
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

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Itachi Story

(You can skip this chapter if you want. as for those who are wondering, what is listed below are bits and pieces from the novels, which were either left out of the anime or changed for some reason. for example, in Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night, Itachi was the one who killed Shisui}

Itachi was the first child born to Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. His early childhood was marked with violence. when he was four years old, the Third Shinobi World War was waged and he witnessed first-hand many of the war's casualties. The death and destruction he experienced at such a young age traumatized Itachi and made him a pacifist, leading to him training non-stop to achieve his dream of becoming the strongest ninja in order to erase fighting from the world.

At age 5, after becoming a big brother to Sasuke, Itachi was approached by Shisui, who offered to train together. Soon, the two became best friends, forming a brother-like bond as they continued to teach the other new tricks.

The Nine-Tails' attack had soured relations between Konoha's leadership and the Uchiha, the former believing the latter to be responsible. The Uchiha were relocated to the edge of the village, isolating them from the rest of the village and making it easier to monitor them.

At age 6, Itachi enrolled in the Academy, where he consistently scored the highest in each subject and quickly learned any skill taught to him, resulting in him being praised as the best of his generation. After four months, his teachers unanimously agreed to let him take the graduation exam early due to Itachi being more than advanced enough for genin-level, which he passed later that month.

During this time, he began seriously studying the history of the world, gaining a great appreciation for it. On the day he graduated as the youngest post-war graduate, he is confronted by Danzō Shimura, who gives him a riddle regarding ten men, nine of them healthy and one too sick to save. Itachi answers that he would kill the sick man since he will die anyway, thereby ensuring he does not infect the other nine. Danzō is pleased with Itachi's answer and departs.

Joining Team 2, Itachi went on to hone his skills to the chūnin level, leading to him drawing the attention of Konoha's leaders. Meeting the criteria, Fugaku allowed him to sit in on clan meetings in the Naka Shrine basement.

Nearly a year after graduating, Itachi had mastered ninjutsu to the extent his missions went too easy, though the team 3 leader didn't recommend him for the Chūnin Exams. Team 2's performance during its first year - thanks in large part to Itachi - earned them the ceremonial honor of being the Fire Daimyō's guard during his annual trip to Konoha. Along their planned route they were met by a masked man, who quickly used a genjutsu on them all; only Itachi and Tenma were able to fend off the genjutsu.

Tenma instructed Itachi to join him in a counterattack, to which Itachi responded they needed to first assess the situation. Tenma ignored this and continued his attack, only for it to pass through the masked man harmlessly. The masked man reprimanded Tenma for not being as cautious as Itachi was and then killed him, resulting in him awakening his Sharingan,

Tenma was a part of the Itachi team and had become like brothers with Itachi, his death was a huge blow to Itachi. Remember, Itachi life goal was to become the strongest and bring world peace, yet he just saw one of his closest friends die before his eyes.

Itachi was almost killed by the masked man, but of course, the fire Daimyo had other people guarding him, Itachi's team was only for show. Kakashi managed to break out of the genjutsu and even helped the other Anbu to break out of it, and rushed over just in time to save Itachi.

But upon returning to the village, the other member of the Itachi team left the team, realizing that being shinobi was not meant for them. In the novels, Itachi didn't awaken the Sharingan until he got home and was given time off to grieve at the loss of a friend, but awakening it only made the pain worse as the person who killed his friend had the same eye as him.

After his time to grieve was over, Itachi was given 2 new teammates, but even with these new teammates, Itachi's team leader still wasn't pushing Itachi to take the chunin exam, so Danzo stepped in and talked with Itachi's father, and the two agree that Itachi would take the chunin exam all alone,

One should know, during this time, Itachi had always wanted to become a chunin so he could grow. the only way he was getting stronger within this time was through his training with Shisui.

The chunin exam was not hard for Itachi, for the written exam, Itachi got the second highest score, only below the 4th hokage... well, now he was ranked 3rd since Sora got a protected score.

for the forest of death, Itachi broke the record, finishing that part of the chunin exam in only 5 hours and 30 minutes, which would later be broken by Gaara. so, as for the next part of the Chunin exam, it was a bunch of one on one battles. in which Itachi fought someone who could fight while sleeping

this was super effective against someone like Itachi, he subconsciously fought Itachi, and his eyes are closed. So, Itachi couldn't cast a genjutsu on him. But Itachi is a genius, and he theorizes that because he allows his subconscious to fight, his conscious brain is cowardly.

So when he occasionally wakes up to see how the fight is going, Itachi catches his gaze on him and projects his opponent's gruesome death every time he wakes up and eventually, it makes it so that he can no longer fall back asleep because he is scared of Itachi. So he gives up,

And since he started cowardly, and now he was even more afraid of fighting, he began screaming in fear, his screams were so blood-curdling that they caused the audience to scream as well... all but a few, and one of them being Danzo who was smiling in approval.

this fight showed just how Itachi fought, he cast a genjutsu onto his target to break their fighting spirits, and this effectively achieves his goal of wanting to end the conflict without killing people. sure that child was so traumatized he was never seen again as a ninja, but he didn't need to defeat him physically.

as for Itachi's other matches, no one wanted to fight him, so he was given the title of chunin at the age of 10. So, the Uchiha clan threw a part, celebrating their best genius. it was then that a tradition was broken, instead of Itachi joining the police force, he joined the Anbu.

Of course, the Uchiha clan was confused by this, even Itachi was caught off guard. why would they send away their most promising clans man? So, it's at this point that Itachi's father explained, that Itachi would have an ear on the 3rd hokage every move, and he could report the going on to the Uchiha clan.

But Itachi spoke out, saying that the Uchiha were a part of the hidden leaf, so spying on the hidden leaf is self-defeating.

those words fly all the Uchiha clan into a massive rage towards Itachi, to which he could only apologize to. This is the first time that Itachi has spoken out publicly about the fact he disagrees with his father and General Uchiha's ideas, its also when he found out that he was solitary in this stance

So, 5 months later, Itachi become an Anbu. but before he became an Anbu, Itachi had to do a special mission to take out another Anbu who was a treater, to say the least, this Anbu was not simple.

even before doing this mission, Itachi was hit with big news that came out of nowhere. His father announced to the clan that Itachi would soon be in the Anbu and that this would be super effective in their coup d'etat.

hearing this, the memories of as a kid on the battlefield rushed back. He realized that if his father's plan falls through, it would mean more conflicts, and it would mean he will not be able to protect his brother from the bloodshed that is to come, which he was terrified of.

the day before he does his mission, his father steps forward wanting to join Itachi in this mission since he could take a person to help. but Itachi didn't want him there, as he wanted to create distance between them, and also he wanted his father to be there on Sasuke's opening day at the academy which was the next day, instead, Itachi took Shisui

Itachi was put under the Kakashi team, where the two got close. it reached a point where Itachi would protect Kakashi when others called him a friend killer.

at the same time, at the Uchiha clan meetings, they press Itachi to give him information. but there were no prejudices towards the Uchiha clan, and they were making up everything they saw. there were some prejudices on a personal basis and some jealousy... but the Uchiha clan only listened to the bad things, instead of the good things, only to get mad at Itachi when he says they were making things up.

It was after this meeting that Shisui pulled Itachi to the side, and told Itachi that the 3rd hokage had reached out to him and offered to try to end this planned coup, effectively making him Anbu just like Itachi.

So, Itachi and Shisui began working to end to try and stop this. Itachi's first role in all of this was to keep a close eye on the Uchiha clan, the Anbu had placed hidden cameras all over the Uchiha clan, and Itachi watched the monitors, where he came to see a masked man, the same one who killed his teammates years ago. it was then Itachi's guess that this masked man might be Madara, but he kept this to himself.

Itachi whole goal was to erase conflict, but many things happened which lead to him realizing that he was no different than that 4-year-old. Realizing that he might never be successful, Itachi wanted to stop being an Anbu member, but he couldn't

His anger from being a part of the Anbu only spilled over with his realization with the Anbu, he began speaking out within the Uchiha clan meetings, but this only makes the other Uchiha clansman suspicious of Itachi, with the only peace coming from the time he gets to spend with Sasuke.

Of course, Itachi's father was not all that bad. seeing as Itachi was being ripped apart from all of this, he tells Itachi to do what he thinks is best. to which Itachi vows that he would not let anyone else tell him how to lead his life, which fills his father with pride

But all of this, lead the other Uchiha to vote for Shisui to spy on Itachi, thinking that Itachi might betray them. also, the coup would be voted on at the next Uchiha meeting, and there was a high likelihood hope the coup would fall through.

so, they made a plan to stop this. Shisui had awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan, and it gave him a powerful genjutsu which once it's cast upon a person, the person pretty much becomes a puppet. even if they know they are being controlled, they wouldn't care.

He planned to use this genjutsu of Itachi's father, although he alone would not be enough to change the mind of the whole clan, it would be enough to change the mindset of many since he was the leader.

So, on the day of the meeting, Danzo summoned Shisui and explained that using his genjutsu would not stop the coup, it would only postpone it. instead, his eyes were better suited in his hands. at which point Shisui found himself unable to move.

Shisui was poisoned, and unable to move. Danzo took this chance to rip out one of his eyes, the pain from which allows Shisui to break free and flee. but he was still heavily poisoned and was going to die.

So, he went to meet up with Itachi, who was waiting for the good news. only to find his best friend missing an eye and a doorstep away from death. Shisui explained everything to Itachi, before summoning a crow which he gave his other eye to, and task the crow to follow Itachi.

after which, Shisui had Itachi kill him. Once Itachi kill him, Itachi could also awaken his Mangekyō Sharingan. Shisui only awakened his by allowing a close friend of his to die. they were fleeing from an enemy, and Shisui's friend fell behind. Shisui didn't fall back to save him, and instead let him die, and the pain from which caused him to awaken his eyes.

Since Shisui would die anyways, he wanted Itachi to be the one to kill him so he could awaken his. which Itachi did.

the next day, shockingly Itachi was not in a good mood. it didn't help that a group of Uchiha clansman came knocking asking questions about Shisui, and saying he killed him. So, Itachi lost it, and attack them, only to be pulled away by his father, who realized that Itachi was not siding with them.

flash forward to Itachi's 12th birthday, Itachi was now Anbu's captain since he was responsible for making sure the coup didn't happen. But Itachi was too young to be Anbu, so Danzo had his age bumped to 13 years old.

but it was also at this time Itachi saw Danzo for the first time since Shisui's death, so he asked Danzo why he killed Shisui. to which Danzo answered truthfully. Shisui's plans wouldn't have worked, and his eyes were better suited in his hands.

Danzo then began listing out better ways to stop the coup, but slowly the two began to realize the only true way to stop this coup is to eliminate the Uchiha. Of course, Itachi wanted to kill Danzo, but Danzo had taken sole responsibility for many deplorable in the hidden leaf history.

So killing him would be harmful to the hidden leaf. Danzo was the person who spread the news of Naruto having the 9 tails within him, but he did this to make a rallying point of hate in the hidden leaf to bring them back from the blink of destruction... which worked. Danzo was the evil the hidden leaf needed since its 3rd hokage was too good for its good. Danzo canceled that out.

So, Itachi spends the next year getting information on the Uchiha clan, which made all the Uchiha hate him since he longer came to the clan meeting. by now, Itachi and his father have fought all the time, and their point of view clashing.

So, soon Itachi finds out they plan to do the coup in 10 days, bringing this news to the 3rd hokage and Danzo. to which the 3rd hokage asked Itachi to buy him some more time to find a way to deal with this, but after that meeting, Danzo gives Itachis the cold truth.

With Itachi Father's mindset and the other Uchiha clan members, there was no changing this, in the end, the 3rd hokage would be forced to go through with eliminating the whole clan, to which Itachi agree.

it's then Itachi met with the masked man and got him into joining him to eliminate the clan, so the fight before the coup, they moved. Itachi made his first target easy, his girlfriend, who became the first person he use his Mangekyō Sharingan on. which was a powerful genjutsu, having her live a whole with him until she died of old age within the genjutsu, which in return tricked her body.

after her death, they moved to kill the others. Itachi offered to take care of the many women and children as possible, but the masked man refused, as Itachi was already burdening himself with so many treacherous deeds, so the masked man took care of the non-fighting woman and children, Itachi, on the other hand, took care of the jonin and so on.

Itachi tried to kill those he respected as quickly as possible, respectfully, and painlessly. he even allows some to fight back. but for those who fully supported the coup, their death was not pretty.

once everyone but Itachi parents have died, Itachi took a second to watch Sasuke, walking home from the academy and basked in his last moment of innocence, before he sees what happened to the clan, before he rush home.

There he found his parents waiting for him, his parents didn't accept his forgiveness, yet they didn't fight back. Instead, his father apologizes and tells him how proud he is, and how he believed that one day Itachi could have been the Hokage, uniting the Uchiha clan and the village together.

Before he kills them, they only asked him to keep an eye on Sasuke. once they have died, Sasuke entered only to find his big brother standing over his parent's body. So, Itachi put in motion a plan.

the plan was simple, he made Sasuke hit him so much, that he could gain unmatched power. the day Sasuke kills him, Sasuke would be the hero of the hidden lead. this was torture for Itachi, but it worked so well that Sasuke rushed at Itachi and attacked him, and Sasuke landed it.

But his hit landed on Itachi's forehead protector, stretching it out. So, while Sasuke awakened his Sharingan and fainted, Itachi left with some worry that Sasuke saw him cry, but he had to move to meet Danzo.

there he caught Danzo in a genjutsu and threatened him to stay away from Sasuke, if Danzo so much as laid a figure on Sasuke, the world would know the hidden leaf's most top-kept secret. for Sasuke, Itachi was willing to do something like this, knowing that a war might break out from such actions. but this worked, and Sasuke never saw a shadow of Danzo,

Before Itachi Left, he meant with the 3rd, who told Itachi that he took away Danzo's powers, and promised to take care of Sasuke. after which, Itachi left to join the Akatsuki, and for the following years, Itachi slowed down their progress, and the marked man, Obito, didn't dare to lay a finger on Naruto knowing that Itachi was among them.

Itachi, a 13-year-old slaughtered his whole clan and was able to make someone like Obito unease. Itachi was now 17 years old and was one of the strongest shinobi in the world. but as powerful as Itachi was, the stress build up, leading him to get an illness.

Currently, Itachi was half blind and had an illness that made it so his body was weak. with a weak body, it meant his chakra was not as high as it should be. As for the illness, he had MPA, an autoimmune disorder. Itachi life was filled with stress, he was a man who tried to carry the world on his shoulder, but it ended up killing him.

Sora believed this is why in the anime when he came back to life, he warned Naruto not to follow in his footsteps. you can be all-powerful and all-mighty, but at the end of the day, if you don't take care of yourself, you will shorten yourself. lean on others, at least that was what Sora learned from Itachi.

Yes, Sora's second life, he was a fanboy of Itachi. but in this life, he saw a man with the goal to become the strongest and the tools to do so. A man with a righteous goal he can twist and control to have followed him, a talent like none other, with a set of abilities that made even Sora envious slightly. This is Itachi Uchiha.