
30th July

I had a dream.

I stood there, under the orange glow of the soft sunlight in the distance. The clouds above me were stained an orange, the wind blew against me gently, ruffling my hair. Did I stand there, facing the sunset, or was it the sunrise? I was unsure, but the view was beautiful, and I think I'll go with the sunset. I looked around me, it was an unfamiliar place. Where was I?

Behind me was a green metal door that had the paint scratched away. The ground below me was cracked and unsafe. At several places, I noticed a few patches of red, thinking positively, it was most likely red paint, yep, red pain, nothing else. Around the area, were fences, green fences that were built to twice my own height. I looked past it, where the small view of landscape could be seen, the town. Lights were turning on, people roamed the streets oh so far away as I stood in place.

Where was I?