
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Editor-San Here!

I interrupt this regularly scheduled chapter to bring you a very important message.

Hi, Editor-san here, I'm the Author's Alter/Alter/Alter Ego after Puri/Lustimura if you will. I'm here to tell you that they are holding the next chapter hostage. Don't worry though, I'll sneak one here soon enough. In the meantime though, check out his discord and bother him to update his fanfics so he does it sooner:

He told me that if more people check out the discord, he may go on a writing frenzy and give more work for me.

Pls send help, I get paid in crumbs, my pay may get upgraded to sandwiches depending on you all.

I demand 😤 workers compensation damnit.

(All jokes aside, thank you all so much for still reading my fanfics after all this time, and I would love you all so much if you would check out my discord and future twitter/twitch/Patre0n. Check out the description of the novel for the link.)

P.S.: Send Editor-san some crumbs pls.