
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 11: No mutated turtles here

[I don't want to be here.]

Neither do I but it's too late for that.

The rune on the ground was a teleportation circle and once I stepped on it a bright light blinded me for a few seconds before I found myself in the middle of a sewer tunnel that I'm sure is Casters base.

Honestly, I was just kinda talking out my ass before about confronting Caster because that bitch has magic. And this is fate. And if you mix the two you get some o'l bullshit of the highest caliber. I could probably blow him away with my speak and he would find some way to survive that by putting his soul in like a book. Or a fucking lightning bolt.

I had tried to use the rune once more and escape this foul-smelling place but it was just a one-way teleportation rune. That motherfucker was paranoid so there are only entry points and no exits. I feel like that's in reverse order but either way, I'm forced to deal with this.

As of now, I am walking through this tunnel going north right towards Caster. You would think that the combined stench of shit, piss, and garbage that fills the sewer would overload my sense and leave me blind but nope. Because there is an even nastier smell that is currently leading me towards Caster's main base. I think at least.

[So how are you going to do this?]

What else am I going do?

I only have one weapon.

Don't ask dumb questions.

[But what if it doesn't work?]

You want me to throw the fucking dictionary at him too?

Give him the chocolate?

Put a muzzle him?... Actually, that last Idea sounds kinda good.

[No, I just meant this was a dumb idea and we are going to die.]

You think I don't know that? Obviously, I fucked up trying to be a dog version of Detective Conan and now I'm paying for it by having no nose plugs.

[How are no nose plugs a punishment?]

Do you wanna smell hundreds of pounds of excrement and trash?

[Hell no.]

Then quiet Watson because we have a case to solve.

[So first Conan and now Sherlock?]

I find it therapeutic.

[I find it dumb.]

You find everything I do dumb.

[Thats because it is.]

Damn, you must have lived a boring life.

[It was better than being stuck with you.]

Trust me, I don't want you here either.

I was finally nearing the end of the tunnel when I saw a dim light.


My body shivered unconsciously when I heard this disgusting laugh echo through the tunnel--no I can't even call it a laugh now can I? It wasn't a laugh, It was more like a cackle, a wicked, malevolent cackle that would plague the dreams of children and grown adults for years to come.


It's only the tip of the iceberg.

"The time has come Ryuunosuke!"

Rounding the corner with my head peeking out I see a large area filled with pillars and children tied up to each and every one of the pillars.


You know what? I'm not sorry for coming here.

All the kids have their skin peeled off with blood dripping on the ground and creating a pool below them. The scent I was picking up was the intense smell of mass amounts of blood. I couldn't identify before as the trash was interfering with my nose but now I can smell it. All of it.

Only a true monster would do something like this.

Only a wretched varmint would be this despicable as to kill innocent children.

Only an inhuman demon would be low enough to kill these kids.

[You good?]

Yeah, why?

[Because your growling again.]

Oh! I am.

"Hey what was that?" Dead 1 asked looking right in my direction, though I had managed to hide back around the corner before he could see anything.

I really gotta get that under control.

"It was nothing Ryuunosuke! We have much more important things to experience!" Dead 2 exclaims to dead 1 in his annoying ass voice and now that muzzle Idea is sounding more and more delightful.

[So are you gonna bark?]

Are there any children alive here? Because if I bark and some are still alive they won't survive and that defeats the entire purpose of me coming down here.

[Does it matter?]

Yes, it matters!

[Fine, then I can check for you.]

You can do that? Huh, I guess you're more useful than I thought.

[Heh, the great me is more amazing than you know.]

Well then "The great you" should get to checking. We don't have much time.

[Scanning for life forms...Scanning for life forms...Scanning for life forms...two life forms found.]

[Seems like there are only two of them.]
