
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs






These were the headlines that came out the next day Karthikeyan went out of his first dungeon.

It was a shocking news that put the entire Balka at turmoil as the amount of people who were among the first to enter the 0.9 dungeon died was almost 140.

140 was not a small number and was quite big for a small town like Balka.

The high number of casualties was pointed out the fact that even though people's talent distribution across the world was more or less similar , their prowess differed in the skills they received through their skills.

The people who were from prominent towns were blessed with high quality of skills that limited their amount of casualties.

The average casualties in Delhi for 0.9 dungeon was about 20 while in Los Angeles , it was about 15.

People were dying at fast rate when the whole picture is put together , but when it came to cities , the casualties were quite low and was expected to go down , when people started to level up more.

The news of Balka went viral worldwide and was compared to the similar situation that happened across other insignificant towns or places.

The thought of being discriminated by the main cities people made the people of these insignificant town distressed.

"Quite interesting , not gonna lie."

Karthikeyan said that while sitting on his bed ,with his back supported by the bed's headboard slat.

Then without looking at any direction , he asked someone of their opinion.

"What do you think of this , Oluz?"

A silhouette appeared from the shadow and after bowing its head , it replied

"Master , I do think that it a serious matter that could result in unpleasant consequences , but I don't think it will affect you in any way"

"You think so?"

There was no reply , hinting approval.

"Fine , let's not think about it too much , then. Already have too much on the plate. Can't add this as well"

Karthikeyan having said that began preparing plans for what he would do today.

Observing people's insane rate of levelling , he probably cannot stay idle and would have to do something worthwhile.

Yesterday , before going out of the dungeon , he had recruited the baby dwarf called Emilia and of course Oluz.

He was able to suck out their souls, come out of the dungeon , then summon their soul to get reincarnated as his slaves. To be honest , this skill was op and he thought he had to use its prowess more efficiently.

Anyways he gave the baby dwarf basic consciousness and Oluz human consciousness.

He learnt that basic consciousness allowed his slave to react to their surroundings more clearly and efficiently compared to no consciousness state.

He also learnt that the human consciousness , just as its name suggested gave his slave , the exact consciousness a human would have.

It would allow his slave to think like a human , act like a human and speak like a human. It would also allow them to remember their pastille details which was not possible in the previous consciousness.

Nevertheless he was quite satisfied he got two slaves by his side now.

But today this was not the big thing he was thinking about.

"The Tasks"

He opened his system and saw that a interface not available to other users was there for him to access.

He knew it was not a blessing but rather a curse as failing the tasks in there could result him to suffer from eternal hell.

He didn't have time to access the tasks until now and was a little free about it as he could complete it as long as he lived.


[Unless you complete the tasks given below before you die , you would be able to survive]

[TASK] [1] [REACH LEVEL 100]


There was silence for sometime.

"Thats it?"

Karthikeyan exclaimed in amusement. This was easier than he had first anticipated. Even though reaching level 100 was not an east job , it was still very much possible.

He could do it in matter of months or even weeks if he put his heart into it.

"Probably I'm missing something out"

Karthikeyan couldn't help but question himself. Just before the catastrophe started , he was just a normal boy , who didn't think through things twice and did as his heart saw fit. He was a carefree boy and at some time a massive hypocrite.

But now that he was forced to think , he simply didn't know what to do.

What to think , when to think , how to think , all these questions baffled him equally.

"Ah, whatever I will just prepare myself for the worst"

Now that Karthikeyan had taken a look at his tasks , he planned to do dungeon raiding and some training for the next ten days .

His school was to start on July 17th. Now that it was no longer conceivable , the prime minister , taking this matter into convenience decided altogether an announce that decided to address every doubts the citizens had and also a new order.

It was the most viral news across India.


"Hello citizens of Republic of India. This is your prime minister addressing you all"

The prime minster said in a polite and authoritative tone.

All of India and even some of the world countries were tuned in to listen to this news as India was the first country in the world to come up with a new law and order after the great catastrophe that happened 14 days ago or more precisely 16 days ago on July the 7th. Today was July 23rd.

"As you all know , humanity is facing a very big crisis and is doing everything it can to stop it from engulfing the people. Our government and as a matter of fact , the government of the world nations are as well doing everything in their capabilities to stop this crisis and not to boast it has been quite successful. Especially given the generous help given by the heroes in this endeavour. I thank them sincerely and would like you all to thank them as well and mourn for all those who have lost their lives defending humankind for a minute."

Utter silence. Even throughout the nation , there was utter silence. After one minute had passed.

"Now addressing the crisis. We have imposed martial law in the nation which implies that now the central government would have total command over the military and the administrative affairs and could order the state governments to carry out commands without opposition."

"Even though this might undermine democracy , we couldn't find a better solution to tackle this situation more effectively. As the leader of this central government in question and as a representative of you , the people , I swear on myself that I would carry out my tasks diligently, effectively and purposefully."

"The central government as an absolute institution has also established an association called the Rakshak association , of course meaning the saviours association. As befitting its name , its an association which would regulate the events related to this catastrophe. It would regulate the people entering the dungeon and the members of this association would invest themselves into the dungeon ."

"It would also invest in preventing the scums of mankind who use their powers for their own benefits and try to harm mankind in any way. It would regulate the flow of artefacts and also with the police maintain public order"
