
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


'what an interesting seal,' Sora of course wasn't so bored as to pop up to face Sasuke, there were two reasons why he bothered to stay in this forest for a day. One was to meet Orochimure, and the second was to see the curse mark with his eye, and he got a good understanding of it already. It was that complex

Orochimaru's Juinjutsu is a transformation-based cursed seal that Orochimaru can apply to others for various purposes. By studying Jūgo's body, Orochimaru discovered that it has an innate ability to passively absorb natural energy.

Natural energy is a form of energy that exists in the atmosphere and the earth. By gathering the natural energy in their surroundings and combining it with their chakra, sages can enter Sage Mode and use senjutsu.

Natural energy is pretty much like Qi within Sora's eyes, it's just that this world took a different route in using energy. they absorb it into the body and merge it with physical and spiritual energy, to form senjutsu chakra.

The power brought upon a person who enters Sage mode was great, but there was a time limit. but what if you take Natural energy and use it to temper the body, and slowly mold the body to hold natural energy within?

This is pretty much what cultivation did, walking this path would increase your lifespan, and health, and make you far stronger than others. Sora had had this thought for the longest, but he first wanted to see this curse seal. if he could passively absorb natural energy, would he not have passive cultivation?

Sora had never did reach into Biology, he never bothered as he saw all other bloodlines below him. but Orochimure was different, which is why Sora wanted him to follow him. his research as important, and it would be foolish to ignore such things

a conjure needs an army, cloning people, or finding ways to gift others bloodlines would be super useful. So, Sora of course would want Orochimure with his talent within this field.

So, Sora went on to pass the exam on the second day, he got everything he needed to get, with a bonus of Gaara, who he was not planning on using just yet.

"Sora you finally made it," Kiba said upon seeing Sora entering the tower, they were among the first people to pass the exam. Sora just looked at them for a moment, before he went to take to calmly wait for the exam to be finished, which was 4 more days.

Sora didn't do much during this time, instead, he spent his time controlling Sage Chakra, experimenting to find which cultivation art would best suit him, and this form of energy, but in the end, he decided to just build a new cultivation art which would best suit his talent. to do this, he would first need to better understand himself, and he was a far away from this.

In the end, 22 people managed to pass this part of the exam. Because too many genin end up passing the second stage, a single round of randomly selected one-on-one matches is held where only the victor will get to continue. Participants' advancement to the finals is no longer contingent upon the success of their teammates

So, a total of 11 matches were going to take place, but Kabuto ended up stepping down, and giving up, which shocked a few people but this only made things more complex, as there were now 21 people, so one person would get the chance to moving on without the need of fighting.

Since the matches were being picked at random, Sora took this chance to destroy the possibility of things not playing out the same as within the anime. in other words, he wanted everyone to fight the same person they fought.

So, the first match was Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akado. which Sasuke won, although not easily as Yoroi could absorb chakra on contact, and the curse mark got in the way. after the match, he was taken away by Kakashi to seal away the curse mark

the second round was between, Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame. Zaku was the guy who Sasuke broke the arms off, and Shino was someone not to be looked down upon. Shino won with great ease.

the matches went on, up until the match Sora wanted. Hinata Hyūga vs. Neji Hyūga. they were both cousins, and they both showed off their strength, but Neji was just stronger.

Why would Sora care so much about this match? well, it was most Neji, a talent who was wasted within the anime, and Sora know a reason might that might have been.

Neji was born the son of Hizashi Hyūga, placing him in one of the Hyūga clan's branch houses. When the heiress of the main house, Hinata, turned three years old, Neji's forehead was branded with the customary cursed seal by his uncle, Hiashi.

Despite how young he was at the time, Neji's natural talent with the Hyūga's trademark techniques was apparent to his father. For this reason, Hizashi resented that Neji was marked with a cursed seal, as he felt it bound him to a life of service to the main house when he should be destined for greater things. His anger would often manifest subconsciously, prompting Hiashi to activate Hizashi's cursed seal and punish him with pain, an act that traumatized Neji.

Shortly after Neji received his cursed seal, a Village Hidden by Clouds Head Ninja visiting Konoha took advantage of a peace treaty and attempted to kidnap Hinata to gain the secrets of the Byakugan. Hiashi stopped and killed the Head Ninja.

In what became known as the Hyūga Affair, Kumo denied the allegations made against its Head Ninja and insisted Hisashi's actions were a declaration of war by Konoha. the only way to avoid hostilities between the two villages would be if Hiashi's body were turned over to Kumo as compensation.

Hiashi was willing to do so if it meant protecting Konoha, but that in turn would give Kumo the Byakugan. Hizashi, Hiashi's twin brother, volunteered to be his body double since his cursed seal would destroy his Byakugan at the time of his death, a fate he insisted upon over Hiashi's protests. Neji was too young to understand what was happening at the time, and over the years came to believe his father had been forced to die for the main house.

Neji became spiteful towards the members of the main house for what he believed they'd done to his father. He also came to believe that the course of a person's life was determined from the moment of their birth and could be altered under no circumstances.

So, why did Sora care so much about Neji? because he was a guy with trauma and had great talent. why would he not want this pawn for himself?

He also wanted to take this time to study the gentle fist of the Huyga Clan. The Gentle Fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage by attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs that are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck.

To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist.

By employing the use of the Byakugan they can target the tenketsu, thus enhancing the havoc and control a Gentle Fist practitioner can impose upon an opponent's chakra network. These 361 nodes are key gate-keeping interceptions in the chakra circulatory network, thus forcibly opening or sealing them in whatever manner the Gentle Fist user sees fit, is a powerful tactical option to have. The affected person's chakra flow can either be increased or disrupted completely, preventing them from using techniques

Individuals with a Byakugan have a near-360º field of vision around themselves, save for a small blindspot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. Byakugan's vision can penetrate almost any object, allowing users to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body.

The Byakugan can see chakra to a greater degree than the Sharingan. This enables users to distinguish certain types of clones from their original and even identify specific individuals' chakra signatures. Its ability to see the chakra is acute enough to see the chakra pathway system within a target's body and the 361 tenketsu that run along it.

The Byakugan added with the Gentle fist makes the Huyga clan the best hand-to-hand combat experts within the hidden leaf. the reason Sora was so interested in this form of martial art was that within his path of life, he had never seen something like this.

The 361 tenketsu were petty much like the Meridians, if Sora were to destroy them, it could cripple a ninja, which would be the same as crippling someone's cultivation, instead in this case if not healed, a person can't use chakra.

The battle went pretty much as the anime went, Neji forced the many Jonin to move in to stop him from killing Hinata, and Naruto and Sakura rushed down to check up on Hinata, but she was quickly taken away as her life was in danger, which enraged Naruto to the point he challenged Neji.

But Neji ignored him and looked toward where Sora was standing. he only had a few people he wanted to fight, Sora and Sasuke were one of them. but seeing the disdain in Sora's eyes, he frowned.

"a man who so easily bows to their fate isn't worthy of fighting me. the fact I allow you to even look at me is too good for you." Sora said calmly, making everyone look towards him upon hearing such arrogant words. The 3rd Hokage sighed softly while looking at a few people who could help but have an inch to punch something

"What did you say?" Neji was enraged, but he was only answered with a look of disdain that would haunt his dreams.

"You are weak, use the excuse that a person can't change their fate to hide such a fact. Hinata is stronger than a guy who gets on all 4 legs and barks like a dog before fate and uses the excuse they can't do anything. At least they try to fight, on the other hand..." Sora said his look of disdain reaching a point the 3rd Hokage had to look away, afraid he might punch something.

But his words were a huge blow to Neji, he wanted to rush up to fight Sora on the spot, but he was stopped by Might Guy, his team leader.

"You better hope we don't meet in the arena." He said coldly, to which Sora ignored him as if he didn't exist, only Neji's face turned red with rage. for someone like him who could usually keep his cool... release, it had something to do with his family, reaching this level of rage was a first. he never felt so mad that he could kill before, a sight that shocked those who knew him.

but Neji was only this mad because Sora's words were a huge blow. at least others challenged fate, what did he do? To have it slapped across his face in front of so many people, how could he not be enraged? Hinata being the shy little girl she was still stood up to him knowing she was no match, Rock Lee was born without being able to mold chakra, yet he stood amongst them

He was born with outstanding talent, to the point he mastered many of his clan jutsu by simply watching others use them. yet he never stood up to his fate, he was a bird trapped within a cage, waiting for death. he thought of flying out but never dared to try.

what made it worse was that he was one of the strongest genin here, yet to be looked down upon by Sora, someone he saw might be strong enough to face him... it was a blow to his pride. To make things worse, Sora was ignoring him as if he was too good to give his existence more power than need. as if he was already lowering himself to even knowledge of his existence,

"..." Gaara looked at Sora for some time, for the longest he wanted to approach Sora, even when that annoying voice returned, yet it was like Sora had a barrier around him. he wanted to walk up to Sora, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. It took some time, but he realized he was nervous, how should he approach Sora, was Sora his enemy? could Sora become his first friend?

"is something wrong Gaara?" Gaara's sister asked seeing the weird look in Gaara's eyes,

"i-its nothing," Gaara said softly, making her have a weird look, not understanding why Gaara was acting so strange. first, they find him asleep, and within the tower all he did was walk towards Sora, only to freeze a few meters away and walk back. for the past 4 days, a scene like this could be seen, with Gaara mumbling to himself. they thought that Gaara had lost it, maybe even more so than before.