
28th July

I had a dream.

I blinked, there seemed to be something bright in front of me. I reached my hand out, blocking the light, getting a clearer view of everything around me. It seemed I was facing the sun, a beautiful scene, actually. The sun seemed to be setting, or was it rising? Where was I?

I tried to look around at the scenery, where could I possibly be? I looked down and realised I was sitting down, on a wooden bench even. Dark brown and classy, I seemed to be on a wooden bridge. In front of me, without a railing, I could see what was below me. Not too far below the bridge, was a small stream. Water so clear it looked completely transparent, shimmering, the surface of the water reflecting the sunlight. I looked at the stream, there were fishes swimming inside, koi, white fishes with coloured patches. I guess it was not too deep, I could see the bottom of the stream, where there were rocks, smooth white and grey rocks. At the shore too, around the stream, were the rocks.