
Leave Me Alone On The Cold Bathroom Floor

I have always known Gaia uses me for her own intentions. She doesn't need me as I need her. But that never stopped me before. And it isn't like I am in love with her or anything. I need the physical attraction. The physical touch. I need her to take me to that dirty place of bliss. It is the only way my lungs fill with the oxygen I need to survive. So no, I'm not in love with her, but I do need her.

I don't even know if the concept of love still exists in this world. My mother never loved my father. They had a one-night stand, and tada! Eleven months later, there I am! I have never seen proper love in my life. I have only read about it in books — primarily fairytales. This makes me wonder, is love a mythical concept? Something people made up to make themselves feel better?

My mind goes blank when another wave of tremendous pain surges through me. The only thing taking up my mind is unbearable but oh-so-familiar pain. I can barely contain my cries. My body is on fire from the inside. I dig my fingers into my skin and wrap my arms tighter around me. The next wave of pain makes me finally scream out in agony. Tears stream down my face as Gaia's succubus powers take bits and bits of my life. Just like it always does when we're done with our "session."


My body is sore. Every movement — no matter how big or small — hurts. Gods, even breathing pains me more than I would ever admit out loud. The only thing that soothes my pain is the cold tiled floor of my bathroom.

"Niam, oh, Niam, Love!" Father calls out in a sing-song voice.

I groan. What now?

"Niam!" Father calls out for the second time. This time, his voice is much less pleasant.

A soft groan escapes my chapped lips as a small, excruciating aftermath-pain wave rushes through my trembling body.

"Girl, what are you doing on the floor?"

I strain my neck to look up at him. I groan again, and a single tear falls down my face. When pains start shooting through my strained neck, I rest my chin on the cold floor. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.

"It seems Gaia really did make you scream," Father concludes. "One second, Buttercup." Footsteps that walk away from the bathroom door followed by something heavy getting dropped — or maybe thrown? — to my bedroom floor echo through the air.

"Okay. Let's get you into bed." Before I can protest, I find myself in my father's arms. He carries me back into my bedroom and throws — he literary throws — me onto my bed. I curse as I make an outstanding belly flop.

"Fucking asshole," I utter at him, but with my face pressed into my mattress; it sounds more like an out dragged "hmpf."

With some effort, I manage to turn on my side. This way, I can breathe, just like I can look at the man standing in front of me. My gaze immediately sticks to his hands. His knuckles are bruised and bloody.

Well... scrap that.

He is entirely covered in blood: his face, his hair, his outfit, everything.

"Hmm," Father frowns, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. "By the looks of you, we will not be continuing dinner." Thank the Mother and the Nine Gods for that.

"Oh, by the way, Nia, I brought you something." I watch as he struts over to the corner of my bedroom. My eyes widen seeing a bloody and angry-looking man who seems to be in his mid-twenties. His pitch-black hair is messy and hangs in his face. The young man looks like he is barely breathing. I stare at him with admiration as he pushes himself from the ground to fight.

Just to be kicked down again. But it's the thought that counts.

"See it as my gift to you," Father pulls my attention back to him. "To celebrate your twelfth anniversary of living with me!" he beams and looks down at the angry man, his face scrunched up in disgust. "He stays here with you until-" Father falls silent. He frowns before shrugging, "Well, until he perishes."