
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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Chapter 172: Greeting Lovers and Drinking Wine

If I recall, Lili, the Arachne tailoress I acquainted with early-on, gave the girls lingerie before we left for Palocaesy. Last night, I got to see her designs on Erizora and Kalline. Tonight, I was seeing the rest of her line-up.

Starting from the front was my wife who greeted us at the door. Ume had an elegant smile on her face as she wore a transparent white chemise that stretched down to her upper thighs. The transparency made her generous breasts and their nipples very prevalent. Brilliant sapphire scales shone wherever the nightwear didn't cover, her cerulean hair was brushed and fell neatly behind her shoulders. The biggest surprise was the white thong that was tied to her waist, but the fabric was so small that it barely covered her privates.

"Hello, Jin. What do you think of my new lingerie?" Ume asked elegantly before she spun in place, giving me a brief look of her back.

I held her by the waist, her longingly half-lidded gaze locked on mine. "You look stunning, honey," I said before I pulled us together and locked ourselves into a passionate kiss, Ume wrapped her arms over my shoulders.

I pulled away after a couple seconds, "I have to say, though, seeing you in underwear for a change is quite a surprise."

Ume found panties uncomfortable to wear, so while boldly wearing the uniquely-designed cheongsam with much exposure during the day, she went around in full commando.

"Lili left a note in my bag saying she insisted that I wear it with the nightwear, at the least," Ume explained while lifting the skirt and tugging the strap to her thong, "If it's this small, wearing it actually wasn't too bad. I almost didn't notice wearing it at all.

{So she's okay with the more dangerous designs, huh? That's surprising.}

<I might be in the same boat since I didn't usually wear panties in my time, but damn, I could never get used to this beauty,> Nyra commented.

"Master …"

Ren's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to her, viewing her new white lingerie. I think this was called a babydoll back in my world, the set stretched just far enough down to reach her hips. While there were pads to the cups of her chest area, making her breasts a little bigger in the process, the center of her skirt was cut out, exposing her lithe stomach and g-string digging into her slit. Moving to the back, the skirt was just short enough to expose the bottom half off her derriere, but with her fluffy white wolf tail stretching down, it barely teased the viewer. You'd only need to put Ren in a good mood to get her tail wagging, though, exposing her ass in the process. Speaking of wolf parts, the white babydoll matched her white hair quite beautifully. The fur of her beastly limbs were cleaned and brushed to give a classier look to her nightwear, and with the hair on her head groomed with the same amount of care, she gave off a dignified air worthy of praise. Even the way she stood at attention left the message, "I'm ready to serve my master's every need". The collar she got from our visit to Obina's room today emphasized her servitude to me even more.

"Ren, that looks amazing on you. Do you like how it feels wearing it?" I asked her, lowering myself to her eye level.

She nodded, "Yes, Master, it gives me a fair amount of free space to move in various ways."

"I must ask, though, is the stomach exposure intentional for this design?"

Ren's cheeks reddened, "If I may speak frankly, when Ms. Lili asked for preferences in our lingerie, I requested to leave my stomach exposed, as much as possible. I … like having you rubbing it, Master."

"Is that so?" I asked before putting my [Petting] skill to use rubbing Ren's exposed belly in a sensual, yet teasing manner. Her wolf tail, ears, and all her hairs stood up on end as she trembled in delight, "You've done a lot for me today, Ren, and I appreciate your work. We'll have to make sure you get tons of belly rubs tonight, won't we?"

"Master …" Ren moaned longingly before I planted my lips on hers. With a sensual sigh through her nose, she submitted herself to me by wrapping her arms around my head while our kiss escalated. I rubbed her exposed stomach some more as our tongues started a passionate wrestle.

Once I felt I shared enough with Ren for now, I pulled back to see her face flushed and tongue slightly lolled out. Her wolf tail wagged erratically.

"I will do my best to please you tonight, Master," Ren said, "Tyvera will also do her part, as well. Is that not right?"

Upon that question, my Werewolf slave and I turned to our next lover for the evening, Tyvera the Harpy, our latest slave who has been put under our care due to some complicated circumstances. Despite her previously being one of the disciples, she seemed to be fitting into the party quite well, and while she had a tomboyish personality, she has a surprisingly tender side to matters like these, as well. The lingerie she was wearing tonight really pulled out her feminine side.

The first thing you would think of upon seeing it would be 'naked apron', which was pretty much what Tyvera was wearing. From its white silk material with lace trimmings, however, this apron was clearly designed for adult entertainment purposes instead of the conventional one for cooking. It mostly covered the front-most part of her golden-tan body, barely containing her perky breasts, but one could really see them at their finest from the sides due to how exposed they were. It only stretched down far enough to reach her upper thighs, barely covering her pubic area with no panties worn underneath.

I imagined this lingerie was chosen for Tyvera because it was the only thing that could let her golden yellow-feathered wings move freely. With only the straps tied around her neck and lower back, her entire backside was exposed once those very wings unfurled themselves, though. Her light brown ass was just as impressive, if not better than her breasts in size, perkiness, and fondling under my hand.

"Mmph … I'm not used to wearing stuff like this," Tyvera said as she stretched her apron in a flushed face, "With my rep as the 'Terror of the Skies', I didn't think I could ever get a mate to wear this for. It wasn't on the list you gave us, but Erizora insisted that we get this for me. 'As Master's slave, you must look your best as you service him, and the lingerie must match with ours as his lovers!' was what she said."

{Now that I think about it, since Tyvera joined at the last minute, we didn't have any lingerie from Lili that would fit her, did we? We'll have to get her to make something at some point. In the meantime, I'll have to thank Erizora for this special consideration.}

<I second that!> Nyra agreed in my mind.

"Still, this must be too frilly for me. You're probably thinking that, too. Right, Chief?" Tyvera continued before looking up with a wry smile, "Erizora said we may meet a tailor who could make me something more personal some time after our quest, but this is the best I could find that's near my preference for comfort. Sorry that you'll have to put up with me like this for tonight."

"I don't see any issue," I said while approaching her, taking her bird talon-like hands into mine, "You're very beautiful in this, Tyvera. It makes me look forward to seeing what you could cook for me."

Her tanned face turned a deep shade of red before she averted her gaze, laughing nervously, "Yeah … my [Cooking] skill isn't as good as Ren's or Erizora's, and Chieftess is beyond compare, but I know how to make fried eggs pretty well. Sue even said she could show me how to make those tamagoyaki that you liked earlier."

Something about a bird-like monster girl cooking eggs didn't sit right with me, but I suppose there are predatory birds that could eat other birds, so eating another bird's egg wouldn't be too weird, right? Heck, I'm pretty sure Tyvera had at least a couple of Sue's tamagoyaki during dinner. Unless maybe under dire emergencies, I don't think Tyvera could ever eat her own eggs, especially since she said she takes those she laid to some facility in another city for research. That aside, there was something adorable in how this tomboy Harpy was trying to salvage what femininity she could muster by boasting her skill in one of the most basic of dishes.

Also, for a point of reference through my [Size Up] skill, Tyvera's current level in her [Cooking] skill is 1. Erizora is next at LV 3, followed by Ren and even Kalline at LV 4. Putting aside Sue—at least presumably, since I couldn't see her status—Ume, and myself having our [Cooking] skill maxed out, I was honestly surprised how many of us in our group could cook. We'd have to rotate who'll take charge of cooking both to keep party responsibilities even between us, as well as improve the skill associated with it.

"Is that so? Well I'd be happy to try your tamagoyaki whenever you're ready, especially if you serve it while wearing this," I said while running my hand down Tyvera's side, tugging at the strap tying behind her lower back.

"J-Jeez, when you put it like that, how could I even say no?" Tyvera asked before I held her chin and gave her a kiss.

In our short make-out session, I ran my hands down Tyvera's back and got a good grip of her ass cheeks. I could hear her wings behind her fluttering in excitement. She couldn't suppress the giggles from me massaging her derriere. {Yeah, her ass is definitely the best thing about her.}

When I finished my kiss with Tyvera, I turned to the last girl in waiting, Sue, wearing the same white underwear with garters and stockings she had on last night. To be honest, I saved her for last because I thought exchanging kisses with the others before now would help me relax a bit. Well, it helped a little, but that didn't make putting up the act of addressing her 'innocent' nature any easier.

"Sue …" I trailed off.


"I learned a lot of stuff today, a lot of stuff, with you nearby," I started explaining.

<That's an understatement,> Nyra quipped.

"Despite the … bumps, we came across along the way, I learned some things today that I didn't think I needed to know," I continued, "I have no idea how things would have turned out if I didn't take you with us from Dondegarm. It's been … quite an eye-opening time so far between us, especially today. I wouldn't have come across such things without you there, so … thanks, for giving me that opportunity, Sue, as well as your tamagoyaki from dinner that was quite delicious.

"I don't know where in the world the road we're on right now will take us, but I hope … that after this quest, after we reach Korangar, that things will get even better than they are now, and that you'll be around when that time comes. I'll make sure you get there with me, even if I have to drag you behind me to do it."

"Jinma …" Sue muttered, resting a hand on her bosom.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say my thanks for all that and then some," I said, scratching my head, "I have no idea if our time together have fulfilled any expectations you had of me as my fan, but I'd be interested in trying more of your cooking some time, if you're okay with that."

"Of course!" she exclaimed with determination, "I should be the one thanking you for bringing me along, despite how much of a burden I have been for you and your party! And you didn't just 'fulfill' my expectations, you've exceeded them far beyond my imaginations! I see you far more than just a talented adventurer now than I did when I first saw you in Dondegarm, and I've been having fun spending time with you and your party! I couldn't be happier being a part of the adventures we've been through so far, and I would love to go on more with you all! And of course, I'll try to cook whatever you want me to make!"

"I see. Thank you, Sue," I said while patting her head. She blushed with bashfulness before giggling slightly.

"What's this? Not giving her kisses like you have for your other girls?" Yukino asked. She's been so quiet up to now that I almost forgot that she was here.

"Ah, well … she said she was saving her first time, kisses and everything above that, for a special someone," I explained, "And I'm not one who forces a woman to do something she doesn't want to, so we're keeping it safe. She's comfortable doing some foreplay with me to an extent, but she'll be sitting out this time around since we did something together last night."

"Is that so? Then should she even be here?" Yukino asked with a raised brow, "And why would she still be in her underwear if she's not doing anything?"

"You were there when we explained it this morning, right? Sue's here where I can see her so she can be protected from any sudden dangers from our mysterious third party watching us," I reasoned.

"Yeah, and what's wrong with a devoted fan giving their idol adventurer some eye candy?" Sue asked with a raised brow while crossing her arms, emphasizing her stupidly huge boobs that were bigger than Yukino's, "I also owe him a great deal, so after some discussion, I gave consent of him playing with my body at his leisure."

Yukino snorted, "Typical. It's so like an Imp to fall back on using their bodies for some form of compensation."

"... What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, feeling a string inside me tugging and tightening in annoyance.

"While there are more … promiscuous clans of Demons in this kingdom, what sets them apart from the Imps, whether at their basest or evolved as Arch Imps, is that they have the power to back them up, social, physical, or otherwise" Yukino explained, "That power gives them value, especially in their bodies that many would kill to have. Sue may be more 'gifted' with her assets than other Arch Imps, but that's all she has going for her. Imps in general are the lowest in the Demon-Kin's power chain, they could never live up to be on the same level of strength as the others above them. The only things they can be good for other than physical labor are being meat shields and fucktoys, and they are expendable in all cases. I'd have to give Sue credit for being smart enough to get into your pants to survive, considering how your harem consists of capable Demons, though I do have to wonder how much longer she could last in these conditions."

{This bitch …}

The more Yukino badmouthed Imps, the more I was questioning whether I should just kill her right there. For her to badmouth all Imps and Arch Imps would include Winny, a faithful, charitable, and compassionate person who's helped me greatly since I came to Dondegarm. To be in a high position in Dondegarm's church, I had no idea how hard she worked to get there on top of making a living as an adventurer. I'm sure her brother, Kenny, also played some part in supporting her. This Kitsune was basically besmirching all the hard work they put in to get where they are now. There were Humans like her back on Earth, too, disrespecting another person's genuine efforts to improve or how they make a living, and those people's faces soon got to meet my fists within seconds. I could never tolerate that kind of talk right in front of me.

As for Sue, I already knew she's a Devil who's very capable of looking out for herself. I'm certain she could pop Yukino's head like a grape in an instant, if she wanted to. Part of me shouldn't be bothered by this as much as I was with Winny's case, especially after what Sue did to me and Nyra, but for some reason, I couldn't help but feel pissed off for her, too.

I didn't realize my fist was trembling until I felt my arm getting trapped by a pair of soft cushions. I glanced down and saw it was Sue embracing it to her bosom.

"Enlighten me, Yukino, but have you ever faced off a Goblin before?" Sue asked.

"I haven't, but I know enough about them that they're bothersome Monsters while being the weakest of species," Yukino answered.

"The thing about Goblins is that they may not seem threatening when facing one alone, but it's a different story if there were two of them, or three, ten, or a hundred," Sue said, "They not only have strength in numbers, but their battle tactics are also quite cruel, something no ordinary Human, Demi, or even Demon could come up with.

"And the thing about us Imps is that while we're also weak by ourselves, but like Goblins, we're also capable of banding together for a common cause. Moreover, we can be notorious for our tricks. How else do you think the previous Demon King initiated the Friday's Fool's Purge if it weren't for all the Imps in Cackle Village?" Sue asked before putting up the most terrifying grin that made Yukino pale. The other girls, including Ume and Ren, stared at Sue in amazement for how well she turned things around.

<The heck is the 'Friday's Fool's Purge'?> I asked Sue through [Telepathy].

<Let's just say that in response to a threat of Cackle Village getting destroyed, five-hundred Humans tasked to take it down had fallen to cruel and unusual deaths thanks to the traps that one-hundred Imps and Arch Imps had prepared. The previous Demon King barely lifted a finger to help them achieve their victory,> Sue explained.

<Damn,> Nyra and I said in sync.

<I understand why you're angry, but try not to let stuff like that get to you,> Sue said, <I'm sure Winny would be happy to see you being that way for her, though, and she'd thank you sincerely for respecting her as an equal.>

<Right …>

I'm certain Sue butted in the way she did because she caught me losing my temper a bit and wanted to cheer me up. It didn't seem like she noticed how I didn't just get angry in Winny's place, though.

"Anyway, let's not dread such things any further, we have an eventful night ahead of us," Sue said as she went to the night stand where numerous wine glasses sat. The wine bottle, 'Devil's Advocate', was quite bigger than I expected it to be as it cooled in a bucket of ice next to those glasses.

Sue took the chilled wine out of the ice and skillfully opened the bottle with a satisfying 'pop' from the cork, a pleased smile plastered on her face, "Let's all have a nice drink and have some fun tonight."


Author's Post-Chapter Note: In the next chapter, debaucheries ensue, and the wife gets pulled into it.

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