
Force of Will

I don't know how much time passed after I passed out; minutes, hours? I really don't know. When my consciousness next kicked back in, I felt like I was soaring through the sky. Everything was a blur as I was moving. The only blob I could make out was a pale white blob with a small black blotch near my face. I passed out again.

I sit up. There were still unfamiliar surroundings. I was surrounded by clean white walls and expensive looking furniture. I look down and see that I'm naked, but still a petite woman. My eye catches a slight movement to my right so I cock my head in that direction.

He stood there silent as a winter night, a tall man dressed in a black butler outfit. He had a noticeable scar that crossed his right brow, that seemingly crossed across where his left eye was and continued down his left cheek, but his left eye was covered by a medium-sized eyepatch. He had well kept medium length black hair that had a part slightly off center. His brown eye gazing upon me.

'Excuse me?...', I softly questioned.

He did not reply. Instead, he stood there like a statue. After what seemed like a lifetime of awkwardness, he softly gestured towards my phone while holding his up. I glanced at the screen to the words, "Are you alright?"

'Umm... Where am I? How did I get here? Why is this happening? Wha-...'

He puts a single finger to my lips as if to tell me to be quiet and shakes his head from side to side. After a brief pause, he motions to the phone once again; "Are you alright?"

'Y-yes... I think I'm alright now...', I meekly replied. I wasn't going to get any answers from him. I have many questions and I guess now wasn't the time to ask.

The Butler, after another brief awkward pause, motioned again to the phone. "Next time, hit the panic function and I'll respond to the offender. I had to clean you up and take you here to rest. Because of that, you missed 3 appointments."


The phone seamlessly scrolled up revealing more text as it was being typed.

"This next appointment in 15 minutes we could not cancel. He is a long time VIP within the club so you have to be ready in that time."

'N-no... not another. What am I being subjected to this?...'

"Until your debts are paid off, you have to continue working for The Blue Angel Gentlemen's Club. Now, what would you require before your next clientele?"

'What would I require?... Work off my debts?... You're just confusing me more!'

He calmly stood there, still unmoving, but his finger rapidly sweeping across his phone screen. "After this client, you'll have an hour and 15 minutes of break time. I feel you're not quite yourself today so I'll answer everything you ask of me again then."

While I read his last message, he calmly struts across the room, heading to the living room area. I lay in the bed staring at the tall ceiling, questions swirling through my mind. While I was staring at the ceiling, he apparently came back and placed a tray containing a small tea set on the bed next to me. It was almost like he made no sound while he moved.

"Finish some tea and I'll help you get dressed in the next 5 minutes."

I listened to what he wrote. The tea had aromas of jasmine and chamomile. It was delicious. After sipping down the tea he held out his had as if to take mine. I softly grasped his outstretched hand and he helped me stand up. He led me by hand to the closet where there were a beautiful black dress, stockings, lace panties, and a tiny tophat laid out. As if he done this many times before, he swiftly yet comfortably, slid my panties on then each stocking. The dress took three small motions but he got it on without even messing up my hair. Pretty amazing.

"Remember, if the client is being abusive or abrasive. Hit the panic button and I'll respond asap."

When I looked up, I was alone.

*Ding Dong*

The front doorbell rang. There was another man who... paid for me to have sex with him. I reluctantly make my way to the door and softly sweep it open. A handsome Caucasian male in a white suit stood in the doorway holding a single rose. He offered me the rose while bending down to my height.

"Oh my! Jean you're prettier than the pictures on the website. I couldn't believe they had someone of your statue in the business. It almost feels illegal hah!"

He slowly advanced into the room until my back was pressed against the wall. With his free hand, he lightly grasped under my jawbone and pulled towards his face. He held me there for a few moments then went in for a deep french kiss. Our tongues intertwined like snakes doing a courtship dance. His kiss was sweet and after we parted, a single saliva trail slowly stretched between us.

"Mmm... young and sweet. Just how I like it. $10,000 for this fuck is going to be worth it. Let's get started."

He closed the door behind him, picked me up, and headed to the couches. He laid me down and lifted my skirt to reveal my black lace panties. My body quivered. I couldn't speak. After that first guy, I had no idea what to expect from this man, but he seemed nice I guess. He calmly took off my panties to reveal my vagina quivering in anticipation. He slowly ran his middle finger up and down the slit, pausing to rub the clit every other stroke.

'Ahhh...', I let out a soft moan. His finger stimulating my sensitive parts felt amazing and every time he played with my clit electricity ran through my spine. This was definitely more pleasure than I felt as a man masturbating. My mind started to go blank.

"Wow! I didn't even have to lick you wet. Your honey is already running down your legs. This is the real deal of a lifetime." With that comment, he unzipped his pants and with a single thrust brought all of his length in a single go.


He held it inside for a while. It wasn't as large as the previous man but I could still feel his length press into my folds. His dick buried to the base and despite the pain and pleasure of being pried open, my vagina clamped down on it. Of course it was tight. This body was so tiny it's remarkable they could even fit these dicks in.

"Guh... I don't know how much longer I can hold... Normally I'm pretty good at lasting long but this is... Ugh! Ahhh!"

Without a second thrust, I felt his seed flow into me, his warmth spreading deep. He stayed there for several moments unable to pull out during his sensitive climax and my tight contracting hole. "Holy fuck... I have to train more to endure your hole. $10,000 for less than 5 minutes is kinda embarrassing... Hah."

He slowly slid out, pausing every so often from the pleasure. When his flaccid length finally came out, a small amount of semen followed and dripped on the carpet. My body was felt hot. It wanted more. I didn't want more. What the hell was this girl forced to do?

"Well uh... I still have like 40 minutes but we're only given one pop so... Uh... Why did you want to go into the business?"

He asked the very question I didn't have the answer to. I laid there in his afterglow and slowly turned my head in his direction. This was easier than the last guy but it still was mentally exhausting. I can't really answer this guy's questions. I grab my phone there were 5 options on the screen; Assistance, Routy, Clean, Extention, and Finished. I thumb 'Finished'.

The Butler from before popped in and pat my client's shoulder twice.

"Whoa, where'd you come from? I uh... I'm not quite done with my deed yet."

My butler motioned at the semen slowly dripping down onto the carpet, motioned towards the door with both arms and did a slight bow while closing his one eye. The client took an apprehensive step backward while considering his possible options. After a brief moment, he assumed a generic fighting stance. He wasn't going to leave this early without a fight.

The Butler, with his eye still closed, expertly changed stance to show he has combat training. My client didn't stand a chance. The Butler, with one hand, motioned to leave one last time. The client didn't care. He wasn't about to back down even in the face of an impossible foe. He started to charge with his fist outstretched.

It was over faster than in a blink of an eye. The Butler did a gut-wretching jab that floored my client to his knees. The client held his abdomen in pain, vomited blood and puke, and finally keeled over. The Butler picked up the broken man and took him outside.

'Holy shit... I can't run from this... This is my life now...'

I came to the conclusion that maybe I should work off whatever debts this body owed without question. I am not fond of this job but it's my only option... At least it feels good even though I don't feel good doing it.