

Looking up in surprise Fang Rou looked weirdly at her parents, they had on strange smiles as they moved over. Something didn't feel right today, they didn't usually act like this.

They both moved to either side of her and sat down.

Then her mother went and pulled her in to a hug completely surprising her, what was happening?

She didn't speak as she waited for them to say something, she had no clue what was going on. Not noticing her surprised face, they thought she was being so quiet because she was sad.

After a few minutes of hugging and Fang Rou still having no clue what was happening, mother Feng finally started talking. Father Feng had just sat to the side with a stern expression on his face.

"You know you can talk to us about anything that is troubling you darling, right?"

Fang Rou could only nod as she looked at her mother's gentle face.

"You can tell us why you are sad and if anyone has hurt you, you know."

Once again she could only nod; she didn't know where this was going. She hadn't noticed that her actions had worried her parents; she didn't even notice how sad she looked to the rest of the world.

Mother Feng smiled as she saw her Daughter nod again, she didn't look so sad at this moment.

"So if that Wei Jin has hurt you in anyway, know that your Father and I will make sure that he never bothers you again."

Mother Feng had said the name Wei Jin in such a mean manner that it shocked Fang Rou and her father that was on the side was projecting a murderous aura at the mention of the name. Before she could interject and ask what had happened, her mother had said they would never meet again.

This sparked her emotions again as she knew she wouldn't be able to play with him anymore and made her eyes tear up.

Both her parents seeing this at the mention of the name Wei Jin thought it had to be him that had caused this and were getting angrier and angrier at him.

What the hell had he done to their daughter?

Father Feng even stood up and walked slowly towards the door to the room.

"Where are you going honey?"

Mother Feng frowned when she saw her husband leaving, they had agreed that they would stay and help their daughter together and he was about to leave.

"I'm going to go and destroy the Wei clan and wipe it away from the city and then bring that brat Wei Jin here to apologize and repent for making my daughter cry!"

Father Feng was ready to go and would have shouted that out louder, had his daughter not been in the same room.

Mother Feng's frown deepened as she looked down at the now shocked Fang Rou in her embrace. Her husband was such an idiot, she wanted to make that brat pay as much as he did, but to say it in front of their daughter wasn't good.

She quickly quipped at him before he made his way out.

"Get back here, our daughter needs you more. We can go deal with the Wei clan later."

Now that the beans had been spilled in front of her daughter already it wasn't good to try and lie to her. But she would leave that till later, better her husband stay and support them.

Father Feng wanted to argue but when he saw the gleam in his Wife's eyes he forced himself to stop and returned. He was still seething on the inside but he calmly sat back down before gentle talking to his daughter who had become completely stiff and was staring at her parents. There were no tears in her eyes anymore.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll go and bring that Wei Jin here to apologize to you in due time."

Fang Rou couldn't respond as she was still reeling from the words that her parents had just spoken, why would they go and bring Wei Jin here. And wasn't destroying his clan going to really hurt him?

Why would they do such a thing?

She couldn't wrap her head around what was happening, but she could tell that her parents were both really angry and wanted to do something bad to Wei Jin and his family. She had to stop his now. She didn't want to see him go and still wanted to play with him the next day.

If her father were really to go and destroy the Wei clan, she completely believe that it would happen, her mother had told stories about similar things happening when someone had tried to hurt her in the past.

She had to quickly say something; she couldn't tell what was happening.

"Why would dad want to do that?"

Surprised that her daughter was actually speaking up for the Wei clan both her parents were stunned. Didn't he make her cry? Wasn't she so sad that she wasn't talking and holding herself up in her room?

Why would she question us, we should be questioning you!

This was even the first time that their daughter had questioned them about such matters. When they had done stuff before in the past for her, she wouldn't say anything. Well that was mainly because she couldn't talk before, but even since she had been talking she had never questioned them.

Any arrangements that they had for her was accepted, this was the first time ever for her to question back.

Her father stunned could only ask dumbfounded to her.

"But didn't that Wei Jin make you cry?"

Her mother also nodded her head from above her.

"Wasn't that the reason why you are so depressed right now?"

Fang Rou stared at her parents as she realized that they were doing this because she had looked sad and had cried before. She was happy that her parents would go to such lengths for her, but also determined to make sure nothing happened to Wei Jin. He was her first friend, she didn't want his clan to be destroyed.

Understanding that she needed to tell her parents what had happened during the day she started telling them.

She didn't leave anything out and told them their whole adventure for the day, what they ate, how much fun it was etc.

As her parents were wondering what this had to do with her crying she continued on to the part where Wei Jin had to tell her in a sad manner that he would be cultivating body refining techniques and the fact that he wouldn't be able to play with her as much after the next 6 days.

She even went on to explain how he had tried to get a talisman that could be used personally between them so they could talk during the night and tell their adventures and progress, and when he would be able to leave his clan. Even going in to how he had begged his own parents to try and get one, but to no avail.

Understanding finally dawned on Fang Rou parents as they found out the reason she had been crying. It was because she couldn't have as many adventures with Wei Jin. Father Feng even started to sweat slightly as he realized that if he had gone and destroyed his whole clan before taking him to see Fang Rou, it would of completely destroyed their relationship and made her hate him.

He had truly dodged a huge bullet that would of destroyed his daughters trust in him. Mother Feng was also thinking along those lines as she gently coaxed Fang Rou as she came to finish the story.

They both gave each other a relieved look before a gleam appeared in Father Feng's eyes.

Suddenly exploding in laughter he slapped his knee as he knew just how to solve the problem. Giving his daughter a gentle look he shook his hand slightly and a pair of talismans appeared in his hand. Fang Rou eyes opened wide.

"Are those?"

She said it in a dubious manner as she wasn't completely sure. But when her father nodded and said.

"Yes these are communication talismans that you can use to talk to Wei Jin, even after he starts to cultivate you can talk to him and organize when he will be outside his own clan."


Fang Rou was super excited to see the talismans as they were exactly what she wanted. She jumped out of her mother's lap and dived into her Father who fell back as if he had been hit hard. Fang Rou laughed even louder and they tussled a bit. She was in a super happy mood and playing around with his daughter had put her father in a great mood as well.

Finished messing around Fang Rou got her hands on the talismans and was super excited. Her mother to the side was also smiling happily to see her daughter this way and gave her husband a knowing look.

They both retreated as Fang Rou was caught up in her own world. They quietly exited as she envisioned what Wei Jin face would look like the next day when he saw the talismans.

The next day when they met up, his face was absolutely gob smacked when he saw them.

Her parents must be rich he thought. He had asked a few times about her family, but she hadn't gone into too much detail about how powerful they actually were. He didn't want to ask until she told him, and they hadn't gotten to that part of his learning of which clans populated the city.

He knew her last name but didn't know her how powerful her background actually was.

He didn't mind that, he was relieved as now he had a way to communicate with her even when he started cultivating.

He hid it from his parents as they might not be happy about what happened and blame him for making Fang Rou parents buy such a precious talisman. What he thought was priceless was very easy for the Feng clan to get a hold of. Not to mention that Fang Rou was the daughter of the patriarch which he didn't know.

Later that night he sent his first message through the talisman, it was a very high grade one as no matter how many messages went through it, it wouldn't degrade and break. All he had to do was think and the message would be able to transmit across to the other side. Of course it was sent in a written format on the talisman and would be erased after the other party had read it.

That night he was up really late for the first time as he talked to Fang Rou for hours on end, catching up on things they didn't cover throughout the day.

Hey, here's the chapter hope you enjoy.

Comment on any mistakes or suggestions you may have seen or have.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts