
Comments of chapter undefined of Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

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Thanks for the chapter 😁

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Does MC go on a long trip to other series like Game of Thrones? The Excalibur sword item from the movie King Arthur: Legend of the Swor can be useful to deal with demons and dark creatures, what do you think about adding it to the store list?


Ptt: I would recommend the protagonist save up to buy the Warhammer 40k emperor's sword, That sword is capable of killing any demon permanently, With that sword the protagonist could kill any demon and it would never come back to life. Another slightly weaker but equally powerful option would be the Doom Slayer's crucible sword, although less powerful it is still effective against demons, Finally, the Protagonist could try to buy the ability to understand and speak the "enunciation" language of Warhammer 40k, that language can be learned by anyone, Even a normal human, and it is so powerful that a normal human could even allow it to control reality and kill any being with a single word, If the Protagonist learned that language, he would easily kill or control several enemies, You could even buy a Pokémon Master ball and lock some powerful being inside it, I mean if theoretically the Master ball can catch even Arceus easily, this being the Pokémon god, it could well catch powerful beings from the world of supernatural You could obtain the bottle containing the fountain of eternal youth from Nanstsu no Tzasai and be immortal. You could also buy instead of regenerative potions, scp500 pills to cure diseases and even the zombie virus, Or the dragon ball hermit pill to heal any wound, You could even purchase some power, ability or item that allows you the ability to fuse anything, And you could fuse the scp500 and the hermit's pill and in that way obtain a pill capable of curing any disease and curing any existing wound, How about getting the luck of king from one punch man? It would be such a high luck that it even makes the protagonist's plot armor look ridiculous, I say King's luck is so powerful that it even affects the protagonist of his own anime Saitama in such a way that it allows him to always make King look good.So King's luck in theory in some cases is even higher than the luck given by the protagonist's plot armor, Even if you can't buy King's luck you could also buy the X-men's "domino" luck, her "luck" is capable of making her at least dodge bullets, avoid explosions and dodge attacks You could also improve your magic by learning Eldritch Magic used by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, This Magic would allow you to do various things, such as making duplicates of yourself, molding magic into weapons, and armor, such as swords, bows, whips, or shields, Open portals to any part of the universe, Even rewrite reality by modifying past events like Dr Strange did with Peter Parker, Etc etc. As extra protection you could try to obtain the vector power of accelerator, this power would allow you to repel almost any attack since every attack, Regardless of its type, it always has vectors, vectors that you could easily control and repel or return. And if you want psychic powers that are relatively easy to obtain, You could go to the world of "chronicle", And go to the place before the protagonists, that way obtain the power of the alien crystal and have telekinesis strong enough to fly and move objects with your mind.

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I think a good way to use the mutant power like unlimited blade works from the fate series that create any weapon he can imagine by studying the weapons also he should become a tribrid like hope mikealson from legacies so he can be witch vampire and werewolf with super soldier surem. I think it it would be good to get dean and Sam luck up higher then their main universe like almost rabit foot level luck

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I suppose if he can't make another world his main world then he has to keep Dean and Sam alive least he have to deal with the apocalypse every time he gets back.

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Deixei mais 2 power stone se largar isso se vai ter o kuzin alargado por 7 negões

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Capítulo muito bom, caso precise de alguma "magia" você poderia fazer o mc tentar aprender ou comprar a fala amaldiçoado do inumaki de jujutsu kaisen nunca vi ninguém utilizando ela, ela também é muito versátil pelo que se pode fazer, e não é tão quebrada pois tem bastante limitações por causa do recuo dela caso ele tente fazer algo absurdo tipo matar um arcanjo ou algo parecido.


How about giving one of them the power of the ghost rider after all ghost rider is anti hero spirit of vengence

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Is their a universe where he can farm points he can keep going back if you run out of movies o rt until he level up enough

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The quiet place is actually the easiest area if you think about it...they go crazy with the hearing aid squeal noise amped up....broadcast via speakers and shotgun to the alien face.

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Hi guys, leave your advice and criticism in the comments, it helps me improve

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The MC should focus on empowering himself before focusing on other people.

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You keep mentioning Alastair. Do you mean Azazel? Alastair doesn’t show up until Season 4.

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Меня огорчает решение автора раздавать способности, поэтому бросаю читать. Поначалу мне нравился рассказ, но такие действия глупые, рассказать что может путешествовать по мирам, когда сам говорит, что небеса наблюдают.

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Thanks for the chapter 📖😁👍

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What do you think about another Marvel serum? Like an extreme serum

