
7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic

Author: I don't own Douluo Dalu. I'm just a huge fan of Tang jia san shao's stories that couldn't suppress the urge to write this. I will also incorporate many elements from other stories, webtoons, mangas, animes and games into this story after all this is just for fun........XD A young soldier sick and tired of endless fighting and killing. His only escape from this reality were his favorite stories, animes, mangas and games. When he finally had enough and decided to retire, he found himself betrayed by his superiors. Now lying in a pool of his own blood due to his superior's cunning plot, the young soldier swore that if he was given a second chance he would choose to live a quiet and peaceful life away from all the fighting and killing. Now reborn as Dai Xingchen the third prince of Star Luo Empire in one of his favorite novels, will he be able to keep his pledge and avoid conflict? Or will he accept the gifts he was given and become an existence beyond the Gods?!

Lord_Killen_King · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Story of Jian Jiayi!

It's been three months since Da Xingchen was reborn in the Douluo world. During this time he had been doing his best to listen in on anything and everything that the adults around him would talk about. However as a 3 month old infant his ability to gather information was truly limited.

Among the rumors he had heard, were rumors about Tang Hao's banishment and the Clear Sky Clan suddenly disappearing. Another rumor was about the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's Yu Xiaogang being expelled from the clan. And the final news he had heard about was the birth of two new daughters within the Zhu family and talks of betrothals.

Dai Xingchen then thought: "So I can assume that Tang San should've crossed over to this world by now."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen remembered: "That reminds me, didn't the Aurora Being say that he had bestowed me 3 Gifts, I wonder how I can use them."

He then recalled something and checked his chest. On his chest was an extremely small black birthmark. If one were to fully focus their eyes on it, then one would vaguely be able to make out the shape of a pagoda tower.

"I will infuse the primordial pagoda into your soul. It will appear as a small birth mark once you are reborn."

Dai Xingchen then thought: "Those were his exact words if I'm not mistaken."

He then once again looked down on the small birthmark on his chest.

Touching the birthmark, Dai XIngchen thought: "But how exactly do I use it?"

It was at this moment that Jiayi suddenly came into the room and picked up Dai Xingchen from his crib.

Sitting on her bed with her infant son in her arms, Jiayi suddenly gave an exhausted sigh as she muttered: "I wish things were different."

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "Mother seems to have been greatly stressed these past few weeks. I wonder what's wrong."

He didn't know why but seeing his Mother like this, Dai Xingchen had a sense of foreboding. He could feel that something bad was about to happen.

Dai Xingchen was no stranger to this feeling, he always felt it whenever he and his comrades were about to be ambushed by the enemy troops in his previous life.

Dai Xingchen thought: "Hopefully what I'm feeling is just a misconception. Besides even if there was something bad about to happen, what can I possibly do about it? I'm just a three month old baby right now."

It was at this moment that Jiayi's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"What's wrong my little Xingchen you seem sad?" Said Jiayi as she showed a gentle smile towards her son.

Seeing his Mother still showing a gentle smile towards him despite feeling quite stressed, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but stretch out his little hand and touch his Mother's cheek.

Thinking that it was perhaps a mysterious connection between Mother and Child, Jiayi immediately understood what her son felt the moment he touched her cheek.

Jiayi stared at her infant Son and said in a somewhat surprised tone: "My child you're... worried about me?"

The infant Dai Xingchen slowly nodded in response to his Mother's question.

Seeing this Jiayi's eyes grew wide with shock as she couldn't help but exclaim in surprise: "My goodness you really are an intelligent child!"

Jiayi then thought for a moment then turned back to her son as she asked with a smile: "My little Xingchen would you like to hear Mother's story?"

The infant Dai Xingchen simply nodded once again in response to his Mother's question. In truth he was actually very interested in his Mother's backstory.

Jiayi then smiled and stood up from her bed. She then carried the infant Dai Xingchen to the room's window and stared at the beautiful starry sky.

Jiayi: "Now where should I start?..... How about we begin with my family.... I was born as a member of a small spirit master family known as the Jian Family. My full name is Jian Jiayi."

Dai Xingchen thought: "So my Maternal family is called the Jian Family. Now that I think about it, Mother hasn't introduced me to anyone from her side of the family has she?"

Jiayi: "Members of our Jian family all had the same type of tool spirit. Basically all of us had sword type martial souls."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Sword type?! I remember the maidservants mention that Mother had a flame type martial soul..... could they have been mistaken?"

Jiayi: "Our Jian family were originally living in seclusion within a small hidden village outside the borders of Star Luo Empire called Luanshi Village. There, our small Jian family lived peacefully and harmoniously with the villagers. It was a place where conflicts rarely occurred. Due to the village being quite secluded, it rarely received supplies. The villagers often worked together and got along well to ensure the stability of the village. There you would see people constantly sharing food and supplies with their neighbors, then said neighbors would return the favor by fixing their houses or helping with their housework. A truly harmonious place."

Dai Xingchen thought: "It really does sound like a nice place."

Jiayi: "Everything was great. Life was nice...."

By this point Jiayi frowned as she continued her words: ".....Until my father found that Spirit Bone."

Hearing her words the infant Dai Xingchen's face turned serious as he thought: "From what I remember from the first Soul Land, Spirit Bones that are of ten thousand years or higher can incite the greed of countries, which pretty much lead's to battles that would result in the deaths of countless people, earning them the title of Treasures of the Bloody River. Hopefully this Spirit Bone my Maternal Grandfather found wasn't of ten thousand years or higher."

Jiayi: "That Two Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Bone."

Dai Xingchen's eyes opened wide with shock as he thought: "Crap! Such a precious treasure would've definitely incited the greed of numerous powerhouses!"

Jiayi sighed then continued her story: "At that time my Father was exploring an old spirit beast mountain called Fallen Garuda Mountain. It was said that long ago a powerful hundred thousand years spirit beast known as Soaring Skies Great Garuda lived in that mountain. Whether it was by luck or misfortune my father accidentally fell into a hidden pit within the mountain. Inside the pit my father found a secret entrance to an old mysterious cave. From what my father told me, inside the cave were numerous trinkets dating back to hundreds of years ago. It was there that my father found a large safe with a broken lock. When he opened the safe, that's when he saw it. A hundred thousand years spirit bone!"

By this point Dai Xingchen thought: "I can only imagine what my Maternal Grandfather must've felt at that moment. It must've been a mixture of both excitement and fear."

Jiayi: "In fact my father could've fused with the spirit bone right then and there but he was afraid he would attract unwanted attention from other spirit masters who were exploring the mountain. After all fusing with a Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Bone would definitely be sensed by other spirit masters nearby."

Dai Xingchen thought: "If that was the situation then my Maternal Grandfather must've taken the spirit bone and left the mountain as quickly as possible."

Jiayi: "A few days after that my father came home to us and told us what happened. After hearing his story we were all completely shocked to say the least. My father only told people he truly trusted about the spirit bone."

By this point Jiayi's expression became sorrowful as she continued: "Now that I think about it, my Father might've been a bit too trusting at the time."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Someone must've betrayed my Maternal Grandfather's trust."

Jiayi: "One of my Father's sworn brothers owed a huge debt to someone from spirit hall. He couldn't pay off the debt so he decided to give them information about my father's spirit bone in exchange."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Spirit Hall.... Of course they were involved."

Jiayi: "Five days later people from spirit hall came knocking at our doorstep. But we weren't afraid. After all my father was a powerful rank 86 Spirit Douluo. Not to mention by that point my father had already successfully fused with the spirit bone."

By this point Jian Jiayi had once again raised her head to look at the starry skies. She then sighed and continued her story: "But what we didn't expect was that the people from spirit hall had actually brought four titled douluos with them."

Dai Xingchen thought: "A recipe for disaster."

Jiayi: "They demanded that we handover the spirit bone or they would show us no mercy. Our family didn't agree and a fight began. Our Jian family tried our best to hold them off but we were ultimately overpowered. Eventually my father had no other choice but to use the spirit bone's ability to buy us some time to escape. When the people from spirit hall realized that the spirit bone my father possessed was a hundred thousand years spirit bone, their eyes became filled with greed as they focused all of their attention to him. Seeing that they were hellbent on taking his spirit bone, my Father used that as a means to lead them away from us to make our escape easier."

By this point Jiayi had to wipe a tear by the side of her cheek before she continued.

Jiayi: "Days past and we received word that my father had escaped from the people of Spirit Hall. This forced the people of Spirit Hall to come after us as a means to draw my father out of hiding. One by one they hunted the members of our Jian family like animals. Eventually my father couldn't endure any longer and decided to come out of hiding. Knowing that things were extremely dire, my Mother decided to hide me in a special location. Our Jian Family's secret realm!"

Hearing his Mother's words Dai Xingchen became completely surprised as he thought: "My Mother's family actually had a secret realm!"

Jiayi then sighed: "Unfortunately only one person at a time could enter our family's secret realm. And out of all of our family's juniors, it was decided that I would be the one to be hidden. I hid inside the secret realm for an entire two weeks, and when I finally came out...."

By this point Jiayi had once again shed another tear.

Jiayi: "....I saw my father sitting on a stump, covered in blood, his right arm and left leg missing.... He was dying."

Dai Xingchen sighed as he thought: "He must've fought with everything he had for his family."

Dai Xingchen was no stranger to such scenes in his previous life. He had seen numerous soldiers lose their limbs fighting for what they believed in on the front lines.

Jiayi: "My father told me that he originally intended to surrender himself and the spirit bone. But when he found out that they planned on exterminating our entire Jian Family just to avoid any future troubles of us planning to get revenge, my Father decided to fight back. He then told me that the remaining members of the Jian family including my Mother decided to stay by his side and fight!... In the end, among the remaining members of our Jian Family only my father survived."

Dai Xingchen sighed once again as he thought: "Haaaah... It seems I am also fated to have a grudge with Spirit Hall. After all exterminating a person's Maternal Family isn't something so easily forgiven."

Jiayi: "After that.... he handed me a ring type storage spirit tool and told me that I had to go to Star Luo Empire. He told he had a friend that could shelter and hide me there. I told him I didn't wanna leave him.... But he was very insistent, so all I could do was comply.... I was twelve years old when all of this happened.... When I finally arrived at Star Luo I felt so alone, confused and scared. I had no idea what life had in store for me after everything that had happened. It was then that I found the friend my father was talking about."

She then looked down at Dai Xingchen in her arms and said with a smile: "It was none other than your Grandpa Hei."

Dai Xingchen then thought: "So that's why their so close.... Because he took her in when she had no one."

Jiayi: "Knowing that I was the child of his good friend, Uncle Hei took me to his home and raised me like I was a part of his own family. I can never be thankful enough for what he did for me. After Uncle Hei took me in, I immediately checked what was inside the spirit tool my father left me..... And to my shock and horror it turned out to be the very spirit bone that brought about my family's destruction. It was then that I realized that my father had removed the spirit bone from his body. When I saw that spirit bone I felt anger..... so much anger. I wanted to throw it away, but I knew my father would've wanted me to keep it safe, so I did just that."

Dai Xingchen thought: "So I'm guessing that spirit bone is still in Mother's safe keeping."

Jiayi: "In order to hide my true identity Uncle Hei created a false background for me which resulted in me having to change my name to Lin Jiayi. Up to this very day the only one who knew about my true identity was Uncle Hei."

She then once again looked down at her son in her arms with a smile and said: "And now you know it as well. That is.... if you still remember when you grow up."

Dai Xingchen thought: "So Mother was using a false identity all along."

False identities were not something Dai Xingchen was unfamiliar with. Throughout his previous life as a soldier their had been countless situations where he was forced to use false identities during his missions.

Jiayi: "For three whole years I lived peacefully with Uncle Hei here in Star Luo. But.... I still couldn't forget my hatred.... my hatred for spirit hall!"

Dai Xingchen: "...."

Jiayi: "Just before I turned sixteen I lied to Uncle Hei and told him that I wished to travel so I can gain some experience, but in truth I actually just wanted to start planning my revenge against spirit hall."

Jiayi then sighed and continued: "Thinking back now maybe I should've thought twice about my choices back then. In order to get revenge against Spirit hall I decided to join the only influence in the world that was willing to be enemies with spirit hall... the influence of Evil Spirit Masters... Abyssal Devil Cult!"

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen was shocked as he thought: "Wait a second, I've never heard of this influence before. An Evil Spirit Master influence that was willing to go against spirit hall? I don't think there was such a thing during Tang San's time. Not to mention.... Evil Spirit Masters only ever started becoming known during Soul Land 2 and the Evil Spirit Master organization in that story was suppose to be known as Holy Ghost Church. Could it be that this world isn't the soul land from the novels but instead an alternate version of it?"

Jiayi: "The elders of Abyssal Devil Cult quickly saw potential in me as such they were more than happy to let me become one of their followers. I... did some really terrible things while I was with them... Things that I'm not proud of. During my time with them, I killed countless members of spirit hall. I also managed to find out who it was among the people of spirit hall that gave the order to slaughter the members of my Jian family... It was a bishop named Culus."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Bishop Culus huh...."

Jiayi: "Eventually I became extremely disgusted by the Abyssal Devil Cult's actions and decided to leave. However.... the Abyssal Devil Cult had a rule. Once you've joined, you can never leave. And if you insist.... then you can only die. That was their rule."

Dai Xingchen thought: "A fitting rule for an Evil Spirit Master organization."

Jiayi the said: "However I was determined to leave. Thankfully I had also used another fake identity when I joined them. So when I left and restored my other fake identity as Lin Jiayi none of them could find me. To this very day they are probably still looking for me."

She then took out a tear shaped white pendant from her pocket and said: "This was a special treasure I had obtained during my time in Abyssal Devil Cult. I don't exactly know what it does but legend says it is capable of saving one's life and transforming one's body."

She then looked down on her infant son and said with a smile: "From this day forth this little pendant now belongs to you my little Xingchen. Hopefully it's legend turns out to be true and that it will save your life at a dire situation."

The infant Dai XIngchen then stretched out his little hands and grabbed the pendant's thin chain.

Dai XIngchen thought: "The first precious gift my new Mother has given me... I will treasure it."

Seeing that her 3 month old son was holding the pendant's chain, Jiayi's smile grew even wider.

She then stared back at the night sky and continued her story: "When I returned to Uncle Hei I was surprised to find out that he had achieved Rank 83 Spirit Douluo and had become one of the people under the Star Luo Empire's Royal Family."

Dai Xingchen thought: "Rank 83 Spirit Douluo?!.... Who'd've thought that Grandpa Hei was actually so strong."

Jiayi then smiled as she remembered what came next: "That was when I met your Father and Aunt Zhuhua.... And with them, I finally regained the nice and happy life that I had always longed for."

She then once again looked down at her son with a smile and said: "And then I had you."

Dai Xingchen then thought: "So this was Mother's life story huh.... It was definitely not what I was expecting that's for sure."

Jiayi: "Haaah.... It's so nice to finally talk about my life experience with someone. You'll keep this secret for me won't you my little Xingchen."

She then giggled and continued: "That's if you actually remember it once you've grown up."

Dai Xingchen thought: "....Oh I'll remember Mother."

Jiayi: "Oh dear, I seem to have been too absorbed with my story. We better get you to bed my little Xingchen."


6 Months Later

One of the Star Luo Empire's Elders could be seen rushing towards the throne room.


As he slammed the doors open, he quickly knelt in front of the Emperor and exclaimed: "Your Majesty a matter has occurred that requires your urgent attention."

Hearing the Elder's words Dai Baihu quickly stood up and asked: "What is it Elder Liu? What has happened?"

Elder Liu: "Your Majesty some of our soldiers were killed by the members of the Abyssal Devil Cult!"

Hearing the Elder's words Dai Baihu and Zhu Zhuhua's expressions immediately changed while as Jiayi's pupils quickly shrank.

Dai Baihu then ordered: "Quickly tell me everything!"

Elder Liu: "Your Majesty it all began several days ago when we received reports that some cloaked spirit masters were murdering ordinary people at the Entertainment District. Hearing this we quickly dispatched soldiers to apprehend the villains, however when our soldiers arrived they had all long left the scene. This morning we managed to find some clues regarding the location of their hideout, and as such we decided to send some of our most elite soldiers just to be safe. What happened next was not something we could've ever foreseen would happen. Most of our elite soldiers were quickly exterminated!"

Dai Baihu then raised his voice and said: "Please tell me that you at least managed to capture these murderers!"

Elder Liu then bowed his head and said: "I beg your forgiveness your Majesty we only managed to capture a few of them while as the rest of them got away. After we interrogated the ones we captured, we were able to confirm that they were low ranking members of Abyssal Devil Cult and that they were here searching for one of their former members named Yan Ling!"

Hearing the latter part of the Elder's words, Jiayi's heart turned cold. Yan Ling was the alias she used while she was a member of Abyssal Devil Cult.

Dai Baihu pinched his nose bridge for a moment then said: "Gather the other elders! I wish to talk to the ones you captured."

He then turned to his two wives and said: "Zhuhua, Jiayi you two stay here. I'm going to find out what's going on."

Jiayi: "Understood My Love."

Zhu Zhuhua: "Whatever you're planning to do make sure to be careful."

Dai Baihu nodded to them then proceeded to leave the throne room with the elders.

When the Emperor left, Zhu Zhuhua couldn't help but give a sigh.

Seeing this Jiayi couldn't help but ask: "Sister Zhuhua what's wrong?"

Zhu Zhuhua sighed once again and said: "I'm just a bit worried because the Abyssal Devil Cult suddenly appeared here in Star Luo. If Spirit Hall gets wind of this I'm afraid Star Luo might become the battlefield of their two forces."

Hearing Zhu Zhuhua's words, Jiayi's eyes immediately turned serious. She had made a decision.


When Jiayi returned to her room she quickly took out a ring type storage spirit tool from one of her drawers. Infusing some spirit power into the ring, a small object suddenly came out of it. When the object came out it quickly illuminated the entire room with golden light. It was none other than a spirit bone!

Jiayi sighed then said: "I never thought the day would come that I would need to use this."


It was at this moment that a 9 month old Dai Xingchen suddenly woke up from his slumber. He was once again feeling a sense of foreboding.

Dai Xingchen thought: "I'm getting that feeling again."

He then put his hands together and prayed: "Please don't let anything bad happen to my new family."