
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Yerilia pretty sure the boy who challenged the demons had died a painful death came outside to only see the three demons laying down there on the floor , lifeless.

At first she couldn't believe that what she was seeing in front of her was real. She pinched herself in the cheeks to confirm whether she was really seeing the slaughter in front of her or was just dreaming. She already knew she wasn't .

She shifted her sight from the dead bodies to the boy who looked like her age eyes.

The vibe he was emanating was neither a friendly nor a hostile one. It seemed he was a neutral observer of the universe.

Aside from that , he was also wearing a mask so she couldn't exactly see his face , but from his body that was toned and somewhat muscular , his somewhat tall stature , his posture and everything showed that he was one attractive dude. She was mesmerised by this boy in front of her.

They stared at each other for good 1 minute and then Yerilia again shifted her sight to the dead bodies and broke the silence.

"How did you kill them?" she asked him.

She wanted to know the reason to how he killed the demons. He wasn't wearing any specific armours and didn't look rich either. He wore a simple white shirt and blue denim and a ordinary pair of shoes and of course a mask.

He could be using the mask to hide his identity to others because he was some big shot and didn't want to garner attention . But again he wasn't using an armour which if she was right every rich person was now wearing.

Other possibility was that he gained a powerful talent and wanted to remain low which she understood.

She would not pry deep into the reasons but only wanted to know what he truly did.

"why do you want to know that? " Karthikeyan asked in a calm tone while shifting his attention from the girl to checking the bodies of the demons whether they had something on them.

"You are powerful right ?"

"Maybe or maybe not but again as I asked you , why do you want to know?"

"What do you mean "Why do you want to know"? If you killed these demons on your own without incurring any injuries then you might be special and might be powerful. I'm asking so if I encounter you in the future I might avoid troubles"

She just didn't want to mess around this man. Even if this was a fluke , just no . She wanted to avoid all dangers so she could focus on getting stronger herself without any troubles.

Karthikeyan spared a look and began searching Lessilius 's body

"Then why are you standing there and speaking to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't want any troubles right?"

"Yeah..." She understood what he was talking about.

"I will make sure to avoid you in the future " She told him and was about to leave this cursed place when suddenly karthikeyan interrupted her

"What happened... uh ... to that guy who was fighting with you... the one who lost his arm in this fight? " He knew the answer but he wanted to why he died. He had a blood loss penalty but he was sure he didn't die from it.

Yerilia turned around and took a long breath and replied she had killed him on his request to end his suffering.

Karthikeyan thought of lots of situation . Usually no one wants to die on their own accord no matter . Why did he choose to die ?. Even if he had lost an arm , he could live his life somewhat decently if he tried everyday .

He didn't probe much into the matter and after finding nothing on lessilus's body he stood up and walked up to Yerilia.

He stood in front herand asked where she was going .

"I don't know ... but somewhere I could rest until all these chaos is over ."

"Then ? what will you do from there onwards?"

"Uh? why are you asking me that?"

"Just curious." he repiled nonchalantly.

"How do you expect me to answer you when you didn't answer my question in the first place?"

"You knew the answer even before I told you so there was no need to answer your question"

This man infant of her. Who was he? . Just how could he stay calm and composed in this chaos when she was barely holding on?. Were they of the same age?

She turned to the side

" I'm planning to dive in to dungeons so I could level up later on." She told the truth. Before she was questioning herself whether this man in front of her was an ally or a foe.

But from how he was posing himself and asking his questions she suddenly felt friendly vibes from him and the question she had before completely vanished.

"Ah I see... Well what about this invasion ? It's a one time opportunity . You can't really predict when they would strike again as a lot of energy would be needed to be expended on the opposite kingdom's part."

"If again we encounter this phenomenon , Im pretty sure even stronger demons would re-invade us . Don't you want to observe and learn some techniques to handle it?"

"I would observe but right now my body condition is not really at the best."

"Well considering that , where would you hide in the first place ?"

She got stuck and couldn't answer his question. Where was she supposed to go anyways? She and Cyrus had been an orphan for a long time and Both their parents had died when they were young . They had met at the orphanage when they were 8.

She didn't have anyone except Cyrus and her orphanage friends all who she considered her family . She didn't even get to say a proper goodbye to them when her orphanage was suddenly blown up and Cyrus and she survived due to Cyrus talent automatically using its effect which could activate just at the time when a disaster was about to strike without the host 's knowledge . It cast a barrier.

She was also saved as she was near him at that moment.

They escaped from there and didn't have the time to search for survivors. They knew everyone was burned or turned into bits of ashes.

Talents usually according to their ranks provided effects and skills that were unique .

Talents of the lowest levels she knew either provided a combination of an effect and a skill or both the slots in the talent being effects.

effects mean passive skill

skills means active skill.

Cyrus had received the rare combination of having an effect and a skill. She on the other hand had received only an active skill meaning a skill as designated by the system. But it was useless compared to Cyrus.

She came back to reality and was again pondering at his question when suddenly what Karthikeyan surprised her.

"Well then what about staying with me? We could be together until all this chaos is over and is taken care of the talented people." he paused for a moment." I think it would be beneficial to both of us. I can't stay solo as well"

Yerilia looked at him and began considering his request . He was right . While being in a team was beneficial to all , it was also to be taken into consideration that your teammates are all capable as well. Considering this man in from of her, it was a tempting offer.

