
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
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50 Chs


My name is Korneus Lastere . Thanks to my family's reputation , good history I until this point lived a life that would be described as lavish, well off and so on. But the one thing I couldn't do in my life and always had to suppress was the need to kill.

By the time my age was 16 , after battling hundreds of inner monologues contrasting myself on some foolish basis I finally came to the conclusion that I was a psychopath.

I was very diligent in work , always topping the school and after that even excelling at work. But to suppress this tendency to kill I always spent my free time playing shooter games, sandbox games where I would try to kill others in some gruesome ways.

I even purchased some animals and killed them. Of course due to my status and went under the radar. Besides what worth do animals even have? aren't they just livestock and things that provide us with benefits , whatever it may be?

From the outside I was a refined man , polite with elders , a gentle man and what not. It was what I intended to show outside anyways so there was nothing wrong . Also I was not ready to spend my time in jail . But still....


The catastrophe struck , the world I knew came to an end. The shackles that were put on me were now broken and I was free.

I was granted an A tier talent which came with a level 8 skill. Even till now the highest known level of skill was of level 7 and from this I came to know that I was granted with one of the top tier powers a human can get.

I didn't let this chance go and started to go on killing spree. I experimented all my different ideas of killing. By the time I knew it, I was level 10. I was a berserker so I had high power and defence.

Killing demons was fine and all but what about killing humans which was my primary goal?

I decided to find an optimal target for my quest who couldn't probably attack and was vulnerable....

Today I found a lady who was very weak and I thought I could probably get something from her if I threatened her. I had no reasons to hide it .

I was a scumbag anyway.

But when I came to know that she was vulnerable and that she had two kids , I couldn't resist the fact that she fitted my killing criteria very well.

She offered me herself but I wasn't a sexual maniac who would just go on sleep with anyone. In this aspect I had no loose screws.

I started to do the preparation by tying her hands and legs. I didn't bring her to my home because where was the fun in that ?

I always wanted to kill which was against public morals and wasn't the kick only there when I kill in the eyes of the public , ie, outside?

After tying up I bought a common knife for 30 currencies in the system's store so I could begin to torture her by grazing the knife against her fair skin.

But just when I take out my knife...

Someone was standing besides me

someone is besides me and from the vibe of it Im pretty sure this person is against me!!!

Also my intelligence stats was 4 which provided me with a decent vision of who was near me and I could also sense people's movement to some extent but I couldn't detect this somebody with my senses.

Is this guy an assassin ? but why is he here, there is no use for him if he fights me.

Lastere didn't know what to do , maybe he thought he could negotiate...


Karthikeyan was threatening the man who was about 2 inches taller than him with a sword.He didn't question his motive or do something heroic , he just wanted the man to get out of his way.

"Look here dude , I don't want blood shed , if you don't want to lose your life in this insignificant place , just scram."

Karthikeyan sounded like someone who was younger than him. What a great mockery to him it was to be told to scram by someone younger than him!!!

"What business do you have with this lady , if I could ask? " Lastere asked while putting up his hand up posing surrender.

"Thats none of your business , now don't waste my time and just scram"

Well he couldn't just take the insult and scram without nothing to gain . He had to fight him and even if he was killed ,as long as he could make him lose a limb.

With that in mind , he used his agility to immediately get out of the and took out his sword that was sheated right besides his waist.

As soon as he took out the sword he dashed into Karthikeyan swinging the sword diagonally aiming at Karthikeyan's head. His speed was 5 and his attack was 8 , definitely in the top 5 percent. His defence was 5 . Assassins are known only for their intelligence and speed.

He could doge this attack but eventually he would overpower him . Well at least that was his plan.

Karthikeyan by using his 10 speed stats seamlessly moved out of the way and just cut off Lester's right hand.


Lester screamed in pain. His scream was more louder than the weak ones when they were caught in peril, because he had that selfish desire of ensuring his survival more than anyone else's

"You bastard , you think it's over?" Korneus spoke while crying in agony.

Karthikeyan eyed him like a predator who was eyeing its prey. His purple eyes shined in the dark. it was mesmerising but now it was also invoking fear in Lester's mind.

"Yes I think its pretty much over , your only choices are either to be killed by me , escape and live a miserable life or just kill yourself".

This bastard , he had to finish him here , right now .

He stood up and maintained his distance from Karthikeyan , until he came to a stable position there was just silence.

"So you are gonna run away ?" Karthikeyan asked.

"No , Im going to kill you ."

"Oh? then try me " Karthikeyan said in a mocking tone.

Suddenly there was bright flashing red light in the alley. It was emanating from Korneus 's body. It was his level 8 skill "Rhinos's strength"

It was pretty similar to Karthikeyan's skill [THE CURSE OF THE SHADOW] except that Karthikeyan's skill didn't consume mana or chi.

"Rhinos's strength" consumed nearly 100 mana for each thirty seconds. Korneus had 500 mana pool. So the skill could last for 2 minutes 30 seconds. It also increased the host strength upto plus 5 points and defence to plus 5 points.

Usually skills had a countdown and as his skill basically had no countdown for that matter and would be active until his mana ran out , it was considered a level 8 skill even though its effects could only be almost a level 5 skill.This ability would definitely be enough to prove his A tier talent.

On the other hand Karthikeyan didn't really need chi now because he had no skills on his person right now. Also his skill was pretty up the roof compared to Korneus 's talent.

Korneus 's blue eyes changed to red and now all he showed was bloodlust. Red aura was emitting out of him.

The real fight started or so Kornues thought...
