
A Contract With The Devil (New)

Konadu · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: A Night With Mom.

Oh! My adorable granddaughter, I know today's pursuit has left you languish, you should get some rest to replenish you lost energy". Her grandma said. ' okay grandma' she replied.  After this interaction my dad called us down to the hall again to listen to jokes. When we went my dad was just sitting there smiling. The more he looked at us the more his smile widened, I just sat and with a straight face. "I was like what the heck is going on his head, is he going bananas or what". To be sincere, I didn't say this I just thought of it. All of a sudden this man started laughing. It was really scary to the extent that my brother almost jumped of his seat. Okay fine, I'm not mad he said. Wait, What, did he know what I just thought of. What's wrong with him? No can it be he could read my mind? Dad, what's up with this laughing? What are you thinking of? I was just thinking of where to start. I was really surprised, my mom didn't really react. It's like she has seen it many times so she was used to it. Okay fine, this is a popular joke. It actually happened to me when I was in College. One day, I went to school and my when the Physics teacher was taking his assignments, he was like, some of you are fine of submitting unfinished works. If you know you didn't do the assignment, then it'll be best for you to get a reasonable reason to tell me. When he collected it, I didn't submit mine. So he started counting the books as he always did. When he finished counting, he was like, who didn't submit his work? I was like Sir it's me. When I said that, be brought down his tiny glasses to watch me well. After watching me closely, he asked me, Young man, why didn't you do my assignment? At first I didn't know what to say. I asked you a question young man? He roare whyd. All eyes were on me. Why didn't you do it I repeat. said the teacher. I was like Sir, I've got my own problems to solve. Honey your turn. He said to my mother. Oh ok. This is a true story but I won't tell you who it belongs to. Okay fine I will tell you who it is. It about my mom. He want to be a woman organizer for the town we used to live. she went for meetings, paid all her she's in fact she was a very faithful member of that political party. She did her campaigns what she thought was good to do for her to win the elections. When the time for the elections was due, they brought the contestants in front and they gave them numbers to represent their stand. So the thing was if you want to vote for number one, you write one on the small paper you are given. My mom was number 3. When they were sharing the papers i took some but they said I'm under age so I can't vote. After the voting they counted it and they started announcing from the top to down. When it was my mother's turn. They mentioned her name and added the number of votes she received as 3 and the place was super quiet. After the meeting she asked her friend did you vote for me and the friend was like "why should I". When we were going home for the first time no one talked. When we were about to reach our gate, she was like apart from your father and that old woman and myself, no one voted for me. That day she cried and cried and cried and we also laughed and laughed and laughed. Until now I still tease her with it. After that my mom carried me up to my room upstairs. As we entered the room, my gifts were already arranged in order. As she sat me down on the bed, she asked," Nyx, my dear, which story would you like me to read to you"? Mommy today  I want us to watch movie, I mean cartoons on the laptop you bought for me. Hmm okay, that's also a good idea. Mom please select one of them and let's watch it together. Or what do you say? I say "okay".  As said my mom took one of the compact disc and inserted it in the laptop. As the first part of the cartoons showed up on the screen, I looked up to my mother and smiled at her. Once my mom joined me on the bed, I slept on one of her shoulders as we watched the movie. We watched the cartoons for some minutes and I asked, mom please can you do me a favour? What is it my dear? "Mom please sleep with me tonight".  'Hmm okay I will' she replied with an assuring smile plastered on her beautiful face. Thank you mom. " You're welcome" she said. My mother took a sharp breath and hugged me. They hugged for sometime and again, she slept in her mother's arms as always. Immediately her child slept, she made her pillow well and layed her down. She got out of the bed,  switched off the laptop and went to sleep next to her daughter. As always, she kissed her forehead and they slept peacefully.

  Hello! Anyone here. She called out. Hello! She called out again. And again no one responded. Hello! Still no response but this time it was a different thing she saw. She saw someone just like her but an older version. She was with a guy and they seemed very happy. They were talking about something that seemed funny but what was it. When she took a careful look at her environment, she realized she was standing in a somehow dark and smokey area. There were plants all over the place, in front of her were bunch of creeping plants. The plants had created a blockage like a gate that sperated the somehow dark place from the people she was looking at. When she was about to open the creeping plants that was looking like a gate, instead of a branch she rather touched a snake...

When her mother woke up in the morning she realized her daughter was sweating profusely. "Nyx! Nyx! Nyx!Wake up! What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating like"..."Mom" Nyx called her mom and hugged her mother. "Don't worry, it just a dream okay. Would you like to share your dream with me? Nyx was now crying while clinging onto her mother like a Koala. "Mom I'm terrified" she said. "Don't be my dear there's nothing to be afraid of so sleep it's not yet morning. After her mother coaxing her for sometime she slept off peacefully on her mother's shoulders.

Author's Note

Hi readers. I'm very grateful about how you guys are reading this book. Although I'm new you've really encouraged me. But what is left is the vote and your comments. Also I really need your support with this. It's not easy to do something alone. Please support me so that I can post post more chapters. Thank you.