
29th July

I had a dream.

I looked around me, wondering where exactly I was. To my left were tables, desks and chairs. Beyond the desks was a wall. At the front, a blackboard. At the back, the class notice board. To my left was a window which I could see out of. The scenery was beautiful, trees that seemed below me swayed gently in the wind. The clock at the front of the class seemingly producing a soft, almost silent tick. Every second, one tick, every tick, one second passed. The classroom seemed to be empty except for myself. I looked out again, the weather seemed to be quite nice, the pavement seemed to glow orange.

It was the sunset.

Orange light streamed into the classroom, engulfing me in the gentle warmth. I sat and stared out the window, captivated by the warmth it provided. Almost like a blanket was wrapped around me, it felt so comfortable.

Tick… Tick… Tick…

I recognised the place.