
A cringy summoning: Philippines in another world

Summoning a nation based on my strongest playthrough in Conflict of Nations:ww3

Mayari_p123 · Others
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2 Chs



Ayang, South Hwanghae

November 15, 2028

6:00 AM

The sun slowly rose revealing city streets littered with dozens upon dozens of bodies stacked atop each other, body parts were strewn across the streets, and craters were filled with either blood, corpses, or both. walls riddled with holes, scorch marks, and depression marks. Spent brass, empty magazines, and destroyed vehicles littered the streets.

The effluvium of death was all around. The battlefield had been baptized in blood and the bitter, as the mordant perfume of corpses emanated from it.

Smoke billowed from every nook and cranny of the city, obscuring the sky, casting shadows, and preventing light from reaching the ground.

It's already been 3 months after the start of the Sino-FRP war and each day that passed only made things worse. The FRP was slowly being pushed down the Korean peninsula suffering defeat after defeat.

The PLAN and PN clashed with each other. It seemed to be the only saving grace they have as their cutting-edge ships thwarted incursions from their enemy. The same could be said with the airforce as they dominated the sky.

Unfortunately, the army was not the same, although they have high-tech equipment, they lack manpower. Fortunately, however, the government started recruiting and drafting people into the war to accommodate the lack of manpower.

Approximately 60 thousand or so people were recruited and 20 thousand were drafted in the first month and more are on the way.

They were supposed to be aided by their allies, the union of terra and the US of A. It was unfortunate that the confederation of south America declared war on the US and terra was expecting a war with the Confederation of India.

It seems that another world war has started, something which the people were afraid of but couldn't do anything about.


6:30 AM

An explosion rocked the "We Charge" as an RPG managed to hit its side. The K2 Black Panther quickly aimed its gun at the second floor of a building to its right and fired an HE round on it.

Explosions engulfed the room as PLA soldiers were blasted to pieces after failing to run away in time. The tank quickly moved and turned left on an intersection where 2 Tammaraw APCs joined its side, firing at infantries moving about in the buildings.

The tamaraw APCs were designed based on the former Russian BTR-90, with improved armor and weapon armaments. And it is mainly in use by the Marines.

Nearing another intersection the convoy of 3 slowed down and the tamaraw APCs finally dismounted their passengers. Marines came out of the back of the APCs and organized themselves, some moved alongside the vehicles while some moved ahead to scout the area.

Meanwhile, F/A-18 super hornets flew above in different directions to eliminate the remaining enemy air assets, followed by the Apache helicopters.

Soon enough the marines got engaged by PLA soldiers at the east side of the intersection killing some of them.

Commander David Yap watched all this unfold from his viewport, frowning he ordered his crew to move forward.

As soon as the tank stopped at the intersection RPGs and ATGMs quickly shot out of the buildings. The APS systems managed to destroy some of them but one managed to hit its side and destroyed the tracks making the tank immobile.

To further add to the damage another one hit the turret rendering the tank useless and killing the commander by sheer luck. The Tamaraw APCs quickly moved in after falling behind and fired wildly at the buildings killing some of their enemies.

Thankfully the remnants of the enemies flee giving the marines a short relief before moving on to secure the surroundings. The soldiers fought from house to house, buildings after buildings even as far as engaging enemy saboteurs in the sewers.

The same thing happened all over the peninsula as both sides fought with teeth and blood against each other.


Southeast Asian Region

Malacca Strait

7:00 AM

Meanwhile, in the SEAR theater, the FRP was holding out and surprisingly gaining land after land from the enemy.

The third task force fired a continuous salvo of missiles as they flew toward their targets. Tamaraws and AAV-7A1s came out of the amphibious assault ships slowly cruising the water at 10 knots and moving onto land.

Intense battles were currently happening in port Klang as anti-air artilleries and surface-to-air missiles flew towards the skies taking down a few helicopters. Explosions happened all around as artillery bombardment hit the city. Gunfire and explosions were all that could be heard as the marines who were about to land were watching the city in flames.


The war continued for another month with no clear winner as both sides got pushed and pushed back. The FRP managed to take lands from the CFU and so did they. But after another month of fighting the CFU took north Korea and couldn't advance any further, the FRP meanwhile counter attacked and managed to do a successful naval invasion in a form of Phyric victory.

It seemed to be going well for the FRP until unconfirmed reports of mobile Ballistic missile launchers reportedly moving near the shores and borders of Thailand, Vietnam and occupied parts of the federation.

Not willing to take chances, the FRP prepared for the worst as they scrambled and activated all anti-air and anti-ICBM launchers they have in their arsenal. Even as far as activating "Gods Shield" a system of interconnected anti-air, anti-satellite and anti-ICBM launchers. And the orbital weapons defense platform they have which was originally used for redirecting asteroids heading toward earth but was repurposed to act as an orbital defense platform and weapon.

Since the end of the third world war, a new space race was started with the CFU, Union of terra, and the USA in the lead. They are already making bases on the moon and mars, as such, orbital weapons were made to create new forms of WMDs such as America's Rods from gods.

These were a series of dual-purpose military intelligence satellites and orbital weapons called Odin. Due to this, numerous anti-satellite weapons were made along with surface to Space missiles and other space missiles.

During this era, information warfare became a thing as not only did soldiers fight on the battlefields but also digitally. As some great men once said, "He who controls information controls the world." And "He who controls the media controls the mind."

As the world entered a technological golden age, a new risk appeared. Almost everything moved to the internet, one of mankind's greatest creations. With the help of these creations, some groups used this for their interest which pushed most countries to invest and form Cyber security branches.

Their task was to protect the country's digital territory, and network and work as an anti-espionage against hackers and the like attempting to steal and gather information on them. The cyber sec branch also acted as a propaganda machine, spreading disinformation and influencing people's opinions, and attitudes, and affecting the lives of the individual and their perceptions and society as a whole.

The cyber sec branch works alongside government-funded companies, space corporations, and other branches of the military overseeing and preventing sensitive information from leaking to the public or other countries.

Another months passed and clashes slowly decreased as both sides settled on their new borders after suffering heavy losses. It seemed to be a sign of the conflict ending.

Unfortunately, confirmed missile strikes were heading on different parts of the FRP. While the FRP was bracing for what is supposed to happen, a blinding white light engulfed the whole world. And this would mark the start of a new era, a new conflict, and a new world.



[I'll be using Irl military equipments instead of following the game's tech tree. Yes I'll be combining South Korean, Singaporean, Australian, Indonesian, Malaysian, New Zealand, and Filipino equipment in this story but not all of them.]

[I will also be adding OC equipments if I have the motivation.]

[Note that it is my first time writing a story as you can see from my sloppy writing so any feedback or criticism is welcome. And if you're asking I made this for shts and giggles.]


Oct 21, 22

[Felt like I didn't put effort onto this one]

I deleted the first one and replaced it.

Mayari_p123creators' thoughts