
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chad 5

Me appearing here will definitely cause ripple effects in Jin-Woo's growth. He will probably try to level even harder than he did previously. I'll just have to keep an eye on him after I run that demon dungeon with my guild. After I left the area, and went back to the base, I gathered up my guild. This would be a great time to level them all up due to the giant amount of demons that will be in this dungeon. Since it is a copy of the original one, the demons will respawn, except for any special demons like the ones I plan to tame. I'm sure that since in the manhwa, there were several demon families aside from the one that Jin-Woo helped out, there would be that much more powerful female demons.

We entered the dungeon and quickly dispatched Cerberus the gatekeeper in order to get the key to the real dungeon. Not many levels were gained by my guild members, with the exception being Song-I who was still relatively weak in power. When we entered the dungeon proper, it was a flaming city of Seoul that greeted us. Quite a few of my guild members knew water magic, so they caused the entire city to be covered in water by rain. Soon enough, the flames died down, and we started to hunt demons down. I didn't receive a quest from the system like Jin-Woo did when he entered here. It's probably because there isn't much from the system that I can't just buy from the shop right now. Although, all of my guild members got different quests from my system and they told me about them.

From what I remember, we need to get to the 80th floor in order to get to the Radiru Clan so I can tame the demon girl named Esil Radiru. From what I know, she should be S-Rank in power. Once I tame her, she would be able to grow even stronger, and my guild will become the strongest with a large amount of S-Ranks. I just hope that the other demon clans have female demons. I decided to make Aerith similar to Jin-Woo in the sense that I will give her necromancer powers through the system. It will make clearing the dungeon that much faster. The 'corrupted mana' of the demons won't stop the skill because my system is superior. Soon enough, demons started to 'arise' to our side due to Aerith. The only downside is the fact that Aerith can only choose two undead that would be able to level up. It's not that big of a deal because she has no real limit on the amount of undead she can have, and she can store them away in a storage space.

Now with Aerith's ability to make undead, we rapidly progressed through the floors of the demon king's castle dungeon. We've been in the dungeon for around two days, but have progressed much faster and already beat the first boss on the 50th floor. The fatty demon wasn't that big of a problem at all, but couldn't be turned into an undead sadly. The system stopped at the bosses, it wasn't that big of a deal though, at this point, Aerith had several hordes of undead demons that were at high C to mid B-Rank in power. We took another day to defeat the 75th floor boss by just surrounding him with undead. It was pretty ironic since he was a lich.

I could never figure out what happened to the Radiru clan when Jin-Woo left the dungeon since I only read the manhwa, but it is such a waste for a cute girl like her to be disposable in the story. I will put her to use though, not just for her power obviously. It's sad that we didn't spot a single female demon in the previous 79 floors though. It doesn't matter though, we arrived at the floor with the Radiru clan. It took us another two days to find Esil who happened to attack us. It turns out that two of the knights with her that Jin-Woo killed previously were female demons! This would make my life that much easier having three sexy demon girls with the power of an S-Rank. I didn't give any personal attention to the other demon girls, but I will have plenty of fun with Esil.

We went into a nearby building, and the three demon girls were tied up and disarmed by my guild members. The other two demon girls were moved to the side as I forced open Esil's mouth with a gag. I decided to take my time with her as I ripped apart her clothes, conjured up my tentacles, and sent them after everyone except for Esil, and a few of my guild members who were out on watch. Esil had long purple hair, elf-like ears, red eyes, and somehow had F-Cup breasts even though they were well hidden when she had her armor on. While my tentacles were ravaging the majority of my guild and the other two demon girls, I pulled out my rod and shoved it inside Esil's mouth as she was screaming. Tears started to flow down her face, but I didn't care one bit. She was sturdy enough due to her power, so I only slightly held back as I ravaged her throat with my cock.

Esil was constantly choking and gagging on my cock as I rammed it all the way down her throat with each rapid thrust. I gripped her hair with one hand, and the back of her head with the other as I sped up my pace. It got to the point that her head was moving at inhumane speeds that would have killed her if she was any weaker. I wasted no time, and once I felt my first release coming, I shoved two tentacles up her ass and pussy, and had two more fondle her breasts. She managed to scream loud enough for it to be heard throughout the building, but not outside, even though my cock was shoved all the way to the base of her throat. As I was cumming in her throat, I made her mouth feel like a pussy, her ass and actual pussy were still being destroyed by tentacles, and she cried even more. It should take a few loads to tame her due to how strong she is.

I sped up my hips again as I was finishing up my first release and attempted to compound a second one as Esil was being thoroughly ravaged by me. The entire first floor of the building we were in was filled with moans as I was defiling and ravaging everyone. Eventually, my guild scouts joined in when they gave the 'all clear' of the surroundings. Once I finished blowing my second load in Esil's throat, I pulled out of her mouth with a popping sound, turned her around, withdrew the tentacle in her pussy, and shoved my dick in. She screamed in pleasure as I started smacking her ass with each of my thrust, and pulled on her hair even harder. When I was ready to cum in her pussy, I wrapped my right arm around her neck, grabbed her head with my left hand, and shoved my cock to the point that I couldn't go any further, and started a slow thrust as I was cumming. At the same time, my tentacles cummed in her ass and on her tits.

Everyone else was finishing up with my tentacles as well. The two female demons were still being ravaged in all of their holes, jacking off two extra tentacles, and having their breasts fondled. The two female demons looked similar to Esil, except had teal colored hair and black eyes. After everything was settled and I pulled out of Esil, I used the clean skill, and everyone started to get dressed. I purchased a customized guild uniform from the system for my three new members, and Esil and the two demon girls geared up. Esil wielded a spear, and the other girls wielded swords. Once everything settled down, I had Esil lead us to her clan after I made her indifferent to all of them. Eventually we reached the clan and from what Esil told me, there were many female demon maids in their clan just waiting to be ravaged.

By the time we finished with the Radiru clan, I had Esil kill her own father, and all of the males of her original clan, before I defiled all of the female members of the clan with tentacles. Once everything was taken care of, and I took everything from the clan, we moved on into the upper floors. By that point, everything was a breeze due to the large amount of power I was amassing and the constant level ups all across my guild. The other clans didn't have many female members, outside of the daughters of the heads of each clan. The only exception being all of their maids. I guess I now have staff to clean my base instead of having to waste my time and use the clean skill. Heck, I soloed the demon king in a few seconds, reviewing just how powerful I became if I didn't even break a sweat in beating him. Aerith made his dragon into an undead that could level up due to how powerful it could be. After the dungeon was cleared, I got the materials to make that water of life potion that Jin-Woo made, but decided to just save it for now, in case I need it later.