
Comments of chapter undefined of JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

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so this might be too OP how you implement it but i think a final weapon that would be cool to have as a summon would be the Black Barrel from the nasuverse. it’s ability is to measure the life(?) of an object and shoot out the same amount of energy to kill it so like our earth has a lifespan of billions of years so the barrel would shoot out the same energy to destroy the earth. now in the fgo game it takes time to acquire a target then to get a read on the lifespan and even to shoot it needs a demi-servant with a command spell so it’s pretty much a final shot and you get it only once.

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Is his technique limited only to guns or does any modern weapon or something similar to it work as well like bombs or tanks

Ariseto:just calm down on the self insertion, i'm not going to add whatever you just said since its the first time im hearing of it. Sound good but I'll do my own thing so just sit tight and just enjoy the ride

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This is fun, the intrigue is interesting, I want to know more

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With this Sacred Gun, I summon: The Gun Devil

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Thanks for the chapter