
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Itachi Uchiha

"I'm unable to take your life, but I'm at least able to take your ability to perform hand seals." the 3rd Hokage said while holding onto Orochimure's soul, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, if he had a few years, even with his old age he could have taken down Orochimure.

But for now, all he could do was pay a part of his lifespan, and in return the Grimm reaper which was floating behind him would take away Orochimure's soul, but he was too weak to pull out all of his soul, only his hands.

this jutsu was called the reaper death seal, this being a forbidden S rank jutsu was something Sora changed. now, instead of casting this jutsu taking a person's life, once this jutsu is cast, it would instead take a person's lifespan, the greater the amount, the greater the Grimm Reaper's power.

The 3rd Hokage was far stronger than when he was in the anime, which shocked Orochimure who didn't expect this old man to still be so powerful. but thanks to Sora, Orochimaru came in with a mindset to kill. but as if fated, things still ended up as the anime did, instead this time the 3rd Hokage might live a few days after this battle, although in a weakened state since he would be near death.

thats not adding the fact that there was a sword stabbed through his chest, maybe he can live for a few minutes

Orochimaru's face darkened while he struggled to get his soul back, but the Grimm reaper took the dagger from its mouth, and with a swing, his soul's hands were cut and swallowed, leaving Orochimaru's hands to turn back, as if turning into stone.

this was as good as crippling Orochimaru, without the ability to use hand seals, jutsu which requires such things shall forever be out of his reach. Orochimaru can only yell at the 3rd Hokage, his voice not only filled with rage but fear. this was pretty much a test for him, yet he failed and even came out as a cripple, he might be destroyed, and that scared him more than losing his hands.

the 3rd Hokage stumbled backward, struggling hard to remain awake, he couldn't rest without saying everything through. but in the end, he fainted, leading Orochimaru to call his man to take him away. the Anbu tried to follow, but Orochimaru got away in the end, leaving everyone to gather around the 3rd Hokage who was slowly dying.

"stab back." An Anbu yelled upon seeing Sora walking up to the 3rd hokage who was being healed by a group of Shinobi skilled in the art of healing.

"what you'd going is pointless, the old man sarfcied99% of his remaining lifespan to seal away the first and second hokage, and on top of that he took away Orochimaru's ability to use hand seals. with him being stabbed through, the best you can do is extend his life for a few hours at best." Sora said calmly, making everyone look toward him

"... can you save him?" Kakashi asked softly, shocking a few who didn't know Sora well, but those who knew him had a hint of health.

"There is nothing in this world I can't save. If I Sora, wish to save you, you can only be saved." Sora said calmly while holding a palm towards the sky. a huge amount of chakra gathered and mixed with nature energy, forming a large glowing sword. before anyone can react, Sora stabbed the sword into the 3rd hokage chest, before it disappeared and he walked away.

everyone froze for a moment before they turned toward Sora with their aures spread out, but the sword of someone coughing filled the air, leading them all to turn back to look at the 3rd hokage, who was slowly waking up.

'interesting, I destroyed those few minutes of his life, yet no paradox is formed.' Sora thought while looking towards where Orochimure ran off to, everything was the same, and the only person this affected was the 3rd hokage

what Sora did was simple, he destroyed the few minutes in between when he used that jutsu and was stabbed through. Sora wanted to see the fact this might have on the world, yet it only affected the 3rd hokage. since Sora only destroyed the effect it had on his body and lifespan, the 3rd hokage could still remember everything,

"Old man, you should step down and look for someone else to take over your spot. there are two people you should have replaced you. Kakashi or Tsunade," Sora said calmly without bothering to turn back to look at the 3rd hokage who was checking his condition in confusion, only to look at Sora with understanding eyes.

Sora didn't wait for anyone to say a thing before he disappeared, leaving everyone sighing softly. the only reason Sora saved the 3rd hokage... well, changed his fate was because he owed the old man. sure Sora used the old man, but the old man treated him well. Sora was not the time who would ignore someone who treated him well for no reason. it's not like he lost something, although his fate seemed to have worsened since he did something like that.

What Sora did of course was not so simple, So didn't simply need his eyes to destroy anything. he just found it easier to channel the ability through his eyes, but since he had yet to master his ability to destroy things, he was forced to create that sword and chancel his power through it.

Sora didn't know his power as well as he thought he did, some times he found that he could defeat pretty much anyone. the stuff Sora can destroy were many, and even the smallest of things can have huge effects

for example, Sora can destroy one ability to breathe. even if they can someone resists such a thing, Sora can destroy the hope of them ever breathing, her the effect of them taking in a breath leading air to enter their lungs, or he can instead destroy all air that shall ever near them.

he can destroy the heat around them, leading them to freeze to death. he can destroy their senses, destroy their past, destroy the space around them, and so on. Sora was a powerhouse, he just didn't know it.

"refuse to lose," Gaara said weakly while looking at Naruto who was slowly crawling towards him, he was defeated by this person he once looked down upon, he couldn't even move, yet Naruto was still moving.

But while he was playing there, he suddenly saw Sora appear before him, making him freeze for a moment, before he avoided looking at Sora, knowing he failed him. yet Sora did something he never expected, he held out a hand, looking at the smile Sora had, and the hand Sora wanted him to take, he felt something new in his heart. a warmth, that made him start crying.

"it's alright to fail, it's only when you give up that it's bad. there is no such thing as perfect, but perfection can be reached through hard work and failure." Sora said softly, while Naruto looked at him back, all Naruto saw was a shadow that confused him. but seeing as Sora was with Gaara, it was not hard to guess he was the enemy.

"I know you will fail, I just want you to know that I don't care even if you fail. So long as you learn from mistakes, and prove, then what's to be ashamed of? You never failed before, so I hope you learn something new today." Sora said with a smile, he was in good mode. after all, he just found out that he was more capable than he thought,

Sora looked toward Naruto and placed him in a genjutsu, making him the illusion that he give the speech he wanted to give Gaara to him. we couldn't have his best dog being moved by Naruto,

"I have to leave, but before I go, let me help you with this annoying voice, a month is what I can do now," Sora said while tapping his forehead before he told Gaara a few more things and disappeared...

So, the next day came. the 3rd hokage still being alive was great and all, but there were others who died that day, so the village was down for that day.

"What did you do to me?" the 3rd hokage asked while standing before his window, his hands behind his back and not looking back towards Sora, who didn't bother to give him a face and was sitting on a chair, going through his papers.

"It's a jutsu I created, I destroyed the time in between you casting that jutsu and you being stabbed. so, you never cast the jutsu, and you were never stabbed. but just so you know, I got a lot of bad luck from doing that. I changed your fate. you were supposed to die that die," Sora said calmly, making the 3rd hokage turn to look at him in shock

"step down as the hokage... I will give you the cold and honest truth. you were a bad hokage, your kindness could have led to the downfall of the hidden leaf, if not for people like Itachi around. there are many things you did wrong, you should start trying to fix them, and ease the work for the next Hokage." Sora said while getting up to leave, leaving the 3rd hokage quiet for some time

"you are right, maybe if I was more heavy-handed... I will be stepping down tomorrow. I asked Jiraiya to go ask Tsunade to replace me. so I will be standing if they manage to convince her, if not then I will have to stay as Hokage until Kakashi is ready." He said in a low voice while looking deeply at Sora.

"I will not be the hokage, I'm not interested in having to deal with Danzo or other stuff. come to me when you need help, but thats all." Sora said before leaving, leaving the 3rd hokage alone. he sat down and fell into deep thought for some time before he covered his face.

"I should fix my mistakes," He said softly while steeling his heart, he had to kill Danzo and destroy the Anbu. today a meeting was held by the fire's Daimyo, there he pushed for either Kakashi, Jiraiya, or Tsunade to become Hokage. all refused and now they were looking towards Tsunade. of course, Danzo wanted to take this position, but he put his foot down on this, refusing it

so the next day came, and a funeral was held. As if lashing out due to the 3rd hokage surviving, more people died than they did in the anime, many being citizens.

"What did you think? you were going after the 3rd hokage, well known for being the god of shinobi at his prime. you didn't think it would be easy, but now he is down, that 2 out of the 5 Kages." Kabuto said while putting Orochimaru down,

"Shut up," Orochimaru said coldly before his heart dropped when he saw someone behind Kabuto. Kabuto confused turn to look behind him before he jumped back to protect Orochimaru upon seeing Sora.

"You failed, so what use is a cripple to me?" Sora asked calmly, ignoring Kabuto's existence, Orochimaru's body shook. Sora didn't bother to wear a mask and was standing before him, it was clear he might die today.

"I can get my hands back... Tsunade, she can heal them." Orochimaru said to which Sora smiled slightly,

"Why should I give you this second chance, wouldn't it be easier to destroy Orochimaru, yet leave behind his knowledge? Wouldn't that be better than having a snake around me?" Sora asked with a smile, causing Orochimaru's body to shake which stunned Kabuto, who couldn't help but start sweating.

"I will sleep on what to do with your existence for a month, until then," Sora said before disappearing as if he was never there. yet his words filled the room, making Orochimaru feel as if mountains were crushing his heart.

"Find Tsunade," Orochimaru said through gritted teeth, hiding the fear within his heart...

"Who are you?" Sora stood before two guys, who had on long robes which had red clouds on them. they were none other than Itachi and Kisame, two members of the Akatsuki.

"I'm Sora, the new leader of the Akatsuki... Kisame, mind if Itachi and I have a one-to-one? These are personal things related to Itachi." Sora said calmly, making Itachi eyes narrow. at this moment, Sora was standing before one of the strongest people on the planet.

Itachi Uchiha was a man whose power could only be rivaled by 4 other people, and 3 of those people he could win if he played his cards right, but the last one, Might Guy... well, the two might die if they fought.

Who was Itachi Uchiha? well, it was a long story. To understand Itachi Uchiha, it was to understand the Uchiha Clan.

The Uchiha are descendants of Indra Ōtsutsuki, the elder son of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Aka the Sage of Six Paths, who many considered a god. a man who spread chakra throughout the world.

Through Indra, the Uchiha inherited Hagoromo's "eyes", granting them powerful spiritual energy and chakra. As part of the so-called "Curse of Hatred" first displayed by Indra, Uchiha is subject to powerful emotions: these emotions typically start as love for a friend or family member that then becomes overpowering hatred when the object of their love is lost.

This loss, whether actually experienced or merely threatened, awakens an Uchiha's Sharingan. It is due to the Sharingan that the Uchiha have received much of their fame and notoriety.

The Uchiha have been fighting the Senju clan for centuries, a rivalry that traces back to the days of Indra and his younger brother, Asura. When the Sage of Six Paths was dying, he selected Asura as his successor, believing Asura's desire for peace through love was better than Indra's peace through power. Indra, driven by his Curse of Hatred, fought Asura to claim what he believed was his birthright. The Uchiha and Senju, descendants of Indra and Asura respectively, continued their battle through the centuries, though none still remembered this reason for their conflict.

By the time of the Warring States Period, a point in time before the birth of villages. the Uchiha and Senju had emerged as the strongest shinobi clans in the world. When one of the fledgling countries of the era would hire the Uchiha to fight in their wars, the opposing side would hire the Senju.

The constant warfare between their clans only fuelled their hatred, with all Uchiha owing the death of a loved one to a Senju and vice versa. But centuries of the conflict began to wear on members of the clans.

Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju met as children and became friends, bonding over their disapproval of the combat and death that they and their younger brothers were constantly subjected to and dreaming of a time when children wouldn't need to fight. Unable to do anything about the world at their age, Madara turned away from their dreams.

Madara and Hashirama continued to face each other in battle over the coming years. Driven by his desire to defeat Hashirama and through competition with his younger brother, Izuna, Madara became the first Uchiha to awaken his Mangekyō Sharingan. With its increased power he took control of the Uchiha. Hashirama, by then leader of the Senju, tried to use their positions to broker peace between them and finally achieve their childhood dreams.

Despite growing interest in peace amongst the Uchiha, Madara was unwilling to agree to peace after Izuna was killed by Hashirama's brother, Tobirama. Using Izuna's eyes to acquire "eternal" Mangekyō, Madara challenged the Senju for supremacy one final time.

He was defeated, but even then refused Hashirama's offer of peace, insisting that Hashirama kill himself first. When Hashirama agreed to these terms, Madara was moved to accept, withdrawing his request for Hashirama's death.

Despite growing interest in peace amongst the Uchiha, Madara was unwilling to agree to peace after Izuna was killed by Hashirama's brother, Tobirama. Using Izuna's eyes to acquire "eternal" Mangekyō, Madara challenged the Senju for supremacy one final time.[5] He was defeated, but even then refused Hashirama's offer of peace, insisting that Hashirama kill himself first. When Hashirama agreed to these terms, Madara was moved to accept, withdrawing his request for Hashirama's death.

When it came time to select Konoha's First Hokage, Konoha's leader, the villagers selected Hashirama. Madara interpreted this as the first step in the Senju's supremacy over the Uchiha and tried to rally his clan to take control of the village. Weary of the fighting, the Uchiha ignored him, prompting him to leave the village. He later returned, challenging Hashirama at what would become the Valley of the End and dying in battle.

Despite Madara's actions, Hashirama did not hold anything against the Uchiha, and in fact urged his successor as Hokage, Tobirama, to be careful not to offend them. Tobirama created the Konoha Military Police Force for the Uchiha to lead, believing it would be both the best use of their skills and the best way to focus the clan's energies toward serving Konoha.

But the Military Police Force was headquartered in a remote part of the village, and by its nature prevented Uchiha from holding any position of real influence within Konoha's government. As such, some Uchiha came to feel as though they were being deliberately isolated from Konoha, a sentiment that spread amongst the clan over the following decades.

after the Third Shinobi World War, many within the Uchiha clan believed the clan's leader, Fugaku, should become Konoha's Fourth Hokage. But Fugaku was not even considered for the position, and the title of Fourth passed to yet another disciple of the Senju. Fugaku's supporters were outraged, but Fugaku resisted their calls to protest.

A few months later, during the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, Fugaku made immediate plans for the Military Police Force to join the village's defense, believing their Sharingan's ability to control the Nine-Tails would be indispensable in protecting the village. Before they could lend aid, however, they received instructions from Konoha's leadership to patrol Konoha's borders instead, a sign that, even in the middle of an attack, the village already suspected an Uchiha was responsible.

just as the Sharingan could be used to stop the Nine-Tails, so too could it cause the Nine-Tails' attack in the first place. Fugaku once again complied with the orders without comment. In the aftermath of the attack, the Uchiha clan was relocated to a compound along the village's outskirts on the pretext of it being a necessary step in Konoha's reconstruction.

In truth, the Konoha Council was convinced that the Nine-Tails' attack was the first manifestation of the Uchiha's long-simmering dissatisfaction, and needed to put the entire clan together to monitor them and prevent any additional attacks. With this, Fugaku and the rest of the clan could no longer sit idly: to be treated with such skepticism despite their years of service to the village convinced them that Madara had been right.

Under the leadership of Fugaku Uchiha, the Uchiha began plotting a coup d'état to overthrow the Third Hokage and his administration. and this is where Itachi came to play...