
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 173*: A Prideful Kitsune’s Fall from Grace, Part 1

Author's Pre-Chapter Note: It's been a while since the last sex-focused chapter, so I'm not sure if I brought it up, but I'll be tagging the kinks/fetishes from this point on while leaving a symbol (the asterisk [*] that you see next to the chapter number) to show such events will take place. To demonstrate, here are the following tags that will appear in this chapter:

Jinma: Facesitting, Bottom

Umeiyon: Facesitting, Top, Cunnilingus

Ren: Cowgirl

Tyvera: Fingering

Thank you very much for reading, enjoy the chapter.


Sue took the liberty in filling our glasses with the 'Devil's Advocate' red wine before we clinked them together in cheers. With my [Werewolf's Olfactory Sense] ability, I knew from the moment the bottle was open that there was a ton of alcohol concentration. When I appraised the bottle with [Street Smarts], the alcohol percentage volume was concernedly high, and this was a wine that Kalline said it was stronger than most Demons could handle. It made me wonder how different their tolerance was on average compared to some Humans who may possibly die from a few glasses of this.

I had [Poison Resistance] at max level, which according to Sue would make it so I don't get any repercussions the morning after from binging. My [Alcohol Constitution], which I got from defeating that drunken geezer in Dondegarm, also indicates how well I can process alcohol and not get blacked-out drunk. [Intoxicated], another of that old man's skills, temporarily increases my stats when I'm drunk, which works in tandem to the [Drunken Style] of brawling. So, I basically had every alcoholic's dream of drinking until I dropped with no consequences. My judgment would still get affected after getting drunk from the booze, though, and with the potential enemies we have against us in Palocaesy, I needed to keep my drinking in moderation while staying alert. Just to keep things safe, I brought my [Alcohol Constitution] skill to max level by spending enough SP. I earned a self-deprecating title as a result of that, and I'd rather not speak of it.

As for the others, I made sure all of us had enough water to drink beforehand, and Sue even gave us pain-killers ahead of time so it would lessen the chances of getting a hangover in the morning. Despite these preparations, though, I wondered if that was enough for us against such a fearsome foe like the 'Devil's Advocate'.

Ren was the most concerning as she has the weakest tolerance among us in the party. I was certain the scent of Devil's Advocate's alcohol alone smacked her face into a buzz already, seeing how slightly red she looked. Sue seemed especially aware of Ren's low tolerance as she poured less than half of what the rest of us have in her first glass, which would probably fill up two and half shot glasses' worth.

To celebrate the night ahead, we clink our glasses together in cheers before taking our first sip--or in Ren's case, downing the hatch. I guess since she didn't have as much as the others and that she was only having one glass for tonight, she thought she might as well take it all and let the alcohol do its thing the rest of the night. I didn't really take her as a connoisseur for booze and savor the taste like the rest of us, but considering how hard the alcohol hit me with a few sips, I was instantly worried for my Werewolf slave. Unfortunately, my concerns were founded.

"I feel … so hot," Ren drawled as her face quickly grew redder. At the moment, her place as a slave and a woman clearly weren't in mind, as she unashamedly stripped out of her new lingerie in an attempt to cool down. Beads of sweat were forming on her smooth, exposed skin, making the sight sensual, especially around her modest breasts. I couldn't imagine how hot she felt with her limbs covered in white wolf's fur, but that along with the sweat made her body glimmer under the light, portraying a certain beauty to it. With her face red and tongue lolled out while panting, though, she was the very picture of a dog in heat.

"You okay there, Ren? Do you need to rest?" I asked out of genuine worry, not minding the nude state she was in.

Ren turned to me, looking miffed, "F-For Immortalsh shake, Mashter, y-you … yer alwayz sho worried about everythin', y-you … worrier. *snrk* W-When are you ever … goin' to relaksh an' led yer shlave pamper ya?"

I couldn't think of a response, I was too surprised by this recent development I didn't anticipate, "Uh …"

"Alsho … why aren't you more demandin' t-to me ash a shlave?" Ren slurred, her face contorted in sadness, "Am I … sho ushlesh that you don' ekshpec much of me?"

"N-No, of course not, Ren, I—"

"You … are a powerful male! Act like one!" Ren interrupted, now looking frustrated, "I wanna be pin to th' floor an' be called yer bish like I deserve it! Make me feel like a bad girl! Make me work for your sheed like a horny shlut!"

{I … have no idea what to even say here.}

<This is a side of Ren I didn't think she had!> Nyra exclaimed.

"Aaah, shcrew it!" Ren exclaimed before suddenly pouncing on me, tackling me to the bed. Thanks to my reflexes, though, I somehow managed to hold onto my wine glass and keep it from spilling. Before I had a chance to speak, my mouth was assaulted by her feral tongue. In her aggression, while she was on top of me, Ren started unbuttoning my shirt, albeit clumsily with her drunken state. It should be noted that her ass was raised high up in the air, exposing her pussy out in the open without a care in the world. Her white wolf tail wagged to and fro, as if eager to pounce on its latest prey—in other words, me.

"How shameless," Yukino cursed, despite her own cheeks tinting a bit before glancing at Ume, "Shouldn't you be doing something? You are his wife, yes?"

"Well … she's been put through a lot today, and knowing her alcohol tolerance, I'm afraid she may not last very long," Ume said while shrugging, "Contrary to her current behavior, I know how much Ren cherishes Jin, so I'll let her have first dibs tonight. He has quite the endurance, you see, so I'm sure there's plenty enough for me to have some later."

"I … see," Yukino said hesitantly before she and Ume took another sip of their wine.

{I appreciate her being a bit understanding, but even I'm starting to find this arrangement a little unfair,} I thought as Ren finally broke away from the kiss to focus on undressing me. I took this chance to take a few sips of my wine while I thought of a solution. Whether it was because of the alcohol or something else, my mind came up with an idea to fix the problem of leaving Ume and Tyvera out of the action, at least for a brief period of time.

"Ren, continue stripping me. Ume, Tyvera, come on over here," I called.

Ren was too focused undressing me to respond, but Ume and Tyvera followed along, despite how confused they looked. Once I was fully undressed, revealing my erect, hard cock that left Yukino speechless, I had the three girls take up positions under my instructions. I applied the sperm-killing aphrodisiac lube from my [Contraception] Null Spell onto my genitals before we finalized our preparations.

"Mashter … I thing I get what yer doin', but I can't help but thing how demeaning this looksh to other people watchin' in, 'specially Yukino," Ren criticized.

"Putting public faces aside, is this even okay? I may not be big like Erizora, but I'm still quite heavy," Ume added.

"It will be fine. I've had a Toxic Troll stomp on me repeatedly and I left without much damage. This is nothing compared to that, and it will be a more enjoyable experience for me, too," I assured.

"Damn, walking away from a Troll stomping is something not many could live and tell the tale. As expected of Chief to be that strong," Tyvera said in amazement.

What I had set up was a sort of four-way position where I could pleasure three girls at once. While I was lying on my back, Ren was currently hovering her dripping pussy over my throbbing meat stick. Ume, with her thong moved aside, was squatting above my face, giving me a glorious view of her plump ass, cunt, and surprisingly attractive lizard tail. Finally, Tyvera was close enough to where my right hand could reach her snatch, with her apron flipped up to allow me entry.

If there was another position where I could pleasure three girls at once, I couldn't think of it. This was the first thing that came to mind, and there's room for one more if I used my other hand. {If I had to give this position a name … maybe the 'foundation'? To exemplify how the girls get on top of me like people in architecture build a house's framework?}

<Too dull! I like the 'three towers' better, four if we include one more girl,> Nyra quipped, not liking my naming sense.

"C-Can that thing even get inside that Werewolf? I swear that the head is bigger than the hole here?" Yukino asked, genuinely worried.

"My mother … onsh shaid that 'no male'sh head can ever compete with a baby'sh'. If I can't learn to take on Mashter'sh cock, then there'sh no hope for me produshin' offshpring," Ren said.

{That's uh … quite a graphic saying.} It took all of my mental willpower to not imagine the image and not get turned off. Thankfully, the sight of my Dragon wife's beautiful derriere helped make that task easy.

"Alright, Ume, Ren, when you're ready, lower yourselves down on top of me," I said while reaching out to Tyvera's pussy.

Then, as if they were in sync, the girls made their move accordingly. Ren steadied my cock before lowering herself on top of it, her snatch stretching out to take in my head that was lubed beforehand. It might be possible her drunken state made her bolder and not feel as much pain as it didn't take long for her to reach the very bottom. The tightness engulfing my member was so sudden that it made me jump a bit. Ume, meanwhile, gently set her ass on my face, positioning her womanhood to where my mouth could reach it. Despite our very different positions, it wasn't hard for me to search out her entrance with my tongue. Her trembling form along with the gasp told me I was on the right track, causing her to drop more of her weight on top of me. It was an oddly pleasant feeling, I must say. Finally, when my right hand reached Tyvera's pussy, I dexterously shoved my lubed index and middle fingers into her hole, with my thumb resting on her clit. This was surely a new thing she was experiencing as she yelped a bit.

"W-Whoa …" Yukino muttered in amazement. I wish I could see what she looked like right now, but my vision was dimmed by my wife's phat Dragon ass.

"Gosh, I wish I was in any of those girls' spots right now," Sue whispered, but I didn't pay it much mind.

At my silent urging through my body, the girls made their necessary movements. Ren, despite how much my huge dick was stretching her insides, was dutifully pleasing it by bouncing her hips on top of mine. I could feel her Werewolf paws on my abs for support. She was making the most noise in the room, not just from our sexes joining together in wet slaps, but also her panting hot breaths could also be heard. I could imagine her tongue was lolled out like it showed earlier. Even though Ren was drunk, her insides were skillfully squeezing and milking my member for its glorious seed as she bounced her hips. I've fucked this hole many times, yet I couldn't believe how tight she still was despite all that I put it through.

"M-Mashter, your … glorioush cock, ripping me in half, never sheashes to amaze me! No other cock, could ever fill me, like thish!" Ren exclaimed between bounces.

Tyvera in the meantime was rocking her hips in junction with my fingers, trying to help them get to her sweet spot as many times as possible. It was clear she was inexperienced in this, though, with how clumsy she was doing it, but that had its own charm. My [Sexual Techniques] skill made sure to adapt to her chaotic rhythm, though, and work it like I'm controlling her sensual desires in the best way possible. With my index and middle fingers curling in a beckoning motion, my thumb teased her button by pressing it, flicking it, and rubbing it in different directions. Whatever the case, the Harpy's insides were gripping and urging my digits all the same, desperate to give their owner some sweet, needed relief. My cock may have just met Tyvera's pussy just recently after getting enslaved as part of a punishment, but since she was seeking my skills to pleasure her, I was planning to do just that. I was sure I would have plenty more opportunities to fuck her in the near future.

"Chief! Chief! I get it now! A few Harpies always boast over their mates' fingers, and I understand now! Your fingers! Are incredible! Whatever you do! Don't stop! Pleeeeease!" Tyvera begged in between motions.

Lastly, Ume was subtly grinding her cunt over my nose and mouth as I pleasured her entrance with my tongue. Thanks again to my [Sexual Techniques] skill, in sync with my [Sweet Spots], I knew how to work my mouth's appendage dexterously over any pussy it comes across, finding the right sweet spot and teasing it accordingly. Up and down, side to side, in and out, and everything in between, my tongue did it all, and I could taste Ume's amazing Dragon nectar in the process. Having her smooth, soft ass cheeks grazing over my face was a nice touch. Feeling her trembling slightly above me tickled my manly pride that I was doing my job as her husband.

Being my wife, my cock has wrecked her pussy a number of times, too, with one time painfully tearing her insides a bit before I cast [Heal] immediately afterward. Ume and I were both new to the ways of sex when we gave each other our virginities, and it still feels like there's a lot for us to learn. We may still get clumsy here and there, maybe get hurt a bit, too, but Ume was a patient, intelligent woman, putting aside her Dragon pride in order to gain new knowledge about the world around her. Even now, under these peculiar circumstances, I still wonder whether she deserves someone better to be her husband. That isn't to say I'd give her up so easily, though. Since Dragons live much longer lives than us Humans, I was going to make sure every moment she shares with me with me counts. If her new ability makes her a 'Legendary Housewife', then I was sure as hell becoming her 'Legendary Husband', whatever the cost. I made sure I professed those feelings through my cunnilingus on her pussy.

"J-Jin! I had no idea, you could do that with your tongue! It's so good! It's soooo good! I love you! I love you so much! Lick me there more!" Ume begged.

Thanks to my [Climax Gauge], I was able to see how close all three of my girls were getting to their first orgasm of the night. Ren seemed to be the one going at it the fastest with how quickly her bar was growing, and so I tried to up my game in my finger and tongue work to match her pace, all so they could climax at the same time. Their screams got louder and higher in pitch the closer they got to the end, then letting it all out once they reached their peaks. All of them rode out their orgasms without abandon, expelling feminine fluids on my hips, face, and hand during that time. I ejaculated at the same time as them, of course, unloading my first large load of semen for the night inside my cum dumpster of a Werewolf slave. I was sure I filled enough of her uterus with my seed to form a lump on her stomach.

With their climaxes done, the three of them fell to their afterglows next. Ren fell right on top of me, and then snored moments later. Since she was quite drunk beforehand, I had a feeling that this Werewolf was out for the night—a shame, too, since I promised her lots of belly rubs, but I'll make it up to her somehow. Ume, tuckered out for the time being, just sat on my face without a care as she caught her breath. I had no complaints about this after learning and coming to fully appreciate the softness of her ass through this new experience. Lastly, Tyvera fell to her side, releasing my fingers, and panting in heavily. Looking at her talon-like hands, I could see how Harpies could have a difficult time masturbating with such appendages, hence why they valued a Human male's stubby fingers like Tyvera preached earlier.

"Grr … can Konjiro even make me feel that good?" Yukino growled under her breath.

"Ohh? Yukino, are you frustrated, maybe? Or jealous? Perhaps both?" Sue asked her. I could see her mischievous grin in my mind's eye.

With the high alcohol content in the wine and my [Demon Pheromone] filling the room, I was sure they played a part in why Yukino couldn't answer those taunting questions.

"You know, it may look demeaning to you, but Jinma is pleasuring Umeiyon because he loves her, despite the odd looks he may get from his peers to even have a relationship with a Lizardman," Sue continued, "In another note, I've heard that the Humans called what Umeiyon did with Jinma 'Queening'."

"... Q-Queening?" Yukino stuttered.

"Yes, where the male gives the female a chance to feel like royalty, in a sense," Sue continued, "While the male makes his face like as a throne, his female partner sits on him appropriately before she gets pleasured in a form of cunnilingus from below. It's a way for males to show their females how much they appreciate and care for them as their mates."

"Appreciate … and care," Yukino repeated.

"Would you like to see what that's like, Yukino? To use as a reference for the next time Konjiro makes time with you, of course. I'm sure Jinma will make this experience worth your while," Sue said.

And with that, our first step in seducing Yukino was complete.

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