
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


Sora didn't bother to watch the rest of the matches, although the next match which was between Gaara and Rock Lee made him frown. why? because Rock Lee didn't have the new 8 Gates he had created, this made him look towards the 3rd Hokage with a cold glare, which made the 3rd Hokage smile bitterly

Sora only created the jutsu a few months ago, Might Guy had gotten around to learning it, but even he had strong with it. so to say the least, Rock Lee didn't get his hands on it, this was because the 3rd limited who can use Sora jutsu

Only those he truly trusted like Might Guy, Kakashi, and a few others were trusted enough to gain the new jutsu. So, Genin like Lee, of course, couldn't gain the jutsu.

As for the fight, the likely hood of it going the way the anime went was high, so Sora left not wanting to be around when Lee crippled himself. he didn't want them to come to him seeking help to heal Lee

"Are you just going to go like that?" Naruto asked upon seeing Sora leaving, Sora turned to look at Naruto for a moment, before he disappeared, appearing before the 3rd Hokage to pick a number. the 3rd Hokage's eye twitched, not knowing just how Sora knew such things

But with a sigh, Sora got special treatment and got his number, after showing it to the 3rd, Sora left. Sora this time made sure that the first match would be between him and Neji, after which he left, leaving everyone guessing if Sora's name would be called up.

but as expected, Sora's name was not called, so he left without any trouble, instead Sora went on to calmly watch a meeting between Kakashi and Orochmure which took place after the next match,

Just as their small talk ended, Kabuto left, leaving Orochimure standing there, before he froze as he saw something in front of him, calmly lining against the wall. Orochimure heard was racing at the moment while looking at that mask,

"Why are you so scared? If I wanted to destroy you, I will tell you ahead of time." Sora said calmly,

"Who are you?" Orochimaru asked, he could be said to be a man who knew many things within this world, jet the jutsu Sora used he knew nothing about.

"I'm chaos. I'm what came before all concepts, rules, knowledge, and laws. I'm the end and the beginning of existence. So, when I said I can give you something, all rules, and common sense can't stop me." Sora said calmly with crossed arms,

"t-that's impossible," Orochimaru said after a few minutes to comprehend the meaning behind Sora's words.

"thats true, it is. but I ignore possibilities. what are the chances gravity for you would suddenly start pulling you towards the sky? it's near 0 right?" Sora asked to which Orochimaru nodded slightly, only for him to shoot toward the sky as if he was falling.

"I destroy such things and made it more possible. do you understand?" Sora asked while falling to the sky with Orochimaru, not bothered at all that the air was growing thin. Orochimaru tried to him to control himself, but he couldn't fly, he could only look on in horror as the air grew colder and colder, and him struggling to breathe.

"How weak," Sora said as he destroyed Orochimaru's need to breathe, shocking Orochimaru, he looked at Sora, his body shaking slightly from the cold. Orochimaru had a strong body, and the fact the cold was affecting him showed just how cold it was, yet Sora was not affected.

"Low down below, this is the small cage you call home. your people have yet to look past the stars," Sora said as Orochimaru did as he asked, only for the shock of how high up they were to hit him, and how big their world was to hit him even more.

"you think this is big? you are a fool, this is a drop in the ocean compared to what's out there, I would have let you die if you didn't sign that contract." Sora said coldly sending a chill down Orochimaru's spine.

"You are a frog at the bottom of the well, looking at the sky and thinking thats everything the world has to offer. be lucky I took you out of the well and offered you a chance to turn from a frog to a dragon." Sora said calmly before they began falling

"w-what is your goal?" Orochimaru asked softly, to which Sora smiled slightly,

"I'm Chaos, normally I should be trying to destroy everything, but I want to rule the world, a world where chaos isn't needed to maintain any sense of balance," Sora said calmly, confusing Orochimaru

"Chaos and Order. through Chaos Order was born, and through Order, Chaos was born. One can't exist without the other. a world without chaos will become unstable, and a world without order is pretty much chaos. Order is the rule that says what goes up must come down, and chaos is what destroys that. when chasing, it creates what you see right now. a balanced world." Sora said calmly, while Orochimaru paid close attention

"You humans just had a war, that was chaos. but now a time of order has come, and once more chaos is about to appear, this time being brought forth by you. Order always creates people like you who think things are too boring, but thanks to you, chaos is born, which shall birth a new Order. the cycle would go on, and soon it would be broken, once broken, that would mean the end of the world is near." Sora said shocking Orochimaru

"when there is too much chaos with little peace, thats a sign that the end of the world is nearing. when there is too much order and almost 0 chaos, thats a sign." Sora said as their fall slowed down, just enough that they landed lightly on the ground.

"If this world is destroyed, everything you were and was shall return to chaos. so you should know I do not require this, you are. this is only one small world out there, I plan to conquer the whole universe, you can think of the benefits for yourself." Sora said leaving Orochimaru lost in deep thought,

How strong was Sora? Orochimaru was a Kage-level shinobi, yet Sora could have killed him. this is what made Sora's power so unique, the power to destroy anything made Sora capable of killing anyone if he destroyed the right thing. destroy a brain signal, and all of a sudden you forgot how to breathe or how to control chakra,

destroy the chances of you not having a heart attack, and all of a sudden you drop to the ground head. this was stuff Sora could do, yet, of course, there was a small catch to this,

for example, destroying possible, some possibilities had a higher likely cold of happening than others. so trying to destroy the possibility of the Sun Not suddenly shining to the size of a ball and appearing within someone's stomach... it was almost impossible for Sora to destroy, but he could weaken it, thereby increasing the chances of the sun appearing in someone's stomach.

But there was also something called a domain effect, one action could lead to huge things... yet Sora didn't use his power of destruction in such a way for one reason, were these ants worth him working so hard for such things? were they worth him looking down to look for that small piece to move which would change the whole thing?

Even if they were worthy, Sora wouldn't as he needed to collect talents. what Sora told Orochimiure was the truth, but it was just part of the complex truth.

Order was everything within creation, such as life, death, time, space, concepts, rules, laws, and so many more. Chaos was not simply destruction. Sora didn't simply destroy, that didn't put his power justice, so one could say that his power pulled his target back into chaos, and allowed him to put it back.

Anyways, the second part of the Chunin exam would take part a month from now, so the first thing Sora did was go meet the guy whose life was in his hands. Dosu. but upon seeing Sora, Dosu didn't kneel, which made Sora destroy his kneecap, forcing him to his knees while he cried in pain.

"Dosu, I'm a man who likes to be understood, a man who hates having to repeat himself," Sora said while waving forward, causing Dosu to fly up and float before him, Dosu could feel an invisible force holding him, making him look at Sora with fear-filled eyes

"you're going to make me have to repeat myself with where you stand?" Sora asked calmly to which Dosu shook his head in horror. But Sora slowly closed his palm, controlling the oxygen flowing through Dosu's blood and organs, and as he closed that palm, Dose could suddenly feel every cell within his body,

he wanted to cry in pain as he felt like he was about to be crushed down to every drop of blood, but he couldn't let out a sound and could only look at Sora. after a few seconds of this, and just when Dosu was about to reach his limits, Sora waved his hands, slamming Dose into a wall.

"you will not enter the chunin exam, instead wait for when it's attacked, and come look for me," Sora said before disappearing into a poof of smoke, as he was only a shadow clone, Dosu lay on the ground, touching his legs only to find himself in perfect condition, Sora had undone his damage, which made him think it might be an illusion...

Later that night, Gaara sat on a roof, looking at the moon in the sky. Gaara as if sensing something look over and saw Sora walking up to him, stunning him.

"you need help sleeping?" Sora asked with a smile, Gaara didn't know what to say for a moment before he spoke

"Why do you want to help me?" Gaara asked softly, today was a complex day for him. During his match with Lee, he was injured for the first time, pushing it further, after he won and was about to kill Lee, Might Guy stepped in to save him. why would Might Guy save a failure? this is something he couldn't understand

"Do you need a reason to do anything? I look forward to watching your match with Sasuke, once you win I got something I want to tell you." Sora said with a smile, before pointing towards Gaara. instantly, Gaara's mind went quiet, making him look toward Sora with complex eyes.

"Go and sleep, this time it should give you a few days of peace of quiet. but after your big win, I want you to follow me. not as a tool or a weapon, but as a Gaara." Sora said with a smile, stunning Gaara

"b-but all I am is a weapon..." Gaara said softly,

"No, you are Gaara. a man loved by his mother, and is forever shielded by her love." Sora said while walking away and disappearing, leaving Gaara blankly looking at the spot Sora was at, but his attention was caught by a drop of water that landed on the top of the roof. thinking it was raining, he looked into the sky but there was no cloud in sight,

feeling something wet on his face, Gaara realized he was crying... but why was he crying? Was it because of Sora? or was it because he was loved? or maybe it was because someone wanted him to be himself...

But to say the least, Gaara was more motivated than ever to defeat Sasuke, their match would take place in the second round after Sora watch with Neji...

So, a month quickly passed, and miles away, Sora's main body sat on a throne, looking calmly at Gato who was kneeling before him, while shaking in fear. Sora had on a mask and looked at the other masked man who was standing next to Gato. this masked man had an orange mask which only had one hole for his eye which held the sharingan to show

"What do you want me to call you? Madara, Tobi, Obito, or masked man?" Sora asked calmly, shocking the masked man. but Sora didn't give him a chance to speak

"As of this moment, I'm the leader of the Akatsuki. The plan Madara gave you was stupid, and I honestly don't see why he would put so much truth into a fool like yourself, and with black Zetsu around." Sora said calmly, making the marked man, eyes turn cold. Sora knew too much

"Don't get cocky, you're nothing with that Kami space of yourself, which I can enter myself... even without Kakashi's eye... or the eye you gave him," Sora said calmly while pulling out a jar, causing the masked man to freeze

"All this time, you let something which could bring you at risk walking around in this world. and you don't see yourself as a fool? Obito Uchiha, the biggest mistake Madara made was leaving his hopes in you. Tell me, why is it that all these years you have not gone to capture Naruto? even before Itachi joined you to slow you down, you had many chances to just pup up and take a kid who was rejected by a whole village and brainwash him. yet you didn't." Sora said calmly

"even if the 9 tails chakra would overlord that statue, it's better to have him near than far, but you are a number one fool. this guy for the 8 tails as well, all these years you let the guy bond with his 8 tails, are you dumb?" Sora asked leaving Obito unable to answer

"This is just some of the dumb things you have done, and honest, you are just too stupid to be a leader. leave my sight, and back black Zetsu come," Sora said calmly, only for Obito to open his mouth, but Sora's eyes glowed, and a power that wanted to destroy Obito hit him, sending him stumbling backward in horror. his Kamui didn't active

"I didn't ask you to speak, leave," Sora said coldly, Obito looked at Sora in shock. with his Kamui Obito was a Demi-God, of course, if someone knew how to counter his strength would only be at peak Kage.

Sora was no Peak Kage, he could feel that. but his power was dangerous, enough to make someone like himself unwilling to face him. So, he stepped backward and allowed Black Zetsu to pop up.

Black Zetsu was a blank link-like being, he came out of the ground and looked, but he was attached to white Zetsu. Sora kicked Gato out before sealing off the space, allowing him and Black Zetsu to speak in peace, for this Sora removed his mask, shocking Black Zetsu that Sora was only a kid.

"You the biggest fool of all. your plan of bringing back Kaguya is just filled with so many mistakes, I want to kill you where you stand." Sora said horrifying Black Zetsu.

"as of this moment, I will be taking over. I will bring her back, understood?" Sora asked coldly, shocking black Zetsu who was about to risk everything to kill Sora

"y-you want to bring her back? why?" Black Zetsu asked not trusting Sora's words,

"Question me again and I will kill you. I need not explain myself to a bug, all you need to know is that Kaguya's enemies are mine, making her an Allie." Sora said calmly, Kaguya had something Sora wanted. and that was information, that was all she was useful for.

"as of this moment, I'm this team leader. but for the time being, I will let you carry on with your plans. I'm yet strong enough... so leave, and report everything back to me. if anything important slip through you, your value in my eyes would drop." Sora said calmly, while his eyes glowed shaking Zetsu.

at that moment Zetsu was sure that even if this was not his whole body if Sora wished, his whole body shall disappear.

"Range doesn't limit my power to destroy you, so run, and hide. it would be pointless," Sora said while Black Zetsu entered the ground, disappearing, only for a few seconds later, space twitched behind Sora, and Obito's hands reached out, trying to grab Sora

But this backfriend heavily as his ability was suddenly canceled, leading him to be shot out of the Kamui space, and at the same time a flash appeared, followed by Zabuza pinning Obito to the ground, leaving him unable to move in the slightest

"I will not kill you, you're just a fool who doesn't know his place. So, Zabuza, take him away and explain it to him." Sora said calmly, to which Zabuza nodded and took Obito away. Sora knew that Sora was chaos and Order, so why should Sora waste his breath explaining such things over and over?