
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 10: Headhunting for Pedos.

[What the hell are you doing?]

What does it look like I'm doing?

[Sniffing the ground like a dog would.]

Well, as of right now I am a dog and as a dog, I have a super-sensitive nose that picked something up in this direction.

[So that's why we are walking through a forest?]


[You took to being reincarnated as a dog fairly easily.]

I haven't had a body in I don't even know how many years so I'm not going to complain about having one after it's already done. I rolled the wheel and my luck was shit.

It is what it is.

[What an interesting outlook...and by that I mean stupid.]

You don't even have a body, why are you talking.

[Ignoring the fact that you have no sense of self or pride. What did you pick up?]

An aroma...of Death.

[That was cringy as hell.]

Piss off.

After walking through this dense forest for a while I stopped in front of a tree because this is both where the scent is strongest, and it's also where it stops.

The trail I was following was kinda all over the place and I ended up in a lot of different locations near the city but I had managed to find a semi-clear path that led me deep into the mountains so I didn't expect it to just stop here.

[Are you gonna tell me what we are chasing? Or are you going to keep me in the dark about this?]

You really wanna know?


Then call me Chris Hansen, because today on how to catch a predator we are going after one of the most despicable men to ever exist.

A vile creature that doesn't deserve to be called human.

A nasty beast that has no morals.




[Shut up and tell me!]

I'm chasing after caster you bore.

[Im not a bore.]

Yes. Yes, you are.

Honestly, I wish I had an emotionless and loyal AI guide instead of you because at least I wouldn't be as bored talking to it as I am when talking to you.

[The hells that mean?]

It means talking to you is like talking to a fucking brick wall.

[I would say talking to you is like talking to a child, but a child would be a better conversationalist than you.]

You wanna talk to a child? Well, you'll get your chance soon.

[What's that mean?]

It means that I found the path to Caster.

I think.

[You think?]

Maybe, I don't know. Magic casters like him always have secret paths and routes to their lairs and shit like that to make themselves seem more mysterious right? I think Voldemort had like an entire book series written about his resurrection with tons of random clues and items that would confuse the hell out of millions of people.

In fact, It did.

So I'm pretty sure that this is the way to Caster.

But I think that this tree is in the way.

[What are you about to do?]

So let's remove it.

[You...you serious?]

Putting my left foot forward.

[Oh shit you're not kidding.]

And putting my left foot back.

I bow down and build a large amount of air into my smaller lungs, and holding it in for a few seconds to steady my breath I release all the air in one huge bark.



A shockwave of epic proportions escapes from my mouth and shoots forward at insane speeds blowing away everything in my path. Once I look down at the destruction I cause I can see nothing but flat dirt lant in the shape of a cone staring from my location spanning for at least a mile.

[I hate that you have this skill]

I love that I have this skill.

And look!

What I'm assuming is a magical rune was resting right below the tree that I just turned to dust and it's even giving off a faint magical signature. It's giving off a large amount of magical energy but I still couldn't tell that it was magic before it was right in my face because of my low-level Mana. Should probably level that up later.

[I can't believe that worked.]

Believe it motherfucker!