
7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic

Author: I don't own Douluo Dalu. I'm just a huge fan of Tang jia san shao's stories that couldn't suppress the urge to write this. I will also incorporate many elements from other stories, webtoons, mangas, animes and games into this story after all this is just for fun........XD A young soldier sick and tired of endless fighting and killing. His only escape from this reality were his favorite stories, animes, mangas and games. When he finally had enough and decided to retire, he found himself betrayed by his superiors. Now lying in a pool of his own blood due to his superior's cunning plot, the young soldier swore that if he was given a second chance he would choose to live a quiet and peaceful life away from all the fighting and killing. Now reborn as Dai Xingchen the third prince of Star Luo Empire in one of his favorite novels, will he be able to keep his pledge and avoid conflict? Or will he accept the gifts he was given and become an existence beyond the Gods?!

Lord_Killen_King · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue - Dai Xingchen is Born!

In a dark quiet room, a man wearing a black soldier uniform could be seen lying in a pool of his own blood.

"How.... How did it come to this?" Painfully muttered the soldier as his eyes slowly dimmed.

It was at this moment that the soldier saw his life flash before his eyes.

The soldier was born in an ordinary poor family with his mother dying of childbirth. At the young age of thirteen he lost his father who had always had a weak body due to a fatal illness.

Feeling his life no longer held purpose and wishing to honor his father's wishes, he decided to join the army and serve his country as a soldier.

For 22 straight years the young soldier constantly fought, bled and sacrificed for his country. The amount of lives he had taken during this time were innumerable. Simply put in his eyes his hands were all stained with the blood of both the guilty and the innocent.

Though it was tough, the young soldier managed to endure it all. By engrossing himself in countless novels, mangas, animes and games, the young soldier was able to forget about the corrupted and disgusting things he had seen during his time in the military.

After 22 years of constant battles and killings, the soldier finally decided that he was sick and tired of that kind of life. As such the soldier announced that he would resign as a soldier after finishing his next mission.

This resulted in his superior's becoming quite unhappy, there was no doubt that the soldier was known as the best among his generation and now he was about to leave. However the real reason they were unhappy was due to the fact that the soldier knew too much of their 'Dirt' so to speak. Simply put the soldier knew of pretty much all of the shameless and corrupted acts that they had done within the Military.

If these things that they had done were to be known by the public then every single one of their reputations would be completely ruined. This was something they would never allow to occur.

As such they tried every method they could think of to convince the soldier to reconsider his resignation. Unfortunately for them though their efforts were to no avail. Due to this the superiors in the military came to a sinister decision. They decided that the soldier must be eliminated.

During his final mission the soldier was assigned to protect a certain dignitary from another country until he reaches his destination. When the soldier and the dignitary finally reached their destination, the soldier was surprised to see the dignitary suddenly pulled out a gun and BANG! shot him straight in the chest.

As he lay down on the ground bleeding from his chest, the soldier saw the dignitary suddenly remove his face or more appropriately his mask.

Seeing the true face of the dignitary completely shocked the soldier. For it was the face of one of his superiors, a man he had considered a mentor.

After a few moments the man spoke no words, instead he simply opened the door and walked out of the room. Leaving the soldier bleeding to death inside the room alone.

The seconds flew by as the soldier realized he was moments away from death. Deep down in his heart the soldier never held any resentment or anger towards his superiors, only confusion and disappointment.

As someone who has worked 22 years of his life as a soldier he was well aware of what was in the minds of his superiors. In truth he simply expected them to blackmail him to keep his mouth shut. He never imagined that they would go this far, after all he considered them as friends and mentors, so he believed that they felt the same about him as well.

It was at this moment that the soldier realized just how wrong he was. That he had completely underestimated the lengths that his superiors would go to cover up their 'Dirt'.

As he was seconds away from dying the soldier quietly pledged: "If I were given a second chance.... I would choose to live a quiet and peaceful life away from all of the fighting and killing..... A life.... with no.... conflicts."

After speaking his final words the soldier slowly closed his eyes and died.


When the soldier opened his eyes he saw that he was in a place completely covered with white light. The soldier tried to speak in his shock, but to his surprise he couldn't speak a single word. No! He couldn't even move his mouth.

He took a look around and discovered that he was simply floating in the middle of this white light covered place.

Moments later a being that seemed to be made of pure aurora colored light suddenly appeared before him. On the being's back was what seemed to be six pairs of ethereal aurora wings.

The soldier wished to ask the being where he was, but unfortunately he still could not speak.

After a few moments the aurora being spoke.

Aurora Being: "Do you wish to live once more?"

Hearing the being's words, the soldier's eyes grew wide with shock. After a few moments of hesitation, the soldier finally nodded in response.

The Aurora Being nodded back and said: "You have suffered great loss and pain in your life, but instead of wallowing in your own sorrow you chose to use your despair as motivation to fight for your country and it's people. Even after realizing that you're country's leaders were both corrupted and deceitful, you still held on to your beliefs and stayed true to your duties as a soldier for more than two decades. The sheer amount of people you had helped and saved during that amount of time were innumerable. However now you have died under the hands of those you once knew as allies, and have now become nothing more than a lost soul."

By this point the soldier was completely astonished realizing that this Aurora Being had actually known about his life. What's more he was surprised to find out that he was actually still existing as a soul.

The Soldier thought: "Could it be that this being... is a God?"

The Aurora Being: "After witnessing all of your merits, I have decided to grant you a second chance in life.... along with three special gifts from me, you will be reborn in a certain special world that I'm sure you're quite familiar with."

He didn't know why, but the Soldier felt as if the Aurora Being had been smiling as he said those words.

The Aurora Being then raised it's hand forward and said: "My first gift."


Suddenly a red ball of light appeared before him.

The Aurora Being: "A physique similar to that of a certain super soldier.... However unlike his, yours will continuously grow stronger and faster as you age."


The red ball of light then proceeded to merge with the soldier's soul, which then enveloped his soul in bright red light.

After a few moments, the red light enveloping the soldier vanished. During the entire process, the soldier only felt a slight cooling feeling and that was all.

The Aurora Being now raised his left hand and said: "My second gift."


This time a ping pong ball sized pearl appeared before him.

The Aurora Being: "A primordial pearl that can bestow you some knowledge and abilities from fantasy worlds that you had once viewed and read."

It was at this moment that the soldier thought: "Fantasy worlds that I had once viewed and read?.... He can't be talking about animes and novels right?.... Cause if he was then...."

But before he could finish his thoughts, the pearl quickly rushed towards him and slowly entered his forehead.

The soldier only felt a bit of a headache during the process, but when the pearl fully entered his forehead, he felt the pain immediately dissipate.

Now the Aurora Being raised both of his hands over his head and said: "My third and final gift."


Just then a palm sized black pagoda tower suddenly appeared floating in-between his hands.

The Aurora Being: "This primordial pagoda's main purpose is to guide you towards a greater destiny. What's more within this small pagoda tower is a special realm, suitable for training. You can enter the realm inside the pagoda for one hour per day. Take note that the time inside the pagoda tower's realm is different from that of the outside world's. I will infuse the primordial pagoda into your soul. It will appear as a small birth mark once you are reborn."

Similar to the pearl the black pagoda quickly rushed towards the soldier, but rather than entering his forehead, the palm sized black pagoda tower slowly entered his chest instead.

As the palm sized pagoda tower slowly entered his chest, the soldier's vision gradually darkened,until finally he could see nothing more but darkness.

As the soldier felt his consciousness slowly leaving him, the Aurora Being spoke his final words.

Aurora Being: "Remember this is the only time I could bestow you another life.... So please treasure it."


When the soldier opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was being gently rocked by a beautiful woman with beautiful purple hair and yellow eyes.

It took a few moments before the soldier finally realized that the aurora being had kept his word, he was indeed reborn! And now he was a newborn infant being rocked in his mothers arms.

The purple haired woman stared at the infant with a smile as bright as the sun and endless love in her eyes.

Purple Haired Woman: "My little Xingchen you are finally born."

"Xingchen? Is that my new name?" The infant thought.

Seeing the infant in her arms tilt his head in curiosity, the purple haired woman simply giggled and said: "Oh are you curious? Well it seems you'll grow up to be quite intelligent won't you?"

The purple haired woman then caressed the infant's cheek and said with a gentle tone: "Yes that is your name. You are Dai Xingchen the third prince of Star Luo Empire."

Hearing the words 'Star Luo Empire' made the infant's eyes open wide with shock.

Dai Xingchen thought: "Could it be that I was reborn in.... Douluo Continent?..... And that this is the world of..... Soul Land?"

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen remembered the words the Aurora Being had said to him.

"You will be reborn in a certain special world that I'm sure you're quite familiar with."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Is it really possible? Was I really reborn in the world of one of my favorite fantasy novels?"

It was at this moment that a bald elderly man suddenly entered the room and excitedly asked: "Lady Jiayi is it true?! Is the third prince finally born?"

Jiayi smiled at the bald elderly man and said: "Uncle Hei you're finally here!"

She then gestured the bald elderly man to come closer and said: "Come Uncle Hei, come meet little Xingchen."

When the bald elderly man saw the infant in Jiayi's arms he became even more excited.

As the elderly man approached, Jiayi turned to Xingchen in her arms and said: "My little Xingchen I'd like you to meet your Grandpa Hei."

Hearing Jiayi's words, Grandpa Hei quickly became embarrassed and said: "Lady Jiayi I am but an old servant, I do not think it would be wise to let the third prince call me in such a manner."

Jiayi then replied: "Nonsense! You have been like a father to me in these past few year Uncle Hei. So to me it is only proper that my son addresses you as Grandpa."

Jiayi's words made Grandpa Hei feel quite touched, but before he could respond to her, a maidservant suddenly entered the room, bowed then said: "I'm sorry to interrupt Lady Jiayi, but the Emperor has arrived and has been asking about the third prince's birth."

Hearing her maidservant's words, Jiayi sighed then turned to her child with a smile and said: "Well then I guess It's time meet your father my little Xingchen."

Dai Xingchen then thought: "Well if I'm the third prince of Star Luo, then that means my father should be.... Star Luo Empire's Emperor?!.... Ugh! The son of an Emperor, this status just scream's of trouble."

Jiayi then stood up from her bed and slowly walked towards the door with Dai Xingchen in her arms. Grandpa Hei also quickly followed the mother and child.


Outside Jiayi's room a tall handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing imperial robes could be seen talking to one of the old men by his side. This man was none-other than Star Luo Empire's current Emperor Dai Baihu.

Dai Baihu: "Are you sure there were no problems during the birth?"

Elder: "Yes your Magesty, we have confirmed that there were indeed no problems during the birth of the third prince."

Dai Baihu nodded as he sighed in relief: "That's good, hopefully Jiayi doesn't hold much of a grudge cause I wasn't able to witness the birth of our son."

The Imperial Advisor then said: "With all due respect your imperial Majesty, your duties as the Emperor affects the lives of everyone in the Empire. So I'm definite that Lady Jiayi surely understands."

Hearing his Advisor's words Dai Baihu couldn't help but show a forced smile as he thought: "Clearly none of you understand how terrifying that woman can be when she's pissed."

Dai Baihu then thought of something as he nervously asked his Advisor: "Any word from the Empress?"

The Advisor then replied: "The Empress stated that for now it would be best for you to stay by Lady Jiayi's side Your Imperial Majesty."

Dai Baihu then grimaced: "Ugh! Of course she would say that, the two of them are practically like sisters."

When Dai Baihu married Jiayi he had originally thought that she and his first wife the Empress Zhu Zhuhua would not get along. But to his surprise they did get along. The problem was.... they got along too well. To the point where they would usually unite to overrule some of his family choices.

At this moment the door to Jiayi's room opened and Jiayi walked out of the room with an infant Dai Xingchen in her arms.

Jiayi smiled towards Dai Baihu and said: "Hello my love, would you like to meet our son."

The infant Dai Xingchen then turned his head towards the man in front of his Mother and thought: "So this is my father huh.... Blonde hair and blue eyes, I guess that's really the trademark of the Dai family."

Dai Baihu then smiled back at Jiayi and replied: "I would like nothing more my love."

He then turned his sights to the infant in Jiayi's arms. Seeing the healthy infant curiously staring at him, Dai Baihu's smile grew wider as approached the infant and said: "Hey there little guy I'm your Dad. I see you're not crying, completely different from your two elder brothers who were constantly bawling the moment they first saw me."

Out of nowhere a female voice suddenly sounded.

???: "Oh is that dissatisfaction about my sons I hear? "

Hearing the female voice, Dai Baihu's face suddenly paled.

It was at this moment that all the elders bowed their heads and said: "Sees Your Majesty The Empress!"

As for Jiayi a happy smile appeared on her face as she greeted the woman: "Sister Zhu..... I mean... Your Majesty the Empress you came!"

Staring back at Jiayi, the Empress gave a humble smile as she smiled: "Of course, I would never miss the birth of your child."

She then turned to the Emperor and showed a smirk: "So what was it that you were saying about my sons again?"

"I.. um.. I.. well." Nervously muttered the Emperor.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "So the almighty Emperor of Star Luo turned out to be your typical Henpecked Husband huh."

It was at this moment that a childish voice suddenly interrupted the Emperor's muttering.

???: "Mother?"

When the Empress turned to see who it was, she was slightly surprised.

The person turned to be a young boy with the same blonde hair as Dai Baihu.

The Empress: "Mubai?"

"Mother!" Exclaimed the little Dai Mubai as he dived into his Mother's arms.

Hearing the Empress call out the child's name, Dai Xingchen was surprised as he thought: "Mubai?!..... As in Dai Mubai, as in THE Dai Mubai?! The Divine Realm's God of War?!"

After a brief surprise Dai Xingchen then continued his thoughts: "Well if that's really Dai Mubai then I guess it confirms that I'm in Soul Land 1's timeline."

The Empress smiled at her son then asked: "Mubai what are doing here? Were you following me you naughty boy?"

The little Mubai then became embarrassed as he explained: "Actually Mother I was playing outside when I saw you come in here, so I thought I'd follow you and see what you were doing."

Jiayi then smiled and said: "Well since Mubai is here how about we introduce him to his new little brother."

Dai Mubai: "Little Brother?"

Dai Baihu then smiled and said: "That's right Mubai your Aunt Jiayi just gave birth to my third son. Your new little brother Dai Xingchen."

Jiayi then approached Mubai and knelt one knee so that the boy could clearly see the infant in her arms.

Seeing the Infant in Jiayi's arms, Mubai couldn't help but exclaim: "He's so small!"

Jiayi giggled and said: "Of course he is, after all he was just born today."

Finally getting a good look at the little Mubai, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "He's probably around three to four years old. Then I guess that make's me around the same age as Tang San and most of the members of the Shrek Seven Monsters."

Dai Mubai then said: "Hello there little brother. My name is Dai Mubai, I'm your big brother! From now on I will always be there to protect you, no one dares to bully you!"

Seeing the childish Dai Mubai, the infant Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile as he gently touched his elder brother's cheek. This action of his made the future God of War even more determined to protect this little brother of his.

Seeing this Jiayi smiled even brighter as she thought: "It seems he likes you Mubai."

Seeing his two sons getting along so well brought a wide smile to the Emperor's face. However after a moment he suddenly remembered the rules of the royal family and his smile quickly turned into a frown.

The Emperor then asked: "Jiayi.... Can I hold him?"

Jiayi then stood up and brought the infant in front of his father as she said with a smile: "Of course my love."

Dai Mubai then said: "Father after you, I wanna hold my little brother too!"

Dai Baihu then took the infant Xingchen into his arms and smiled as he said: "My third prince.... Something tells me that you'll be making a lot of interesting things happen in the future."

Hearing Dai Baihu's words, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "Hopefully those 'Interesting Things' you speak of aren't anything troublesome..... But knowing myself, trouble seems to always have a way of finding me. Especially after everything that just happened."