
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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Chad 6

When we left the dungeon, only a week passed, and I gave access to that dungeon to my guild members. While the bosses and clans won't respawn, all of the demons in between will, it will serve as a great way for them to gain more levels, and for me to gain more power. Checking on the situation, it's around the time that Jin-Woo signed up to be a miner for the Hunter's guild. My guild doesn't need that, due to the fact that each member has access to their own inventory. After he saves the B-Team of the Hunter's guild, I will probably get a call to talk about the next raid on Jeju Island. Sadly, Jin-Woo is a bit too important for the story, so I'll let him save who he did previously. I will snag that S-Ranked healer girl Akari Shimizu before she gets killed by the Ant King though. In order to do this, I bought a teleportation skill from the system ahead of time in preparation for it and a tracking skill. I wouldn't mind a second S-Ranked healer under my guild, since Ju-Hee became S-Ranked from the demon castle raid.

It wasn't long before Jin-Woo got his S-Rank license and was the talk of the city of being the 11th S-Ranked Hunter. Many people were wondering who was the 10th a.k.a me. Since it was kept under wraps until now, I let them release the information that I was a S-Rank as well, although I am way beyond that amount of power by now. There wasn't much reaction over the fact that I was the 10th. Most people suspected it already and just got confirmation from the Korean Hunters Association. Yoon-Ho came over to my base to drink with me though, and complained that Jin-Woo could also continuously grow like me.

I just let the man rant, since he saw me as an older brother for some reason. I didn't mind all that much, he was probably the only male friend I had in this world, and he did help me out much earlier on when I was weaker than him, so it's the thought that counts. While we were drinking, I was thinking about giving myself a reason to not be at the Jeju Island raid just before it happened. I wanted to introduce myself to the other S-Ranks when they went to test each other at a training area, but I won't join the raid. I will only pop in to grab Akari just before she gets killed, and replace her with a male hunter that can heal.

This way, the Ant King will still have the ability to heal, just not as good as before. I can just capture a random A-Rank healer that isn't associated with a guild, and have him switch places with her. While I was having thoughts of ravaging Akari over a table, while spanking her ass, I was getting my cock blown by Aerith, and was playing with her pussy with my tentacles. I thought of a great way to deal with not having to raid Jeju Island. I'll make a public spectacle by having an S-Ranked gate appear right in front of my base on the outside. Everyone will notice, and I will have Aerith stationed outside the gate to tell the hunters that will be drawn towards it to tell them that I was sucked into the gate. Of course that will just be a ruse, I will have it be a red gate with the power of S-Rank, but I will make sure that I can go in and out of it. Since it will be a red gate, time will go by at a much quicker pace there. I can also teleport to Akari at a moment's notice once I meet her and track her with my tracking skill.

With that plan thought out in my head, I grabbed Aerith's head and came down her throat as she greedily swallowed all of my cum. Once she cleaned off my dick, I unsheathed it, and zipped up my pants before we headed out.

[Aerith's POV]

Today was blueberry flavor, I don't know how my lord does it, but he changes the flavor of his cum each time. Today just so happened to be my favorite flavor, I don't think that Lord cares though. I'm just glad that he has remembered my name. All of my duties to serve him were a given when he brought me into his fold and took me under his wing. Due to him, I gained strength that I would have never hoped to gain if I haven't met him. He is my Lord, my Master, my savior, and my World. Or as my Lord would say it, Za Warudo. When he gave me the power over death, he described how similar, yet different it was from Jin-Woo's ability. Ultimately, my ability is much weaker than his, but my advantage is that I have no true limit on the undead I can make. Right now, I have thousands of undead demons on my beck and call. I haven't chosen any other personal undead outside of my undead dragon.

When I finished relieving Master, we headed out to greet the heathens that wanted to request of my Lord's assistance in that stupid S-Ranked dungeon raid. Master only has one actual friend among the S-Ranks, or is it better to call him an acquaintance? The point is, that the beastman assisted my lord due to him saving the beastman's life in the past. I don't know why he assisted that beast, other than to possibly stabilize the society that we currently live in. My lord gathered up all of the S-Ranks in the guild, which consisted of me, Ju-Hee, Esil and her two demon knights, the four arachne's, Seldra, and Ansha. Everyone else was training in the demon dungeon that Master set up. Sometimes I can't even fathom where my Lord's limits are, or if he even has any. He probably doesn't have any due to the fact that he can even grant such power to others as well. We eventually arrived at a facility used for training and I spotted the beastman sparring against a large, sumo like man. I mostly ignored the two of them and looked around to my lord's next target to recruit into our guild.

It wasn't long before I spotted a young woman with light brown hair styled in two buns, with brown eyes, wearing a pink hoodie, black suit, and she had somewhat of a petite figure. One thing I noticed about my lord, is that he has no true preference, as long as the target of his lust is truly female. For me personally, she was about a 5/10 when it came to whether she was suitable for my lord or not. I will respect his decision though since his word is law. When the other S-Ranks noticed our presence, my lord started cracking his bones for a few seconds. It seemed to be his signature way of people knowing he was there. Most of the S-Ranks that could detect the power of other's, were scared in our presence since most of them were only stronger than Ju-Hee, and that was only because she was mostly a healer.