
. Goodnight‘s Rest

„This place is the dream I have been waiting for"


„You can stay here for the night if you wish" said Ashai.

Stay at the palace for a night? It is like a dream come true! Thought Maylea, but what about father? I'm sure Krýo neró would tell father about everything since they do talk from time to time.

„Okay!" exclaimed Maylea, joy flooded her little soul.

By this time everything was cleaned up, it no longer looked like a horror film with the bodies and blood, all the others have left as soon as they were done cleaning since no one was allowed in the princes room.

There was only one question left for Maylea to answer, what was she going to wear and where was she going to sleep?

„I have gotten a maid to bring you a kimono your size for you to wear to bed. Since I don't think you would want to wear that... dress" said Ashai and held out a pink kimono for Maylea.

„You can change in the bathroom over there, perhaps you can take a bath if you'd like" replied Ashai and pointed to a big white door.

Maylea entered the washroom with the kimono, the bathroom was big with white walls and marble floors, the bathtub was big and seemed to be made out of rose quartz, many leafy plants decorated the whole bathroom and the round cream-carpets were sheepskin.

Maylea was to tired to take a bath so she just cleaned her shoulder off a bit and put on the pink kimono.

The kimono fit Maylea well and was decorated with white blossom patterns all over, this was even prettier then all her other dresses, not that she wasn't grateful.

She went back to the bedroom and ready for bed, Maylea just didn't know where to sleep, she wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor.

„I can sleep on the floor if you'd like Ashai," said Maylea.

„No, you won't be sleeping on the floor" replied Ashai.

„Then where can I sleep?"

„You can sleep with me"

„...I call the floor"

Ashai started to laugh a little, this was not at all amusing to Maylea.

„I'm being serious, I will sleep on the floor" demanded Maylea.

„I know, I know it's just a joke. You will sleep on my bed alone. I will be meditating outside up on the rooftop" replied Ashai, regaining that serious look of his face, at least he was joking.

Maylea crawled into Ashai's king-sized bed, it was very cozy and soft, it felt as if you were up in a cloud, the light blue color and the white lace did make it look like a cloud.

„Do you need anything else? Perhaps another blanket or something?" asked Ashai.

„No. thank you very much for letting me stay here." mumbled Maylea, she was feeling a little shy all of a sudden.

A small smile formed on his face, He whispered the words ‚sweet dreams' and left through the balcony.

„Sweet dreams to you too" mumbled Maylea.


Only about half an hour past and Maylea couldn't get to sleep no matter how comfortable she was.

„This place is the dream I have been waiting for" whispered Maylea, it was better then being asleep.

Maylea starred out the balcony, it was still open, perhaps she could hang around Ashai since she couldn't sleep, she thought it would be a good idea to get to know him better.

Maylea silently creeped through the room and to the balcony, the moon was so high in the sky and the stars were ever so bright.

Maylea transformed into a butterfly again and carefully made her way up to the top of the palace, and sure enough, Ashai was sitting peacefully on the roof.

Ashai was not making any movement, he looked like a stone statue part of the palace roof.

Maylea flew up to his face, her big wings blocking his face from the moon light, he opened his eyes and knew it was her straight away.

„I thought you would be asleep by now." Said Ashai.

„I just can't sleep, mind of I stay for a bit?"


Maylea stayed as a butterfly and sat on his right shoulder, she starred off into the sky watching the moon and stars.

„Sooo, do you have any family?" asked Maylea.

„Yes. One cousin who lives on the opposite side of Japan, my father the empire and my younger-twin brother. We are all capable of fire manipulation"

„Will you become the King?"

„Yes, I am the eldest son, I will only become king tho if I find a woman to marry, otherwise the throne will belong to my father till then"

„What about your mother?"

„Died from a mysterious cause when I was fifteen, I am currently twenty-three"

„Oh. Well both my parents were killed when I was only a month old..." mumbled Maylea, beginning to feel guilty for asking such a question.

„Everyone goes through hard times, or what would life be with out the dark?" said Ashai.


The both of them sat out on the roof, thinking about there own such thoughts, Maylea had also began to feel more and more sleepier by the moment.

Maylea kept thinking about the trail tomorrow, Who was in charge of the ambush? What if Ashai killed the one in charge? What about the man that escaped? Why would anyone want to kill the prince? There were two of them anyway.

It wasn't long before Maylea's eyes shut as she drifted off to the realm of dreams, She turned back to her normal human form.

Ashai picked up her limp body and carefully made his way down the rooftop, making sure he didn't wake her up from all the jumping.

Ashai tucked her in well and said her sweet dreams, he was amazed how she hasn't woken up the whole ride down.

Ashai went back up on the roof tops to continue his meditation.

Deep in the shadows, the guilty one still remains hidden.