
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 171: The ‘Special Guest’ Arrives


With everyone served pudding, their stomachs satisfied, and freshened up with my [Clean] spell, there wasn't much else to do than to talk and go over the plans for the dungeon once more. At one point, I got with Sue in private and appointed her to be our little 'cameraman' in secret. If our 'special guest' actually comes tonight, Sue will record everything we'll see that can be served both as evidence for the coup against the Demon King, as well as blackmail should our guest try anything funny afterward. Since I wasn't planning on having Sue join in the adult fun, especially with the complications of her true identity to consider, I figured I might as well have her do something worthwhile. Sue didn't look all that pleased with the job she took, but that's what she gets for being so secretive behind our backs. I showed Sue how to operate the camera feature on my smartphone to record tonight's events and she had surprisingly no issue of using it, even getting to the app itself. When I felt she got the gist of what to do, I decided to lend my smartphone to her for the time being so she could take it out in secret while everyone's occupied with the action.

While we were talking in private, I also mentioned how I was going to appoint my Familiars to keep watch throughout the night. I would assign Kenaka to check in on Mametama and I through [Telepathy] at certain intervals and respond accordingly if we don't answer. Even after we let him know when we're close to getting to sleep, he and Mametama will take shifts on watching over the room throughout the night. They'll keep an eye on things should Sue decide to wake up and sneak off to do something suspicious again. Nyra would also be on watch this time around too. She was previously searching through my memories for the cause of my comatose state as a kid, but making sure nothing strange was going on tonight was more important.

I told Sue these measures of surveillance I had planned ahead of time to show that I've not let my guard down towards her, and to maintain the so-called 'trust' she had in me to not deceive her by doing this in secret. The disguised Devil clone then asked a few questions like what if she needed to use the toilet or step outside for some air while we were sleeping, of which she'd wake me up so I could escort her. Sure, I could have one of my Familiars escort her in my place, and I don't doubt their strength. Heck, now that they acquired Demon Forms to change into at any time after ingesting enough Special Medals, they had to be as strong as a bronze-rank adventurer, at the least. Despite that, I was the one who allowed Sue to join our journey from the start with the intention of taking responsibility over her. The circumstances may have drastically changed, but my intention still stands.

Once all her questions were answered, Sue didn't have any argument for this arrangement and agreed to the terms. "I do have one thing I want to ask," Sue said, "I get not being a part of the action this time, but will I get something as a reward for recording our evidence?"

"You're asking for a reward in your position? What would you even want?" I asked with a raised brow.

"It's not much to ask, I don't think," Sue said before blushing and averting her gaze, pushing her fingers together, "I want you … to hold me, while we sleep."

"... What, like cuddling? That's it?"

Sue nodded, "You can feel up my body at your leisure, I don't care where your dick pokes me, either. Unless there's some emergency, I swear that I won't do anything to you or the others during that time. I'll of course go anywhere with you should you need to step out, even if you have to wake me up while doing so. I just want to be in your arms while we sleep. That's all."

I thought about it briefly and weighed the pros and cons, <What do you think, Nyra?>

<Her request was weird, but her intentions seemed sincere,> Nyra said, <Despite her suspicious background, it's surprising that she'd ask for something that happens between mates. Even now, her anxiety is rising steadily the more we talk.>

<Do you think it's safe to follow-through on her request?> I asked.

<Hey, I'd do more than 'feel her up' in exchange for messing with my memories, but as much as I want to get a hold of that supple body of hers, I'm not the one who's doing it. Other than blue-balling yourself should you refuse, I don't see any danger of taking either option. I'm good with whatever you decide,> Nyra concluded.

I thought about it some more, even relaying the situation to Ume to get her own opinion. Of course, she refused to give up her spot for post-coital cuddles—a 'head wife's privilege', she called it—but she had no issue with Sue taking the other side. With that permission and some bias from my male side, I came to a decision with a sigh.

"Fine, do what you want," I said.

Sue's wings and tail moved erratically with joy, her eyes glistening, "Can I take that answer as permission to get naked while you hold me?"

I raised a brow.

"I liked the physical contact we had from last night, okay?! It was my first time sleeping on the same bed with a male, too, and I prefer to sleep naked, and it just felt that good! Geeze, what are you making me say here?!" Sue exclaimed before lightly punching my abdomen in embarrassment.

Honestly, I'd be a bit more comfortable if she was clothed. Now that I'm considering the possibility that I'd be sleeping with the Demon King, I'm worried about the backlash from sleeping with royalty without clothes. That was just a scandal ripe for the pickings. On the other hand, my sadistic side was tingling seeing the sight of Sue being embarrassed like this. I wanted to pay her back with all the complications she was putting me through, and I just came up with the most twisted way to do it.

"Tell you what, Sue," I said, "I'll let you sleep with me naked tonight, as well as every night after that."

"Really?!" she exclaimed in excitement.

"BUT!" I interrupted with a finger up, "You have to do something for me in exchange."

"For a chance like that, I'll do anything!"

{Oh, you have no idea of the terror you're about to experience after saying those words.}

I used my [Darkness Manipulation] skill to conjure a pair of black cat paw-shaped gloves and a matching cat ears headpiece before practically shoving them to Sue, "All you have to do is put on these cat gloves and ears, raise your hands like this, and repeat the following: 'Onii-chan, my sweet, handsome, and strong big brother, please let this weak and vul-nya-ble little sister sleep with mew tonight, nyan.'" I made sure I said those lines in the girliest, cat-like, moe way possible.

Sue's entire body stiffened, eyes bulging with their irises shrinking to pinpricks. I could have sworn I heard the sound of glass cracking in the background.

<Wow … I didn't think Sue would even get this shocked, or ever see you do something like that. Please … don't ever do that again,> Nyra pleaded.

I had no ulterior motives for her to get so cringey like this, aside from seeing her squirm. Whether she'd sleep with me naked wasn't even on my mind. Where I even got the idea was a King's Game I participated in with Aneki and her friends way back in my primary school days. I was unfortunately subjected to humiliating stuff a few times, but so did Aneki, one of which spoke like a cat throughout the majority of the game. The 'big brother' bit I thought would be funny for Sue to say with our height differences and ages put into consideration.

"You can turn it down, but that means you'll have to sleep with me with clothes on and maybe not have as much chances to cuddle like you … wanted?" I said as I saw her shakily put on the cat ears and gloves.

With a flushed face and trembling form, she did the pose and opened her mouth, "O … O-Oniii-chaaan, my sweet … handsome … a-and strong big brother, p-please let th-this … weak, and vul-nya-ble little sister sleep with mew tonight … nyaaaan."

The world stood still in silence, the tension in the air hard enough that only a sword could cut. The disguised Devil clone had no idea what face she was making as she got teary-eyed while I stared at her in amazement. Not handling the embarrassment any longer, Sue got on the floor in a fetal position, covering her face with the cat paw gloves.

<... Nyra, please tell me you got all that,> I pleaded.

<You're truly a despicable creature, Jinma Kotori and I love it! I've made sure the memory of that surprisingly adorable performance is crisp and clear for many many viewings in the future!> Nyra exclaimed.

<You're a lifesaver, Nyra,> I said while giving a mental thumbs up, {Oh, that was a lot more beautiful and satisfying than I imagined it would be. I should have conjured a black maid outfit with my [Darkness Manipulation]. It would have been perfect by then.}

I wished I could record it all on my smartphone, but if Sue was that quick to learn how to work the camera feature, I was worried she'd figure out how to delete the video. {I'll have to find a way to save some memories of mine into my phone for later.}

Once Sue had calmed down and I dissipated the cat-themed accessories, I confirmed my promise of her sleeping with me naked every night from now on. She couldn't look up at me the whole time. My 'S' side was satisfied seeing her suffer, so I consoled her with head pats before we regrouped with the others. I informed them about my Familiars performing surveillance overnight, under the guise that the disciples or our 'mysterious memory manipulator' would appear, they were all for the plan. With that arrangement done, we continued waiting for our 'special' guest until it got dark. We needed to get some rest for tomorrow, so we split off to our assigned rooms for tonight. I was sleeping with Ume, Ren, Sue, and Tyvera in my room with Mametama starting the watch. Erizora, Kalline, and Kenaka were sleeping together in another room.

The girls I'm sleeping with asked me to wait outside first so they could change into nightwear, so I went to the toilet to do some business first.

<So, our guest of honor hasn't shown up. What happens now?> Nyra asked.

<Well … do you think you can pull someone's memories without waking them up?> I asked back.

<Should be no trouble, but you have your [Slothful Slumber] spell if something happens, right?>

I nodded, <I guess if I use my [Intuitive Mapping] and [Size-Up] skills and looked over the entire city, I could search for Yukino's location and make sure Konjiro's not nearby first. Then, I could sneak over there real quick, get whatever info I need, and come back before I relax with the girls. It may not be the kind of hard evidence Sue and the Demon King needs to overthrow the coup, but whatever we get is better than nothing, right?>

<I guess so. So you're not planning on doing anything to Yukino in her sleep?> Nyra asked.

<Hell no. She may be a pompous bitch, but I'm not gonna stoop myself to such a level where I do her without proper consent. Do you even have a kink for that?>

<Considering all that I've done with other people's bodies through possession, I guess I gained some taste in those acts from my time through the curse. Still, even us Pixies back in the day liked to keep things safe, so I get where you're coming from and I won't bug you anymore on unconsensual sex,> Nyra answered.

I sighed in relief, glad to hear Nyra's values in ethics and morals have some semblance from my own.

<That said, should I get my body back, you get horny late one night and find me sleeping, you have my full consent to play with my body and fuck me in my sleep,> Nyra continued, <No matter whether I wake up in the middle of it or sleep through the whole thing, just the thought of you doing it to me in my most vulnerable state has gotten me turned on.>

I recalled Nyra's Arch Imp form I saw earlier today, imagining her sleeping form in such a setting, and me violating her body, <... Fuck, now you got me turned on. Let's just get Yukino's memories quickly and get to bedding the girls tonight.>

<Sounds like a plan, stud.>

I activated my [Intuitive Mapping] and [Size-Up] skills to search through the three-dimensional map of Palocaesy for the Kitsune-Girl. Much to my surprise, I didn't need to look very far from where I was standing.

<No way … Yukino's coming to the inn?> I asked.

<Iiiinteresting. Very interesting, indeed,> Nyra said melodically.

<She certainly took her sweet time getting here, though maybe she waited until it was dark so she could sneak through the night unnoticed? This is having an affair behind her husband's back, after all, even if she was doing it to exploit my weaknesses,> I reasoned.

<It's certainly possible. Let's wait until she gets to the lobby searching for you, we don't want you making out to be expecting her. We should have Mametama inform the others of her arrival, though, and don't forget to activate your [Demon Pheromones] skill,> Nyra said.

<Good idea.>

While we watched Yukino's movements, I contacted Mametama through [Telepathy] and informed her of our guest approaching. She said she'll ask the other girls to act naturally and that they are ready for us to enter at any time.

Once we deduced the Kitsune was looking for us in the library, I made sure my appearance was presentable and my [Demon Pheromones] skill was activated before I stepped out of the toilet. I acted like I was surprised when I saw her in the same shrine maiden robe and hakama she was wearing earlier, "Yukino! What a pleasant surprise to see you—"

"Shh!" she hushed after rushing up to me and blocked my mouth with her beastly hand, "Quiet! Don't just blurt that out all of a sudden! I'm not even supposed to be here!"

I moved her hand away before whispering, "Did you tell Konjiro where you were going?"

"I left him a note that I'd be drinking at a friend's place and I made sure that same friend would vouch for me. This is already risky enough for me as it is!" Yukino whispered back.

"But you could be learning something important about us that Konjiro would like to know, up close and personal. Wouldn't he understand that much?" I asked.

"In the Kitsune Clan, a spouse of a Tenko has never slept with anyone else outside their marriage, especially without permission! Me and Konjiro could become a disgrace in our clan if anyone caught word of this, so you and your party better not tell anyone I was here!" she exclaimed quietly.

"But you aren't sleeping with us, are you? You'll just be observing how we make love and give pointers to Ume and I in our marriage. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" I asked.

"O-Of course, I know I won't be sleeping with a Demongenerate like you, but it's the misunderstandings that could arise from this that I'm worried about! No matter what the specifics are, you will not mention any of this to anyone, got it?!" Yukino hissed.

<Man, there is no ounce of that cold and collected bitch we saw earlier,> Nyra said, <She's clearly anxious about whether she should be doing this, but there's a hint of excitement underneath it all. If only we could lower her guard further and draw that excitement out.>

<Why do you think I added wine to the list of 'essentials' I gave to Kalline earlier before we splitted off?> I asked.

<Ohohohohooo, Jinma, you conniving dog, you,> Nyra teased.

Among the list of items I had Kalline's group get while mine questioned Sue's motives earlier, there were three bottles of wine and a number of wine glasses. I emphasized one of those bottles to have a high enough alcohol content for one to get a buzz after a few sips. Kalline had a surprising knack for alcohol as her uncle, Eugus, was an experienced drinker, and she noted a number of wines and spirits that seemed to fit what I was looking for. From her recommendation, we got a bottle of red wine called the 'Devil's Advocate'. It was on the pricier side among what was bought, but it wasn't much to cover thanks to Ume's grossly exorbitant finances. The bottle and glasses should be in the Magic Item Bag in my room.

I normally wouldn't resort to using alcohol to take advantage of a woman. Hell, I wouldn't even think of going that far before I started working for Heaven's Cerberus back on Earth. It was really thanks to Kazumi's 'teachings' in the 'Art of Seduction' that the idea to numb Yukino's judgment came to me. Aside from cases like Yukino's, I seriously hope I don't need to use this to snag a woman I genuinely want to take for myself in the future.

"Okay, okay, I won't say a thing of this to anyone, you have my word," I said to Yukino's confrontation, putting my [Deception] skill at full power, "I even got some wine for us to enjoy for the occasion, so you can sit back and watch us work while having a drink or two."

Yukino snorted, "Well, I suppose the sight of your 'lovemaking' will be more tolerable with some fluids in my system. I commend your thoughtfulness to the situation here."

"I aim to please," I said, {Let's just see how long you can keep that persona up, and I may not say anything about what will happen tonight, but Sue will certainly record it with my smartphone to show to the higher-ups later.}

With that, I directed Yukino to my room and I gave the door a few knocks, "It's me, and our 'special guest' has arrived. You girls ready?"

"Come iiin," Ume sang from behind the door.

I opened it and I was shocked at what I saw after we stepped in.

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