
. Predicted ambush

„You have to believe me, I'm already in great danger standing before you!"


„It is still not midnight, I still have time" whispered Maylea.

Maylea slowly flew into Asahi's room, he noticed her and looked up with the same serious expression, did he ever smile?

„Ashai! Ashai! I've come to warm you of a nearby ambush!" Maylea cried.

„An ambush? Against who?"


Ashai let out a small chuckle of amusement, this only made Maylea more frustrated with herself and Ashai.

„This is not a joke! It will happen at about midnight and I would like you to be prepared" cried Maylea once again.

„Even if it might happen, I would be able to handle it"

„But what if you can't? It is best to capture them and hold them guilty!"

„I only met you today, how in the world do you expect me to believe you? A talking butterfly-human telling me I'm going to be ambushed. It is quite unbelievable"

„you have to believe me, I'm already in great danger standing before you!"

Maylea took a seat in Ashai's hand, he continued to stare at her, thinking if the butterfly is really telling the truth or not.

„I'll believe you under one circumstance, you show me your true form" firmly said Ashai.

Maylea starred at him in disbelief, she was trying to help him and he wouldn't accept it, this was for his own good!

Maylea saw something hidden in the shadows of the balcony, a masked man wearing all black and with a crossbow! Maylea had to act fast.

A bright light shined in front of Ashai blocking his vision for a mere moment, and instead of a butterfly, stood a beautiful little girl.

Ashai couldn't believe that Maylea had listened to him and couldn't take his eyes off her, her eyes were so bright and colourful, he wished he could stare into her eyes for entirely.

Maylea pushed Ashai away and he fell to the ground, the crossbow shot an arrow and barely missed him, but Maylea wasn't as lucky, as the arrow painfully stabbed into her left shoulder.

Maylea let out a groan of pain as she clenched her bleeding shoulder and fell to her knees, it was dreadful to think how so much could happen within a moment.

Ashai's eyes grew wide as he saw Maylea fall to the ground with an arrow sticking out of her shoulder, he ran up to her and held her in his arms.

„Maylea im so sorry! I didn't believe you! Let me help you!" Ashai exclaimed.

„I'm fine, I can heal myself. Fight them off..."

Ashai didn't even bother to use is sword, he disarmed the man that shot Maylea and snapped the crossbow in half and threw it to the side, next he proceeded to grab the man's head and jerked it violently to the side, snapping his neck and killing him.

The body dropped to the floor with a thunk but that was only one of the many he had to take down, more came through the doors and the balcony, with weapons like katanas and bows, it was a complete chaos in the princes bed room with blood being shedded, yelling and screaming, the sound of katanas clashing together and cries of immense pain.

Maylea sat behind the bed hiding from the fighting, she put her right hand on her left shoulder and proceeded to heal herself, a light green light sprouted from her hand and lit up her wound, Maylea pulled out the arrow with whimpers of pain.

Maylea's plain purple dress was now stained with dark red blood, her wound tingled at the strange sensation of the healing spell, within moments, Maylea was fully healed.

Maylea didn't know whether she should help Ashai or save herself, she looked towards the door and saw someone standing there, he wore all black and had a katana behind his back, he looked Maylea's direction and made eye contact, then ran.

The man ran out the door in fear, Maylea stood up and ran towards the door, she saw his shadow disappear at the other end of the long spooky hallway, there was no way she could catch up to him.

Maylea breathed heavily and continued to stare out the hallway, in hope that who ever ran would come back, just then someone touched Maylea's shoulder.

Maylea spun around in a state of shock and with hope of not to die, Ashai stood in front of her, and behind him was a pool of blood and bodies, about two or three of the bodies slightly moved but the rest seemed lifeless.

„Your, Your wound is gone! How is that possible?" asked Ashai, his voice has not change one bit.

„I healed myself, that is all"

„Wounds like that take weeks to heal!"

„Ashai, you've seem me as a talking butterfly, how can you not believe me when I simply healed myself?"

He looked down at the ground, guilt was clearly shown deep in his face and he wanted to hide it.

„I'm terrible sorry for not believing you, now it's my fault that you've been injured and someone escaped..."

Maylea looked down towards his chest, he seemed to have been cut along his ribs, it was not bleeding violently, but if not treating in time it could get infected.

„Your hurt, Iet me heal you," Said Maylea.

She undid his blood-stained white kimono so she could have access to his cut, she placed her hands above the cut and the green light leaked out of her hands and magically stitched his wound to normal.

He was impressed with her healing abilities, in all his life Ashai has never seen such thing, it made Maylea worry of him thinking of her as a witch.

„Your incredible! Your like, like a-„

„A witch?" Maylea cut him off, she began to regret helping now.

„No, your like a goddess. Heaven on earth is what I was going to say"


Sometime has past, maids, guards and other workers at the palace came to the princes aid, the bodies were cleaned up and so was all the blood, gossips about the ambush was spread throughout the whole palace and soon the city.

Everyone was glad to hear the prince was in good shape and the three man are now being held guilty and will be up under a death sentence tomorrow for trying to kill the prince.

It was past midnight and the wind was stronger now, Maylea didn't think she could make it back home safe and sound tonight.

„What are you going to do now Maylea?" asked Ashai.

„I...I don't know. It's awful windy and I'm already quite exhausted, I don't know if I can make it home tonight" Maylea replied with a big sigh.

„You can stay here for the night if you wish"