was a tall , lean muscular guy . He had silver hair which strands looked like strands of silver glowing from the heaven. He had clear green eyes that looked like the forest. His skin was as brown as chocolate and looked like it would glow at even dark. His face was handsome and his voice seemed charismatic.

On his command , about 50 people followed him. The dungeon didn't need any time for cooldown. As soon as all the people exited. It had turned green again ready to be entered.

Do the demons just create a lot of sessions? how do they sustain it? The demons they encounter there usually would have formed settlements and would have been there for 2 months or even a year.

Although an hour equalled 10 days in the dungeon , it was still bizarre to think of.

Setting the trivial matters aside , Karthikeyan nudged the girl beside her.

She wore a breastplate armour as she usually did. Her blond her was not tied or anything but let to flow without any restrictions. People's control over their body increased so much after the apocalypse started that the trivial things like long hair disturbing your battle was not possible.

She also had a halberd in her hand. Karthikeyan once again took a look at her stats.

[NAME] [Yerilia]

[AGE] [16]


[LEVEL] [22]

[HP] [2000]






[STAMINA] [15]


[SPEED] [10]

[Mana] [2500]

[LIFE FORCE ] [10]

[SKILLS] [3] [+]


[EXPERIENCE BAR ] [ 175000/300000] 

Currency 5000

[Talent] [+]


"Well pretty much everything is the same since the last time I saw her stats 2 days ago except she has gained about 90 000 exp" Karthikeyan mused to himself. Well she had probably dived 3 dungeons in the middle who knows?. As said she was a very hard working woman.

"Well , we shall go as well , right?" Karthikeyan asked

Yerilia just nodded her head. She was calm and composed and had no fear of what might happen once they enter the dungeon.

Soon they stepped onto the small magic circle that transported them to the first session of the easy mode.

As they formed a party , they would be teleported to the same place.


Karthikeyan opened his eyes.

Wherever he could see, he only saw trees.

The trees were all tall and broad. It was a jungle terrain. Only little light seeped in through the opening of the jungle. 

The trees cast shadows that were longer than usual , hinting it was afternoon time in the dungeon. Not a bad time to get spawned.

Soon Yerilia followed. Her person was constructed bit by bit. It looked like the respawning of a character after they got killed , pixel by pixel. It was fascinating.

But this was no game. Their life was on the line.

"Welcome" Karthikeyan smiled.

Yerilia just nodded her head in acknowledge.

She wanted to say "Hello there" in a tone only reserved for friends. But if she did that , then she would come off as an easily manipulated person. She didn't want that to happen!

She had to act somewhat distant and cold to maintain her own dignity and pride. She had to make him see that she was only there because he insisted on it and that she was not here on her own regards.

Clearing her throat , Yerilia continued.

"Well I suppose you already purchased a map of this dungeon?"

"Of course I did."

Karthikeyan soon out of his inventory took out a big map.

It showed the layout of the dungeon clearly and the points of interests along with the possible points for civilisations.

The demons didn't always set up civilisation on the same place. There were many places in a dungeon where they could do that. So a possible plethora of places were marked on the map.

Also the common spawing points were marked for the humans as well , so they could use it and gain a slight advantage by knowing their positions well.

These maps were either created by the cartographers who dived the dungeon alongside other people or were created by people who had skills that could instantly create a map of the area they were in. The range of about how much area that could be inscribed varied but nonetheless it was an extremely valuable skill.

The system didn't provide the maps in the shop unfortunately upto current knowledge.

"Well , this entire dungeon is composed of small hills and dungeon and spans around 2500 square km. Considering the general gist of our surrounding , I would say we have been spawned in the middle of the jungle."

Yerilia listened in keenly.

"Yeah , you may be right , then that means we were spawned...."

Yerilia said while pinpointing a place in their map. It was exactly in the middle of the map , maybe slightly off from the middle to the right.

"Well , it doesn't really matter , does it? It's only a 1.5 dungeon. Long gone are the days where we feared even a 0.9 dungeon" Karthikeyan said as a matter of fact.

Yerilia couldn't help but shake her head on the thought that Karthikeyan and she had probably dungeon dived before when clearly this was their first time.

Karthikeyan's familiar tone of voice didn't help either.
