
First Time for Everything

I lay there on the couch, staring at the ceiling, pondering the events thus far. Well, by thinking through all that happened today, it is pretty reasonable to assume that I'm stuck in a high-class prostitute's body. Why it's a small girl, that I do not know. This room... The Butler... This is not your average run-of-the-mill kind of operation. All I could wonder was; what the extent of debts owed must be ridiculous if it's around $10,000 a session?... How could a single girl incur so much? Jean, who are you?...

The Butler appeared back in the room and tended to the stained carpet with an unmarked bottle and a large cloth. Blood and puke? Hmph. Good luck with that on an expensive white carpet... Oh. I carelessly remembered the semen still slowly dripping out of me. So much is going on. It really is hard to just focus on a single thing... Anyways, how do girls normally handle this? Do I pop day after pills constantly? Do I wash it out? How do I wash it out?... I'm not meant for this at all... I guess I should take a bath. I smell of sex, cologne, and vomit...

I quickly take off my dirty dress and head to the shower. Lavender body wash, orange shampoo, and coconut conditioner adorn the wall with several washcloths and a loofa. I gratuitously rub the body wash all over. My skin is silky smooth and feels great to touch. My body doesn't have body hair if any, almost as if it were waxed or shaved clean. As my hands start exploring my body with soap, they stop on my small breasts. My nipples are very sensitive and make me jump a little on contact. 'I guess flat chests mean more sensitive nips wasn't a myth?' Wow. I'm starting to talk out loud to myself. 'Great job you've lost it now psycho...'

I skip my chest and work on my arms, legs, and waist. I constantly apply generous heaps of body wash to my washcloth and scrub hard. Scrub, scrub, scrub. I scrub hard until each part of my body almost feels raw. Only two places left... Guess It's best I resume where I left off. I wash out the washcloth and squeeze a glob of body wash to the center. My hands pause for a brief moment and I start to rub across both breasts.

'Uuuu...", a brief moan escapes my lips as I explore my lewd body. I should be trying to clean myself but I keep slowing down and rubbing my breasts and nipples sensually. Pleasure slowly starts to assault my mind as I scrub my chest several more times, each time generating the more and more ecstasy, and I start to feel my body get hot. My hands start to wander around my body, moving slow and erotically. Pleasure starts to assault me and my carnal desire kicks in.

I carefully reach down and feel my taint. It's shaved smooth without the protruding labia. In fact, I guess this one is what they would call an Inny. I carefully resume prospecting the outline of my cameltoe and just barely tip my clitoris. Electricity jumps through my entire spine and my legs shudder and almost give way. I feel my labia start to slightly swell and a hot liquid starts to drip out. I start to rub my vaginal lips slowly while cupping my right breast and rubbing the nipple in a circular motion.

'Ahh... Uuu... Uuuuuuuuuuu... Ahhh... Uuuuuu...'

As the pleasure starts to rise, my mind starts to go blank with pleasure, pleasure that I didn't achieve by penetration from the 2 clients thus far. My breathing goes ragged and erratic and my hands become possessed and start moving on their own. My left-hand begins to do two circles, starting with the inner labia and ending on the outer, while ending with a small rub of the clit. My right-hand vigorously switches between cupping and rubbing to twisting and pulling. The varying movements bring me closer and closer to the edge. My pace slowly increases with each rotation. This is amazing... I start to feel that familiar sensation of cumming that I had as a man.

'Ahhh.... Oooo.... Uuuuuuuu... Ahhhh.... Just... A.... Little.... More.... Ahhhhhhhhh....'

My hands vigorously increase in pace and pressure. My right leaves my breast and focuses entirely on rubbing my labia in circles and up and down. My left starts two finger penetration, just enough for about one and a half phalanges, while I softly tap my thumb against my clitoris. My fingers slowly slide in, I feel my inner folds constrict and relax. This feels great. I feel myself start to reach the pinnacle for release but, then my body takes over. My hand moves on its own and instead of direct in and out insertion, my fingers slightly slide in to tap the upper vaginal wall and slide out. Squelching noises mix in with my moans of pleasure. I stop caring about keeping my voice down. My vision begins to fade, my legs start to wobble and weaken. Finally, I feel an eruption from inside as I finally cum.

'AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhHHhh....', my moan resonates through the bathroom. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole world heard me...

A considerable volume of milky fluid erupts from my ejaculation and I finally lose balance and fall to the ground. I miscalculate the positions of my hands and I fall on my wrist sending my fingers deeper into my vagina. Since I had not recovered from my first time masturbating, the sudden reapplication of pleasure while I'm extra sensitive forces me to buckle in pleasure and I keel over. I lay there, almost motionless except for the occasional body spasm. Time flies by as I lay in a mixture of show water and my own secretions. Only minutes after my afterglow do I notice my wrist starting to hurt a considerable amount. Men have it pretty good but, this was considerably better. I start to lose consciousness due to exhaustion...


I regain consciousness sitting straight in a stool next to the shower. The Butler is carefully washing my hair while I have a top-open shower cap. He carefully scrubs my hair with the fragrant velvet shampoo and, thankfully for the cap, no soap or water flow down into my face.

'Thank you...', I embarrassingly mumble while looking down. He must have found me after my curiosity led to my fainting in a pool of my own secretions.

I notice that my body is actually completely clean and sweet orange smelling. This man... This Butler is amazing. I should thank him. 'T-t-....', As I start to thank him, my suddenly eyes start to water and tears slowly roll down my face. My voice starts to break up before I could even form words. I'm pathetic.

The Butler stops scrubbing my hair, washes his hands off in a nearby bucket, and embraces me so that my face rests upon his shoulder. I cry deeply into his shoulder. Mmm... he smells like peaches. Physically and emotionally exhausted, I feel myself drift off to sleep again.