
The High Before The Low

Gaia's silver eyes shine bright with desire. Her wings are closing in on us even more. Making the space between us smaller and more intimate.

"You are naughty, little peach," Gaia whispers in my ear. Her hot breath tickles the inside of my ear and sends shivers down my spine. I press my lips together to keep myself from making any noise. I fully tense up when she kisses my neck.

When I trust myself again, I release the breath I was holding through my nose. "I learned it from the best," I finally answer.

Gaia smirks against my skin. "Say you want it," she repeats her first command. Her fangs scratch my skin. The feeling of her fangs and the hotness of her breath against the sensitive skin of my neck gives me goosebumps. "Say you want this." Gaia's voice turns huskier and huskier. "Say you want me." She looks expectingly at me with those hungry, silver eyes.

I swallow and open my mouth to give her her long-awaited answer. Yes. Yes, I want it. Yes, I want her. I want her to take me back to that dirty place of pain, pleasure, and bliss. A place where I can lose myself and forget about the hell that has been my reality for years. So, yes, I want to escape. Yes, I want this. Yes, I want her. I need her to keep me from losing my fucking mind.

But before I can tell her any of that, she presses her lips on mine. I close my eyes and let her take control. Our lips move in complete sync with each other. Gaia's hands are rediscovering my body like they've done hundreds of times before.

After a minute, we back away to catch our breath.

"Say it."

"Yes. Yes, I want it. Yes, I want you." Gaia's smile grows wider. She moves her hands again and cups my breasts, still covered with the oversized cotton T-shirt that reaches halfway down my thighs. Gaia's wings close in on us even more. Almost leaving us in the dark. The air around us warms, and the musty scent of our mutual arousal hangs heavy in the air.

I gasp and bite my lip when Gaia gives my breasts a firm squeeze. She grins up at me and lifts my chin with her clawed finger. Making me look her in the eyes. Eyes that are already fixated on her claw still lingering underneath my chin. She slowly scrapes my skin and lets her claw slide down over my body. My breathing quickens as she inches her way closer to my anticipating core.

A groan leaves my lips as she caresses the inside of my thighs. Another one follows as she pulls her hands back.

Gaia chuckles at my annoyance. "Do you want me that bad, little peach?"

I nod my head, not capable of forming words without moaning. I'm getting hotter and hotter by the second, and Gaia, who never stopped humping away on my tight, doesn't help in the slightest. Her female juices are glinstering on my entire upper leg. The heavy, earthy scent almost suffocates me.

Gaia leans forward again. Her long hair tickles my cheeks as she nibbles on my earlobe. I cock my head sideways to give her more space. My toes curl and uncurl over and over again. Scraping the stone floor.

"I want you just as bad, little peach. I am going to make you scream." With those words out in the open, she rips my cotton shirt. The worn-off fabric falls in tatters on the ground. Fully exposing my now naked body.

Gaia growls animal-like while admiring the view. "I have always loved these," she purrs and cups and squeezes my breasts before bringing her mouth to my right one. She sucks on the erect nipple, all while kneading my left breast. I gasp for air from the stinging but oh-so-wonderful pain and throw my head back. A layer of sweat starts forming on my body. My breathing quickens as the succubus on my lap continues molesting my breasts.

Quickly, the pressure building between my legs becomes intense. I try to press my thighs together to keep my upbuilding climax somewhat at bay. But I fail because my ankles are bound to the chair, like my underarms. Gaia smirks when she realizes what I am trying so desperately but failing so miserably at. She bites down on my nipple, making me gasp out loud, and repositions herself crouching down between my open legs.

She licks her lips hungrily and dives straight in. I moan and throw my head back. Her tongue enthusiastically moves up and down between my wet lips. I gasp, feeling myself getting even wetter. Both from the salvia she is leaving behind, and from the effect her movements have on my body. I close my eyes, biting my lip. I push up my hips. Without warning, Gaia pushes three fingers from the hand she doesn't use to pleasure herself inside me. I scream and slam my hips into her.

Gaia moves her tongue towards the little sensitive button north of my ladyparts. She's licking my clit frantically just as she increases the speed of her fingers plunging rapidly in and out of me. I can't keep myself quiet, even if I tried.

Her tongue circles my clit, and I scream out when she starts sucking the little button. My body shakes uncontrollably from the upbuilding tension until I erupt. My internal walls contract around her fingers, locking her in place. I squeeze my eyes shut and moan out from the intense waves of pleasure soaring through every fiber of my body.

After what seems like hours, my orgasm dies down. I slump in my seat, trying to catch my breath. Gaia pulls her fingers back out of me. She licks them clean while making direct eye contact with me. I groan and keep our stares intertwined. After she licks her fingers clean from my juices, she cuts my left wrist loose with her claw. I can only stare at her as she guides my now free hand toward her dripping wet core. And just as I am trying to even out my breathing, Gaia helps herself over the edge. Just the mere sight of it gets me craving more.

This is the high before the low. The dirty bliss before the unbearable pain to come.