
Make Her Scream!

I decide to intervene before Father kills Gaia in his blind rage. One, because if he kills her, he wouldn't get his information, and he may be taking the out on me. Two, I appreciate the girl's presence. She is actually the one — besides Dorin, my guardian angel who I value as my brother — that keeps me from going insane and completely losing my mind in this golden cage.

"Dad, let her go. If you kill her, we will never know what happened to our dear, dear Polly."

Father releases the grip on Gaia's throat a bit but didn't let go completely. "I made it so that Polly would live forever. So we can always rule together over what is ours!"

"I know."

"So, that means she is murdered!"

"I know," I repeat myself. "Just like we both know that Gaia is incapable of such a thing," I continue. "So, you'll need her alive if you want to find the one who's responsible for this catastrophe. Now, let her go."

Father looks away from the succubus dangling in the air to me. His golden eyes shoot fire. I know he hates the way I am right. Just like he isn't that pleased with the tone I used. But I can't care less. I stare back into his eyes. Not daring to look away.

After maybe five seconds of an intense staring contest, his eyes soften. The loud thud that follows gives away that he has withdrawn his powers, dropping Gaia to the floor. Gaia is coughing and gasping for air.

I ignore her and slump back in my seat — for as far as possible, being strapped to the damn fucking thing.

"Who?" Father asks in that hollow tone that makes everyone with still a fuck to give tremble to the core. A tone completely drained of emotion.

Gaia looks up from the ground to meet those intense, flaming golden eyes filled with rage. "A rebel leader, Your Grace," Gaia answers quickly, with a hoarse voice.

Father releases an outraged cry. It shakes the walls and makes the crystal glasses on the dinner table ring. And with that, he exits the room. He steps over Gaia as if she's a mere obstacle in his way.

"Take her to her room! You can have your fun with her!" Her orders Gaia, who is still sprawled out on the floor. "Oh, and please, don't be gentle. She pissed me off today, so make her scream!"

Gaia grins a hungry smile at me. I roll my eyes but can't prevent the slight smirk in which my lips curved, knowing precisely what is going through that pretty head.

"Ready for some hot fun. little peach?" Gaia asks, flashing jer pearl white teeth and fangs.

"What about here and now?" I dare her. Gaia's grin widens as she stumbles from the cold, hard floor.

"I told you someday you'd enjoy it," she says. I watch as she sits down on my lap. She places her hands on the backrest of my chair, caging me. Her enormous, bat-like wings wrap around us, so it is just the two of us on this gods' forsaken chair. Probably to be sure I wouldn't flee. Something that is genuinely unnecessary. As I mentioned earlier, I am already strapped to it. There is nowhere I can go.

I cock my head sideways and look at her from underneath my long, dark lashes. "Who says that there was a time that I did not enjoy it?"

Gaia's wide grin grows even broader. She looks like a cate from a fairytale my sister used to read me when I was little.

"Say you want it," Gaua commands me.

"Why?" I dare to ask with a wicked grin platered on my lips. One I know drives Gaia mad with desire. The musty smell hovering around her grows more strong. A small electrical shock shoots through my core as she starts moving back and forth on my lap. I watch her do so, another shock shoots through me.

Slowly, I shift my gaze over the succubus' beautiful curves, before meeting her eyes.

She smirks, knowing exactly how to turn me on. She twirls a strand of my hair around her finger while biting her lip seductively. The view is incredibly hot. My core twitches impatiently. Gaia releases the strand of my hair and leans in towards me. Her hot breath caresses my scarred skin. My fingers curl around the wood of the armchair I am still strapped to.

That is all I can do while we lock eyes.