
. Krýo neró‘s Vision

„ being underwater is like being in a realm where you can fly but not breath, in most cases"


Maylea stood on the edge of the dock with a smile of her face, it was time to visit Krýo-neró.

Maylea jumped in and preformed a swift dive deep into the water, it was cold and it was only gonna get colder as she got deeper, but it didn't matter.

Finding him was the problem, Maylea had been their before but with his guidance, She wanted to be able to find him with out his help. Maylea remembered the land marks and mostly where to go.

Maylea kept swimming till she reached the edge of the lagoon, it didn't take so long, then she dived down and kept swimming deeper.

Krýo neró lived in a old sunken ship and if you get close enough, you can see a warm yellow light coming from the inside. Krýo neró can breath out lava and fire so he collects big bottles of his lava and use them as a light source.

Maylea always goes to Krýo neró for advice or just to talk since he is so smart and wise.

Maylea could see deep in the depths of the dark water a small light, it was Krýo neró' home, the yellow light helped guide her to him.

Maylea entered the damaged ship and began to look around, she never got bored of Krýo neró's sunken ship.

The walls were infested with rust and alge, fish lurked the ship and filled the empty space, in a room of the ship was a stash of treasure and gold which no one dared to enter. The lava-Lamps gave off a bit of warmth and fought of the cold waters, the whole ship gave off an mysterious aura.

Maylea sort of sat down on a ruined chair and had to hold on to the edges to not float away.

„Being underwater is like being in a realm where you can fly but not breath, in most cases" said Maylea to herself, it was a pleasant feeling to be special.

Talking underwater was strange, you had to let the water fill up your lungs and accept the uncomfortable feeling, you could still talk but your voice sounded more distant.

Maylea heard a noise, she then saw Krýo neró slither through the water into the room, he looked surprised to see Maylea.

„Maylea, it's good to see you, hows your father?" Krýo neró asked in a rusty tone.

„He's in good health, he gave me a beautiful rose-gold bracelet! Thank you for asking".

1/4 of Krýo neró's body was in the room, Maylea was never afraid of him eating her, just as he wasn't afraid of her stealing from him. The bond between them was strong.

„Since your here Maylea, I had another Vision..."

„Another vision of the future? What's it about?" asked Maylea eagerly Well standing up in the water.

„It's not about you are your father, it's about prince Ashai.."

„What about him?" that was the same man Maylea had met earlier, was he in some sort of trouble? She didn't know how a prince could be in trouble.

„I saw the prince, some fighting, a bunch of man and an ambush about to happen. I am sure that he can protect himself but it is best to stop whatever madness will happen, to prevent further injuries." said Krýo neró.

„You want me to go... warn him? Couldn't I be in danger myself?"

„I am well aware off you but it is best of you warm him, it will happen at midnight"

Maylea floated in the water, thinking about everything Krýo neró had just said, maybe she should help him, it is always good to help people like her father had always told her.

„Alright! I will fly over to the Palace and warn Ashai!" said Maylea.

„Go now my dear child, be quick, I wish you luck..."

Maylea said a quick goodbye to Krýo neró and swam up to the surface, the sun was gone and stars filled the night sky. Maylea had about three hours to get to the palace, it should be enough time.

Maylea transformed into a graceful butterfly again and flown out of the cool waters, her wings shimmered like white sparkles, just like the stars in the sky.

The butterfly blended into the night quite well as Maylea hurried to fly as fast as she can to the palace. It was more difficult to fly because of a never-ending breeze but at least she knew where to go.

The stars and the half-moon lit up the sky and guiding her, looking down at small campfires and sleeping homes was a calming sight.


Soon enough Maylea had approached the main city, it may have been night but the city never seemed to be so awake, people were walking up and down the streets and roads, big and small building full with shops and signs trying to attract future customers, bright Colors and lights overwhelmed the entire city, this must have been where father had bought the the bracelet.

Maylea continued to fly to the heart of the city, still taking in all the sights it had to offer her, from boating areas to small parks and alleyways, but she was looking for the palace.

The palace was not hard to spot at all, It was the biggest building in the whole city and looked very modern, with raven black roofing, huge white walls decorated with clean windows, wooden pillars, a bridge to cross to get to the palace, a river surrounded the whole palace along with cherry trees, their were guards around every corner holding white lanterns and katanas.

The palace was like a fantasy come alive, it was so beautiful and Maylea grew envy of the noble family for living in such a beauty.

Maylea flew over top of the gate, bridge and river to the castle itself, it was huge and had many floors, how on earth was she supposed to find Ashai's room?

Maylea flew down a bit to the right-side of the building, his room had to be close to the top, Maylea spotted a big balcony decorated with plants, perhaps it was his? Only one way to find out.

Maylea flew down to that balcony, their was a faint yellow light coming from the room, she flew onto the balcony and sat down on a flower.

Inside the room their was a huge fancy bed light blue bed with white lace for beauty, their was a big bookshelf and a study area close beside, their was also a small area in the corner of the room that had a bunch of training equipment.

Sure enough their was a man sitting there sharpening his katana, it was Ashai.

Maylea looked up at the sky, the moon was not in the middle of the sky yet, but what if Krýo neró was wrong? thought Maylea.

No, he was never wrong before, and he did not lie.

„It is still not midnight, I still have time" whispered Maylea.