
A cringy summoning: Philippines in another world

Summoning a nation based on my strongest playthrough in Conflict of Nations:ww3

Mayari_p123 · Others
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Elmer Corbyn suddenly opened his eyes and gasped before sitting up straight. He coughed before he looked around with panicked eyes which turned into confusion. Surrounding him were myriad flowers, trees, and a river, From a distance, he could see verdant hills and forest. The sky was clear with the sun hanging up so high.

A gentle warm breeze caressed his cheeks and blew his hair and clothes. He felt odd, He then touched the grass, and felt it smooth and prickly, as it should be.

He then came into a thought, where am I? Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Those were questions that ran through his mind. The sound of running water caught his attention and he looked to his right seeing a river just 10ft away from him.

He then went towards the river to wash his face, Maybe I am dreaming? Will I wake up if I dose my face with water? He felt the cold water touch his skin as he dipped his hands into the river and splashed his face with it.

'These sensations...they are certainly real' he thought as he stood there unmoving for a few seconds not knowing what to do. A cough from a distance caught his attention. 'People? Maybe they can help me know where I am', with that in mind he decided to go to where the coughing sound was coming from.

Finally pinpointing the location where the sound was coming from, he turned around and was awestruck.  A gigantic tree of an unknown breed stood tall in front of him, its branches so wide it could fit a city on it. He wondered how such a thing was possible making him question himself again if he was in reality or a dream. He wondered how he didn't see it the first thing he woke up, and only found it when he turned around.

The coughing didn't stop and it brought him out of his stupor. Above? He thought as he looked up finally finding a long pathway towards one of the branches. Finally coming to a decision he went towards the long pathway made out of wood and vines.


15 minutes later

After walking for about 15 minutes he finally reached the first branch, it was so wide with vegetation growing all over the place. There he finally saw the source of the coughing noise he heard. Sitting on top of the grass was a woman in a tattered white dress.

He froze as he observed in detail the person in front of him. Even though she was sitting down he can see that she was tall, which which which he assumed to be about 6 ft tall. Fairly smooth skin, pointy ears, white hair, and piercing blue eyes.

But the most interesting part was the plant life on her body, he can see a twig or a vine protruding out of her head near the ear creating a crown. Her features reminded her of the elves or dryads he once saw on movies and tv shows.

She looked up at him with a melancholic gaze and opened her mouth and spoke weakly.

"...I saved your people...Now please do me a favor..."




"Mr. President are you alright?" Asked vice president Conrado Yap, concerned. President Elmer Corbyn slowly opened his eyes feeling a little dazed as his second in command kept shaking his shoulders gently.

'So it was a dream' he thought as his vision and hearing became clear. 'But what is this feeling?' He thought as he took off the buttons on his barong and checked his chest. '...Promise...' He cringed suddenly remembering that time after he saw some kind of tattoo near the area where his heart would be. It looked like a burn more than anything else.

"Wha-" his words were cut off before he even finish as he finally remembers where he was. Looking around he saw his cabinet looking at him with concern. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Anyways, where were we?" He asked changing the subject.

The people inside the room looked at each other with concern before continuing the discussion. "Yes"

"As I was saying the northern half of the Korean peninsula is gone making the south an island. Thailand and most of mainland southeast Asia are gone along with the rest of the world."

"Hm", a bright light engulfed the whole of FRP right after the alert of ballistic missiles heading towards them was received. And that was a month ago. But it disappeared a few seconds later, instead, the day turned to night. After that was just chaos, Elmer still remembers the endless paperwork, meeting, nationwide address, and the endless nights that seemed to go on for eternity. Remembering that made his headache.

"Instead they were replaced with different landmasses and continents. Based on what our satellites and reconnaissance missions found, most of the civilization here compromise of medieval-esque type civilization, Napoleonic to the great war era with some strange ones."

"Such as our new neighbor to the west of the island of Sumatra and the Napoleonic era-like nation to the northwest of us. Not counting those island civilizations we found."

"Furthermore our satellites picked up these images of what looks to be spaceships hovering over a mountain. Philsa has also detected numerous satellites with unknown design and origin that seems to be transmitting something somewhere. It's like a beacon based on our investigation."

Elmer remembers that peculiar report, based on what they know most of the civilizations on this planet does not know how to get to space. So the origins of these satellites are somewhat mysterious and interesting.

"Now as you all know, the world we are in right now is 2x the size of earth or super-earth as everyone calls it. The planet seems to be in the same as Earth condition which is strange for a planet this size. Our scientists and researchers are already investigating the matter."

"Speaking of investigation...."

While the secretary continued, Elmer fell in a daze for a few minutes just in time for the secretary to finish. Suddenly remembering something he looked at the front man and asked.

"Have the team we sent made contact with them yet?"


Somewhere in the ocean

Carrier task force 2, "Akagi Carrier group"

The carrier task force, consisting of 1 Tokyo class aircraft carrier, 1 Canberra class helicopter carrier, 2 Maya class destroyer, 2 Jose Rizal frigates, 2 Otago class cruisers, 2 KSIII submarines, and 2 supply ships are sailing towards their target, Japan.

Yes, Japan but not the state under the FRP but a different Japan. found a week after they spontaneously appeared out of thin air east of where the Napoleonic era country is found.

Their sudden appearance caused an uproar and many theories are already circulating online. One such theory is the parallel universe thing that became a hot topic half a month after the FRP got sent here. This theory was widely accepted amongst the populace with all the current things that are happening.

This did become a surprise for the government which quickly dispatched a delegation team to make contact with them and conduct diplomacy. Although a carrier task force accompanying a delegation team was criticized by the citizens of the country, especially in the Japanese region.

The carrier task force was even said to invade Japan. Their worries were understandable but the government didn't want any mishaps to happen so they decided on that.

This would be their very first diplomatic mission in the new world, a new world they called Althea.


[Another new chapter with low effort]

Mayari_p123creators' thoughts