
Comments of chapter undefined of Smallville I am Clark Kent

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Thanks for the chapter. I'm really loving this story. I like how Clark's friendship with Lex is going so well with Clark not being such a self righteous hypocrite this time around. Lex can be an amazing friend if treated right. He even played wingman for Clark in this chapter! Perfect, simply perfect work, author. I really hope to see more of Chloe Sullivan too!

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That was a really smooth way of handling Lana and the kryptonite. If anything, he could go even further and state that he speculates it’s a radioactive meteorite and it may induce mutations in people. She just saw Bug Boy. What does she think might happen to her after years of exposure?

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Loving the chapters so far jus be careful with the romance situation so far it’s been a bit cringy with his confession with Chloe and lex mentioning the harem situation. Lol no one would say it like that realistically. I’d watch out for the few corny moments, if you could make them a bit realistic then it would elevate his interactions with the girls

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Thanks for the chapter I wonder if you will give him chi : Chi Manipulation As Chi is the natural life force of the universe and lives inside everyone, it is technically possible for anyone to be able to access and call upon it. However, it requires incredible dedication, focus and training. Only skilled and dedicated members from the Order of the Crane Mother, the Chaste, and the Hand, have shown to be able to use its abilities. Enhanced Physical Attributes : Even without the power of the Iron Fist, through control of their Chi, the user is able to enhance their bodies physical attributes including strength, speed, reflexes, agility, durability, and stamina. They can perform feats impossible for normal humans. Danny Rand was able to leap over a speeding car, effortlessly block his opponent’s attacks like they’re moving in slow motion, dodge gunfire at point blank range, and only be slightly stunned by being struck with brass knuckles in the back of the head. He could also use a small amount of chi energy to tear open a straitjacket. Davos was able to use the power of Chi to give him greatly enhanced stamina, allowing him to hunt down and fight waves of Triad gangs all night without slowing down or tiring. 5FBD25FE-F325-4BD7-A819-168BE959058B DRandClimbingOnTopOfA-Building Enhanced Healing and Recovery: Using Chi, a skilled practitioner can speed the body’s healing and natural recovery, even without the use of prolonged meditation. Danny Rand was able to recover from his shattered leg incredibly quick, regaining his strength and agility so quickly it greatly surprised Colleen as she was retraining him. Rand-vs-Wing-StickTraining Enhanced Vitality: Chi can be used to ignore the effects of frailty and old on the body, and allow it to still function at its peak. Despite being a man in his 70’s-80’s Stick was able to use his chi to give himself the strength and stamina of a top athlete. Stick was able to fight not only Daredevil, but also many agents of The Hand. Madame Gao is also able to use her Chi to give herself enhanced vitality, but unlike Stick, she does this only in short bursts, with intense focus. This is due to her being centuries old, and thus regularly requires her cane to walk. Stick 4 "You meditate?" "I learned when I was a kid. Helps with the pain... and healing faster." ―Claire Temple and Matt Murdock[src] Meditation Empowerment: Through meditation, the user can completely center and recharge one’s chi. This can be used focus oneself, provide insight, drain impurity from the body, dampen pain, and even speed natural healing. Stick was a master of this healing technique and even taught it to his student Matt Murdock. Danny meditation DD2FinalTrailer11 Matt-Murdock-Meditates-S1E11 Chi Focus: Chi can also be used to enhance one’s mental facilities, allowing faster processing of situations, greater understanding, and provide new strategies. Danny and Luke were able to enhance their focus to figure out a new strategy to beat Bushmaster.[5] Danny also used his Chi to help him return home from K'un-Lun, and plan for his fight with The Hand. Power Man & Iron Fist (Meditation) Danny Chi Iron Fist Meditating Sleep Suppression: Using Chi the user is able to successfully go without sleep for long periods of time (or, at the very least, to replace long sleep with periodic meditation). While they can ignore the effects of fatigue and sleeplessness for extended periods, it is not infinite as the human body still requires rest. This is incredible useful for vigilantes like Daredevil and Iron Fist, as they often do not have time for constant and regular sleep, and are often active most nights. Davos was a constant practitioner of this technique, as he viewed full sleep as a waste of his time. RandMeditatingAtTheHosplit

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Hello author, I really liked your novel, keep it up. I hope he doesn't become a journalist. He establishes his own company using his own intelligence and krypton technology.👍🤩🫅

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I love this especially him being netter friends with lex if Clark had been honest with lex he most likely wouldn't have become evil

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Thanks for the chapter. I look forward to the continuation of this story

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Thanks for the chapter

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come see us more often, it wasn't bad

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Thanks for the chapter 🙏

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I agree you. Nice chapter

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Thanks for the chapter 📖😁👍


You seem to have a lot of issues with perspective switches. Because again in this chapter I saw a few that seemed unclear who was supposed to be talking.

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Smooth one for Lana lang points for the meteorite necklace return which was Clark Kent dealing with fallout of the Chole Sullivan situation with a deft hand .looking forward to Chole response to Clark Kent answer . Including Lex as a wingman , Pete, and Clark Kent road trip ahead to saving Lana lang from Greg . Although, Lana lang and Clark Kent were having a more h"onest" conversation about Clark Kent condition from Lana lang about why he goes week in the knees. without explaining his alien kryptonian original just yet to another friend in Lana lang with his kryptonite issues? 10/ 10 points for decking jock Whitney , which the real Clark Kent should have done as the new Clark Kent love tap " didn't that much for Whitney boy ( even though Whitney got better in the latter seasons) as OG Clark Kent was self righteous hypocrite . Continue on Cheers!

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Awesome chapter and story!!! Can't wait for more chapters!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👍🐐

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Thanks for the chapters more chapters pls


Thx author