
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chad 8

Now I had to think about who I wanted to grab next. Hephestus would probably be ideal since I wanted to screw her, and now that I know how the body of a goddess feels, I want more of it. I was still horny, but it was much more manageable because of my previous excursion. I decided to use paying off Hestia's debt as an excuse to visit Hephestus. Before that though, I decided to explore orario for a bit. I was thinking about the world I would hop into after I grab a few more girls from here. I just see the people in this world as mostly NPCs for lack of a better word. The main reason is that I could just do a hard reset on this world and change the scenario as I please. From what my system told me, I'm in my own Multiverse? Omniverse? Something like that. So I wouldn't encounter other people with systems unless I intentionally tried to do so. Of course that in itself is a terrible idea so I'll just stick to my own place instead.

I decided to go to the world of Highschool DxD, mostly because I know the most about that place and the women there are absolute bombshells. That, and I can increase my power by a large amount within a shorter period of time. Sure I can be found by Ophis, but she can easily be tricked due to her mentality. As I was planning out how I would set myself in DxD, I walked to the guild. As I looked around I remembered that I'm basically Cthulhu if they were a hentai protagonist and wrote that into my setting into this world. That, and the fact that I had four tentacles coming out of my back right now made people look at me with worried faces but it made them realize who I was faster. I noticed a certain redhead flirting with her blonde, airheaded familia member before she noticed me as well. She started walking towards me with a smile filled with mischief on her face.

[3rd person POV]

The adventurers and receptionists within the Guild were wary when they noticed the god Cthulhu or as he goes by within Orario, Chad. However, everyone knew the god of Lust, Insanity, and Chaos the moment they saw him walk in with four tentacles protruding from his back. The main reason for the fear was not only because of what type of god he was, but also because he had the strongest familia within Orario. He has been around since the one-eyed black dragon attacked and his familia survived the attack with zero casualties. The only reason they didn't defeat it was because the dragon was impenetrable at the time. His familia is filled with high level adventurers with the lowest being level 4 and the highest being level 8 to the knowledge of the guild. Most of the residents of Orario were in speculation that one of the members of the familia, namely Aerith the captain of his familia, has reached level 9 and just hasn't reported it yet.

It's not like they could do anything about it though, their familia could take on all of Orario and come out with the victory. That was the main reason for the fear everyone felt within the guild when looking at the god himself. There were two people though who didn't look at him with fear when they noticed his presence. The goddess Loki looked at him with mischief in her mind and a hint of lust when she stared at his tentacles. Aiz the sword princess let her thoughts wander to if he would let one of his familia members spar with her. She knew she couldn't even hope to scratch any of the highest levels within his familia, but perhaps someone at her level or one above would be willing. The duo followed Chad outside of the guild as if they reached a silent agreement when they made eye contact. Once they left, everyone there breathed a sigh of relief.

[Chad's POV]

From what I could tell, Loki wanted to introduce her familia to mine and discuss some matters between the two. So I left to go talk to Hephestus and Loki went with Aiz to talk to her Familia so we could meet tomorrow. From what I could tell, Loki was only bringing her female familia members along as if she knew how to appease me. I wouldn't put it past her, must be the system's doing. Oh well, the sooner I can leave this world, the better. Eventually I arrived at a private room with Hephestus in here alone. She also had her eyepatch off. I guess I was one of the people who don't mind seeing it. Not that I do, cause that is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Once the door behind me was closed, I silenced the room and locked it down with magic before I pounced at Hephaestus before she could react.

I held her arms and legs with my tentacles, ripped her clothes apart with magic, and shoved my millennium rod within her deepest cavern, causing her to scream. Her divine hole made me feel just as much ecstasy as Hestia's did. As the screams of Hephaestus filled the room without escaping it, I started to pound her with relentless and hard thrust at a moderate pace. With each thrust came the sound of my flesh against hers as blood and pre-cum came out of her pussy. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a facial expression filled with fear. That only served to turn me on more as I brought out two more tentacles from my back, one started to play with her breast, while the other started to crack at her butt with the force of a whip.

Normally I would go all in from the start, but I was in no rush and wanted to savor the feeling of every inch of her body. As I felt my first orgasm for the session approaching. She started to struggle more fervently, but her pussy was clenching me that much more. It helped me reach my release a minute later. She started to whimper, but I didn't slow down and quickly flipped her around into a doggy style position as I held her on top of a couch within the room. Right after, I thrusted into her ass and she screamed even louder while trying to cover up her mouth as she moaned when I started pumping my hips. I had another tentacle start smacking her as along with the one that originally was doing so, the rest of my tentacles let go of her arms and legs, and started feeling up her body. Two playing with her breast, one lightly choking her, and another playing with her pussy.

Her pleasure started to overcome her pain and Hephestus moaned like crazy while moving along the rhythm of my thrust. 15 minutes of the sounds of loud moans and two bodies slamming against each other passed before I came another load down her ass. Once I pulled out of her ass it was pulsing and gaping due to the large size I was packing. Soon after, I turned her around so that my dick was on top of her face. She stared at it with eyes filled with lust before she started licking my shaft up and down. I let her continue to work my shaft as my tentacles continued to play with her body. I savored the feeling as she took 3/4ths of my cock down her throat at once. I heard slight choking sounds, but that didn't matter as I grabbed her red hair with both hands and thrusted my full length down her throat. I held her head there for a minute before I started fucking her tight throat and thrusted a tentacle up her ass. I didn't shove one up her pussy, but decided to just keep playing with it instead. I'll get back to it soon enough.

The sound of my balls slapping on her face with each thrust, and her gagging on my dick echoed through the room. I increased my speed as I choked her a bit more with the tentacle around her throat. It made her throat even tighter and feel even better than her ass. I made sure to restrain myself though so I wouldn't kill her through the fucking, not that I would even attempt to do so, since I definitely will be keeping her around for regular fucking sessions. Not long after I was contemplating how I would fuck her in the future, I came down Hephstus' throat.

Hours passed by, once I was finished Hephestus was panting heavily with a smile on her face while she was covered in white. Since we weren't at my place, I finished up early, that didn't mean I wasn't satisfied though, because that felt amazing. I ordered Hephestus to tell her familia she was leaving with me, and we headed to my mansion to continue where we left off, with the rest of my familia joining in.