
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chad 7

One of the S-Ranks named Cha Hae-In ran up to my lord. I rushed in front of her before anyone could react with my daggers drawn to stand in front of him. Cha Hae-In shook slightly, but didn't slow down in her movements. She put away her handkerchief as she was coming closer to us. Before I could attack her, I felt Master's hand on my shoulder. I shivered in delight slightly, before backing up to his side. All I could see from his mask was a smiling skull. I could never figure out how his mask could make facial expressions. He also never removed it. From what I could tell, only Ju-Hee has seen his face, and even then it was so brief that she couldn't remember. I wonder if he would reveal his face if I asked him to? I'll have to find out at a later time. Cha Hae-In started to actively smell him all around his body. When she was finished, she stated that he had no smell at all. According to her, normally any hunter she was around would have some sort of unique smell to them, but Master seems to not have one.

After Hae-In went back to where she was standing previously, my lord spoke up.

[I have an important message to give all of you. First of all, I will not be participating in the Jeju raid.] [Chad]

Many people had different reactions to what he said. Most looked indifferent, but the beastman had a curious look on his face, as if he knew that Master had a reason for it. It wasn't long before all of their reactions had a sudden change as Jin-Woo came into the room and my lord continued on.

[The only reason why I can't join the raid, is because an S-Ranked gate opened up at my guild base, and I plan on taking care of it with my guild.] [Chad]

Master didn't say anything after that, and all of the S-Ranks in the building looked worried. The beastman looked like he was about to lose his best friend. Oh that's right, my lord told me that the beastman looks up to him like an older brother, so that would make sense. Soon enough, we could all feel the magical power from the S-Ranked gate that Master must have opened up, and we left the building, leaving behind a bunch of bewildered S-Ranks. Eventually they started to follow us towards our outer base. When it came to our real base, Master said that he created it in it's own void so nobody but the people he permits can access it.

[Chad's POV]

As I went into the S-Ranked gate with my guild, I was thinking if I should visit another universe since after the jeju raid, there will be a long break between. Another thing I discovered with my system, is that if I leave a particular universe/multiverse, then it will be on pause until I come back to it. So after we clear this dungeon, I decided that I will go and collect some gods within danmachi since I need to know what it feels like to fuck a goddess. This dungeon didn't really have any beings of interest for me to tame so I just breezed through it with my guild. I did tame a female dragon though, she ended up becoming one of my strongest members after I was done with her.

Now it was time to pause this world and head to danmachi. The system allowed me to set the time frame and scenario of which I would start within the world. I decided on posing as a god of lust and have my guild be my 'familia'. We would have a large mansion on the outer edge of orario, and we would start a few days before Hestia would find Bell. I didn't care for the 'canon' of the story, I just wanted to get who I wanted from here and head out. I guess I could have my guild go into the dungeon and see if there would be any monsters I could tame though. So I set the story to run similar to the original, except Bell wouldn't be found by Hestia, but rather by another goddess named Ifrit. I would take her too, but nothing about her drew my attention, so I just let it be. After I confirmed everything, all of us were transferred to our new mansion in the blink of an eye.

Once I confirmed our surroundings, I sent my 'familia' off to check out the dungeon once they were geared up, and I headed towards an alley that Hestia would stop by to look for members. In this iteration, Ifrit replaced Hestia when it came to relevance to the story, she was still close to Hephestus and rivals Loki though. Soon enough, I spotted her looking around in an alley on her own. Nobody walking by even noticed her, or just ignored that she was there. Soon enough, I snuck behind her, brought out my tentacles, and dragged her to the back of the alley with them, while shoving one down her throat so she couldn't scream out. She was visibly struggling under my tentacles, but wasn't strong enough to do anything about it. She couldn't even reach her seal for her powers in her hair. Soon enough she reached the end of the alley where I stood up against a wall. I grabbed her giant tits with one hand to cop a feel, and turned her around with the other.

By the time I was done, she was being held in the air upwards, with her legs spread out in front of me by my tentacles. Eventually she saw who I was and 'recognized' me. Fear struck her and she was somewhat aroused as well. I quickly ripped off her clothes and worked some sex magic to lube up her bottom holes. She tried multiple times to close her legs, but failed each time. Soon enough I wiped out my hardened rod and shoved true into her now wet cavern, while shoving another tentacle up her back door. She still had a tentacle in her mouth as well. Once I started to slowly thrust my hips, the tentacles in her mouth and ass started to pump at an increasing speed. She tried screaming under her restraints, but it came out as mumbles each time she attempted to. Eventually I started to rapid fire my thrust to the point that she started moaning as I moved. I had another tentacle move between her tits, and two more play with her now hardened nipples. By the time I came, she had already cum more than five times. When I came, she took it all in strides, to the point that she didn't even inflate slightly, even though I came more inside and out of her more than I ever had before. The feeling of a goddess' body was unreal, nothing before could come even close to it. It was like comparing silver to vibranium, there was no competition.

My tame skill already went off before I started cumming buckets all over Hestia. I needed to feel more of that feeling, so I teleported us to my bedroom in my familia mansion, and kept going until the sun went down and rose again for the next day. That was the best sex I have felt so far, and the mere fact that her small body was able to take all of that with zero problems on her end boggles my mind. I'm literally still facefucking her even though it's like 6am. Sadly good things have to come to an end at some point. So I blew one last load down her throat and she woke up swallowing my cum. I forgot to mention that she passed out and woke up several times as we were having our heated battle. Once she finished swallowing, I pulled out and cleaned us with clean magic. She sat up on my bed and stared at me with a smile.

[Chad] [From now on, you will live here Hestia, and don't worry about your debt to Hephestus, I'll take care of that for you. For now, stay here since I have some business to take care of. Feel free to mingle with my familia while I'm out.]

After I finished talking with her, she gave me a hug filled with affection that almost made me push her down and start fucking her again, but I held myself back since I have other business to attend to.