
Cultivation Crisis

The seasons changed as 3 month went by, Wei Jin and Fang Rou still met up every day and had adventures with each other. Moving from the pond they would go about and find anything that could interest them. They would also sometimes just spend their days talking about by the pond.

Wei Jin would always bring 2 ice lollies for them to eat but as the months went on they found that the cold feeling wasn't as refreshing.

They would spend their days talking about all the different things that happened with their families or the troubles they would be having with reading or writing. By going over it with each other they would be able to make better progress with writing and reading.

Because Wei Jin was older than Fang Rou by a few months he was better at these subjects and it also helped that his own mother was the teacher of the clan. Because of these facts he excelled at these points and would usually help her when she was having trouble.

This made them the best of friends and they loved going out each day and meeting up. As time continued to tick on and it was almost the 4th month since they had met, they were once again at the pond. It was almost time for them to leave and they were going over some of the tough words Fang Rou had come across.

They would usually tackle these types of things after having a great adventure going about.

Today Wei Jin looked a little sad and had something on his mind as he continued to help Fang Rou. She noticed this and also had a troubled face, she wanted to ask what it was but felt she should wait.

Finally as their time was about to be up Wei Jin slowly closed his book and faced her. Fang Rou was slightly nervous as Wei Jin face was so somber, she hadn't seen his face like this before.

Wei Jin had to organize his thoughts before he address her.

"Rou'er there's something I need to tell you."

Having met up for such a long time, he was now a lot more familiar with her. It had gotten to the stage where they would call out each other's names in an affectionate manner as if they were family. And they truly did both feel that they were family. He called her Rou'er like her mother would but she would still call him Jin, though she said it in a sweet voice.

"In the next few days I will have to start cultivating."

Fang Rou face fell as she realized what that meant. When a child started on the path to cultivation they would have to start doing refining techniques. These techniques would be harder to learn the tougher they were. And if a person wasn't suited for cultivation it would be even worse.

If Wei Jin was to start cultivating it would mean less time he could spend outside the clan and about. Meaning that he wouldn't be able to come out everyday.

Fang Rou had slight tears in her face as she didn't need to hear the rest to get what he was about to say.

"Because of that I won't be able to come out and play as much."

Wei Jin had a very sad face as he also loved the time he would get to come out and play with Fang Rou. He saw the tears in her eyes and really felt apologetic, he couldn't help this fact. It was at this time that he regretted that fact that he was older than her.

The worst part was that he didn't have a way to contact Fang Rou to tell her when he would be able to come out. Without a talisman that could send out such messages, he might not be able to come out and play with her again.

He had talked to his mother and father about it for a while when he realized this fact, but the talismans were not an easy commodity to get. To give one to a child of the clan, even the child of an elders; with them not leaving the city or going anywhere dangerous. It was truly too much of a waste for the clan.

After hearing this, he had begged his family, but after they asked around and tried their hardest, they couldn't get their hands on a pair.

Wei Jin told this to Fang Rou and apologized that he couldn't get the talismans so that they could communicate. He tried to reassure her that he would be able to come for the next 6 days, but after that it would change.

Fang Rou had cried slightly as she wouldn't be able to play with Wei Jin anymore, and was in a depressed mood as he tried to reassure her. Even when the time came for them to separate they were both downtrodden that they wouldn't be able to hang out.


Fang Rou made her way back to her clan entrance and didn't respond as the guard greeted her, she was wrapped up in her own thoughts. Making her way back to her house, she didn't even seem to notice when her mother greeted her from across the room.

Mother Feng frowned when she didn't get a reply, Fang Rou would always reply to her when she got back and then describe what happened in the day. Keeping the frown on her face she didn't keep talking to Fang Rou and instead beckoned to her right.

A figure suddenly appeared next to her and knelt waiting for orders.

"Go tell the escort I would love to talk to him about what happened today."

She still kept the frown on her face as the figure disappeared. After less than 2 minutes the black figure appeared in front of Mother Feng and knelt.

"What happened with my daughter today?"

An aura that was almost on par with the patriarch also came out from Mother Feng and settled down on the black cloaked figure.

The black figure almost wept as he was subject to the pressure, he had to deal with this every other time he went and reported to the master. And now it was happening with the madam. He had seen the conversation that had taken place between Wei Jin and Fang Rou but was far enough away that he didn't hear what they talked about.

After having inspected the friend of the young miss for a certain amount of time and seeing that they helped each other with writing and spelling he didn't closely listen to the conversations anymore. The madam in front of him as well had given him instructions after a while to observe but not ease drop.

Maybe she was worried about invading her daughters' privacy. It shouldn't matter as she would hear how the day and conversation went from her daughters own mouth. His only job now was to make sure no one suspicious would barge in on the miss's free time.

That was one of the reasons why the pond had seen less visitors over the last few months and no one ever came to bother Wei Jin and Fang Rou.

Seeing the serious expression on the madam's face he quickly recounted what he had seen happen and how after Wei Jin said something with a sad expression on his face, the young miss was also down trodden.

Finishing what he had to say he kept his head low and quietly waited. Mother Feng threw her hand to the side and dismissed the person in front of her as her rage started to build. Did that young kid say something mean towards my Rou'er!

The more she thought on what could have happened the more she thought she shouldn't' have told the escort to not ease drop. This was an important matter. If that kid had hurt her daughter, she would make the whole Wei clan pay.

Huffing to herself and letting her thoughts run wild she moved over to her daughter's room and peeked in. Seeing her daughter on the bed staring into the roof, she knew something bad must have happened.

Her face even seemed a little wet. She had been crying!

Mother Feng couldn't stand for this, her daughter had cried!

She quickly moved away not to disturb her daughter and went to find her husband. They needed to figure out what to do and what punishment to give out to that little punk from the Wei clan.

Rushing over to one of the main buildings in the Feng clan she barged into a room looking for her husband. He who had been cultivating and trying to keep his mind clear was instantly interrupted.

His face flashed with anger as he was about to explode at whoever had dared to interrupt his cultivation session. But as he saw that it was his wife, he instantly reined in his anger and calmed himself down. He knew she wouldn't interrupt him if it wasn't important.

"What is it Xing'er?"

She looked at him with an angry face and threw her hands up at him.

"Do you know your daughter has been crying!"


He instantly stood up anger gushing out of his eyes.

"Who would dare make Rou'er Cry!"

He instantly clenched his hands and his voice boomed out. His aura gushed out and rampaged about, he seemed a bit too overprotective. Luckily for him the room was soundproofed so he wouldn't get distracted and had formations on the walls that let none of his aura slip.

Mother Feng looked exactly like him with her aggrieved face, she knew just how angry he was, she was probably worse than him.

"It seems it was that brat from the Wei Clan!"

"That little boy dares to make my Daughter cry! I'll destroy his whole clan!!"

Wei Jin would be scarred out of his mind if he knew he had offended someone that said they could destroy his whole clan. And he had even done it accidentally by talking to his best friend.

Just as Father Feng was about to move out of the room and go and destroy the Wei clan Mother Feng stopped him.

"No we'll deal with them later; we need to be there for our daughter right now."

His anger still hadn't abated much but he knew what she said was right. Both disappearing, they reappeared in front of Fang Rou room. Peeking in slightly, they both saw their daughter still staring up at her ceiling with a sad expression.

Father Feng wanted to instantly go and kill Wei Jin who had made his daughter this sad but restrained himself. Looking at each other they talked in whispered before the both slowly opened the door to her room.

Hey guys new novel. Hope you guys enjoy it.

I wanted to be pretty accurate with the way of saying a Chinese name, with the last name first. But i could be wrong about some aspects and would love for some feedback.

I don't know if I'm any good at romance, how I doing so far?

This is a side project; my main novel is A God's Apocalyptic Entertainment and is nothing like this novel.

And yes they are 3 at the start here, please use imagination, lol.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts