
Chapter Twenty

You know they say sometimes the lies come out before you get a chance to tell people the truth, well in my case the secret came out before I could get a word in edge way.

Waking up in Mason's arms was never a bad thing especially as I really was grateful that he came to see me at work after he had run around for 90 minutes on a pitch, he didn't have to and was probably so tired when he got to my workplace.

"Morning, how was the weekend?" A coworker asked me as I arrived at the shoot, she was barely able to keep her eyes open as she poured herself a cup of coffee, I nodded at her and settled my stuff down on the sofa's walked over to her to pour myself some, "it was okay, just hung out at my place and caught up on some work I have to carry on with today, how was yours?" I asked not really wanting to know how hers was, I poured myself and cup and mid-conversation walked away, I know it is rude but I was only being polite by asking her about her weekend I didn't actually want to know, you know.

I walked over to my station and started prepping the tiny bits that I needed on the table, like Mason's bowl on M&M's, I needed to organise the clothing rack that had just come in from the start of his shoot clothes to the end, so chronological order basically.

That took up most of my time, you wouldn't believe how sometimes it can be really daunting to pick what goes well with what item of clothing, I am no fashion guru but I know how mason looks and how he wears his clothes, and some of the fits I just don't know how it works.

"Oh, that looks real dapper!" One of the assistants walked past as I just finished up his suit outfit and proceeded to hang it up on the railing "he is going to look so fit in that suit, might up to shoot my shot mid shoot" she rambled on as I rolled my eyes and shook my head, she paused in his stride and stood in front of me "what? you don't think he'd look scrummy in that suit?" she asked as I shrugged. I KNOW he is going to look irresistible in the suit I don't need anyone to tell me otherwise, but I don't need someone drooling all over him like a bulldog, pick your jaw up.

"Don't think he finds being called Scrummy or the fact that he is going to get hit on during work, plus that's unprofessional " I stated with bitterness in my voice, the girl frowned and started to walk away "talk about boring" she muttered under her breath as I rolled my eyes again, if you are gonna find someone attractive I think it's wrong to describe them as food or as if you are gonna eat them, who are you the crossbow killer?


"I have arrived ladies...and gentlemen" Mason strolled in like a proper lad and made his way towards his agent, before getting there he sent a tiny head nod in my direction and I received It with a smile, this was going to be an eventful rest of the day.

The order of Mason's prep before the camera was hair and makeup then getting the outfit on and then poses for the camera, I was also there for the camera so that anything that needed to be moved out the way clothes-wise was dealt with, I was much of a hair person but seen as the makeup and Hair stylist were short staffed I was also the only one for them that was going to be with the cameraman if any hair fell out of place or he became shiny. so the runaround.

"The muse has arrived" Masons snapped me out of my thoughts and staring at literally nothing as I was looking at my phone, you know the feels when you check the time but don't actually check the time then you have to go back on your phone and check that time, it was one of those dazes.

"So we are going super casual for the first shoot, so some oversized jeans and a roll-neck with a baseball jacket, you think you can handle that?" I asked as I leant on the cabinet, he nodded and winked at me looking over at the dressing curtain where the clothes were hung, he looked back at me and smiled "they couldn't afford a dressing room so they got a piece of fabric over a box?" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes "do with what you're given they say" I said as he nodded grabbed his clothes and went to get dressed "no peaking" he added.

After a few minutes of little noises coming from Mason, he exited the changing curtain and flashed me a smile standing in front of me like he was dressed up for his first day of school, "save the poses for the camera" I said as he winked again and I walked closer to him, "I am amazed that at your big age a rollneck is hard to master" I said as I closed the space between us and adjusted his rollneck so that it was neatly rolled and evenly sat on the base of his neck, I could feel his eyes scanning my face and figuring out what was going on in my head.

"All done now off we go," I said backing up and ushering him out of the room slowly following behind him, this shoot was going to be harder than I expected if I am going to have to get as close as I just did to him.


The day was going by as quick as anything, I swear if was feeling like we had only just started and now we were coming up to the last wardrobe change of the day, and trust me as much as I couldn't believe how fast, I couldn't wait to go home.

"I'm baaaack" Masons sang as I nodded and pointed to the curtain where his suit and shoes were all hung up on the curtain "go for it," I said not breaking away from my phone, Thor and Jasmine were asking me how everything was and how my shoot with Mason was going, they have even started communicating between themselves which I find in itself weird.

Jasmine: I bet by the end of this week you two would have finally admitted your feelings for each other and be going out

Thor: Nah I give it tomorrow, I think that this time alone together will mean something to one of you

Me: I am ignoring both of you, and how the hell did you two start talking, thigroup chatat was not part of the friendship agreement for either of you!

Masons cleaned his throat and I looked up from my phone, this man looked so good! this was y man! and I was in that moment the biggest fangirl internally ever, I wanted to say and do some may things that the lord Jesus Christ himself would be so ashamed of.

"That really fits you well" I pushed the words out of my mouth as he chuckled "well I can tell, you uh think you gotta little drool.." he playfully pointed at the corner of his mouth as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "shut up" I fired back as he lifted up his tie and winked "I had a clip on so not the greatest at these things" he smirked aI I slowly frowned "I have seen videos of you putting a tie on, I know you can do,it" I said as he slowly made his way towards me and snaked an arm around my waist.

"Can you just take the gesture of me getting you to do my tie for me" he said playfully as I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tie from his free hand though he didn't let me go "you know I can't put your tie on with your arm around my waist" I whispered as he removed his arm and step back a little so I could drape his tie around his neck.

As I tied up his tie I could feel his eyes burning into my face, scanning my whole face even more than before "you are making me overheat" I whispered as I pulled his tie a little tight so that I was the perfect length and tucked it into his already buttoned up blazer giving his chest a pat, "All done" I added as he smiled slowly not breaking eye contact "thank you bub" he whispered as he looked down at my lips and then back up to my face "come on mister not long until home time" I said giving him another pat on the chest with both my hands then turning away from him and heading in the cameraman direction.

Oh Lord.