

The sensation of falling endlessly through the sky. The rush of wind funneling all around you, falling like a feather softly to the ground below. I open my eyes to find myself soaring in an endless sky with no terrain below. Am I falling or flying? I can not tell. This fleeting feeling. This feeling of being free...


I spring awake and suddenly sit up. A moderately heavy comforter slumps off and my eyes adjust to the bright lights in the room. I slowly scan the room from this alerted position. The door to living room, makeup dresser, extensive closet, bathroom door, chandelier, door to an outside pool, and an unmarked door that I have not opened yet. I glance at the nearby bedside table. A single digital clock which reads 1:47 a.m. and my phone sitting on its charger stand are all that adorn the top. Again, I'm reminded this is not a dream, and this is my reality...

I slowly reach for the phone when I feel a presence in the room. I quickly glance around and the Butler is standing at the front of the bed holding a familiar tea set. He calmy strolls up and places the tray on my lap, the familiar fragrance of jasmine and chamomile wafts through the air and stimulates my senses. As I sip the tea, my body starts to feel energized and fatigue wears off. I feel rejuvenated!

'T-thank you'

I pick up my phone to read, "You're welcome. All appointments till 8 a.m. have been canceled due to you needing time to recover. Rescheduling fees will be deducted from the days' profits." I sit there in an awkward silence as he gazes upon me with his one eye. I finally muster the courage to ask the one question that I've been wanting to ask since he appeared.

'E-excuse me... What is your name?'

The Butler looks slightly taken aback as if shocked that someone would want to know. He furrows his brow and after a few moments, his reply appears on my screen; "Hyousuke Shirayuki, Nirnasha. Mr. Death, Prisoner # B-24753576, and guardian of Jean Terik"

'U-umm... That's quite a mouthful. Can I skip the titles and just call you Hyou?'

Hyousuke looks slightly perturbed at first, furrowing his brow and slightly cocking his head. But after a short while, slightly nods his head and resumes his usual blank stare. He awkwardly stands there, unmoving while gazing upon me. My mind feels slightly numb as we stare at each other.

'D-do you know how much I have to p-p-pay back?', I mumble while stuttering.

His stare changes from blank to a pensive gaze. His eye breaks contact and gazes at the ceiling while he pondered.


My heart sinks. My mouth forms a wry smile as I chuckle.

'Excuse me, what?', My shy tone and stuttering forgotten. I feel sick in my stomach. How long do I have to work here?

'How much do I make each session?'

"The average 50-minute session with no extras, requests, fetishes, or extensions is $10,000. Booking the reservation, cost of residence, clothing, utilities, bribes, and caretaker fees bring your net profits to about $1,000 per session. Depending on what you can handle can adjust the net value to around $40,000 for a profit of $18,000 but your experience will be quite unpleasant."

'What do you mean unpleasant?'

"There are things not mentioned on the internet or by mouth for a reason. But, because of how hard it is to find such services, people are willing to pay when they find a source. Do you wish to delve into the unknown to speed things up?"

'P-probably not...'

"It's hard to find an employee that's willing."

'That sounds ridiculous... Has anyone done before?'

Hyousuke pauses for a brief moment.

"Perhaps... I guess if they're asking they must have offered those extreme extras before."

My head begins to spin. The room starts to blur as the colors blend together. My body starts to buckle and drop. I feel myself fall back onto my pillow. The phone vibrates in my hand, Hyousuke sent another message but I can't comprehend anything I'm seeing.

'In any case, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed... I'll be heading off to sleep.', my voice falling off with each word until nothing more than a whisper is left.


I feel groggy and try to open my eyes but, my body isn't cooperating the way I want it to. My reasoning is foggy and my movements feel slow. My senses are dull. I have to give my body a jump start. I'm slowly caressing my body, gently stroking my nipples. I can minutely feel pleasure start to assail my mind. I clumsily start switching between groping and rubbing my scanty breasts.

'Uuu...', a soft moan escapes my lips and echoes through the silent room. My movements are too slow to make any sound at any decibel. As I start to feel more aroused, my coordination and wits start to be more responsive. My body begins to form a soft sweat and my loins feel slightly moist. My legs reflexively purse together and my thighs erotically rub against each other.

'Haaa...', my mind is in the heavens but my pleasure is slowly anchoring me back down. My mind is still bogged down by a fog. I have to deliver the final touch to get me out of this. Carefully, I muster the strength to move my hand down to my loins and I sensually trace my middle finger across my slit all the way to my clit.

'Haaahhh.... Uuuuuuu...', my moans resonate through the room. I bite my lip to muffle the noises. My hand movements ruffle the sheets with each pass. I circle my other hand and focus around my areola tenderly. Honey starts to drip out and I catch a bit on my finger with each trace. I dabble my pointer and middle finger one last time in the slow flowing honey. My fingers now sufficiently lubricated, I start to quickly swirl my clit with my middle while tapping with my pointer.

'Uuuuu,,, Aaaaa,,, Aaaaa,,, Aa,,, Uuuu....', My mind feels free from all intoxicants but is now completely clouded by pleasure. My moans loudly drone throughout the room. I have no cares in the world other than feeling this pleasure.

"Yo man, Dat shits wack! Dis hoe don't need me! I paid top dolla fo dis premium pussy."

I manage to peek an eye out at the sudden voice, still focusing on rubbing and tapping in succession. Hyousuke and an extremely tall and muscular black man are watching from the living room doorway. Hyousuke nods his head at the gentleman and leaves without a sound. I increase my pace once again. I can feel my honey flow out of my pussy and start to soak the sheets. I'm almost there! The feeling of exploding is nearing it's pinnacle...

'Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... Aaaaaaaaaaaaa..... Aaaaaaaaaaa....', my moans turn into soft screams. My body is on the precipice of release...

"Aiteee! Da names Jamal and you gonna take it all!"